(For the music leader by David, the Lord's servant.)
Human Sin and God's Goodness
1 Sinners don't respect God;
sin is all they think about.
2 They like themselves too much
to hate their own sins
or even to see them.
3 They tell deceitful lies,
and they don't have the sense
to live right.
4 Those people stay awake,
thinking up mischief,
and they follow the wrong road,
refusing to turn from sin.

5 Your love is faithful, Lord,
and even the clouds in the sky
can depend on you.
6 Your decisions are always fair.
They are firm like mountains,
deep like the sea,
and all people and animals
are under your care.

7 Your love is a treasure,
and everyone finds shelter
in the shadow of your wings.
8 You give your guests a feast
in your house,
and you serve a tasty drink
that flows like a river.
9 The life-giving fountain
belongs to you,
and your light gives light
to each of us.

10 Our Lord, keep showing love
to everyone who knows you,
and use your power to save all
whose thoughts please you.
11 Don't let those proud
and merciless people
kick me around
or chase me away.

12 Look at those wicked people!
They are knocked down,
never to get up again.
Takozi Lidri ro
1 Takozi ka takozi'ba o'ba takozi usune ya ndaro ya;
nda ni ta Lu oro ro kpa ko,
2 Tana nda ka andivo ndaro ondre 'du ndra,
ago ekye Lu usuna takozi iro vona ko ago opena vurena ko.
3 Ata ndaro orivoya konji be ago kowe amba be;
nda ye ta kote tavouni si ago ye tase kado kote.
4 Nda ka tavoora undiro ora ondro nda kate u'du gitipara
dri owo; nda ka ŋgase ko orivoya kado oye,
ago nda ga ŋgase undiro ko zo.
Takado Lu ro
5 OPI, ŋgalu 'duro miro ka osa vo'buyakuru ya;
ta'diri miro ka ruozo vokuru ya.
6 Taŋgye miro orivoya oso 'bereŋwai wiṛa ronye;
vure ope miro orivoya oso gyi'desi ociekye ronye.
Lidri ndi koronyai be nya ni tana oti Äye OPI.

7 Äye Lu, ŋgalu 'duro miro kado tawi!
Lidri ka ŋgagaga usu lindri kufui miro ro zele.
8 Ànya kayi karama onya ŋgaonya amba nyabe ozona si,
ago nya gyi ozo umvune ànyari ni golo takado miro ro yasi.
9 Etovo adri ro orivoya mibe,
ago tana ŋgaeyi miro si mà ŋgaeyi ondre.

10 Nyugu ŋgalu para miro ka'da ànya se kabe mi lu ri,
ago nya takado oye ànya se orivoya taŋgye'bai ro ri.
11 Mi'ba lidri driuŋgyi be katakoru ko mädri
kode lidri kozi konja ma ko.

12 Mindre vose lidri undiro ko'dete kigye te.
Avo ànya te vuru ago te mbaraako oŋgane.