Shout Praises to the Lord
1 Shout praises to the Lord!
With all that I am,
I will shout his praises.
2 I will sing and praise
the Lord God
as long as I live.

3 You can't depend on anyone,
not even a great leader.
4 Once they die and are buried,
that will be the end
of all their plans.

5 The Lord God of Jacob blesses
everyone who trusts him
and depends on him.
6 God made heaven and earth;
he created the sea
and everything else.
God always keeps his word.
7 He gives justice to the poor
and food to the hungry.

The Lord sets prisoners free
8 and heals blind eyes.
He gives a helping hand
to everyone who falls.
The Lord loves good people
9 and looks after strangers.
He defends the rights
of orphans and widows,
but destroys the wicked.

10 The Lord God of Zion
will rule forever!
Shout praises to the Lord!
Räṛu Oye Lu Opa'ba ri
1 Nyäṛäṛu OPI!
Nyäräṛu OPI, lindri maro!
2 Märäṛuna OPI 'da ori tu cini maro rosi;
maŋgona loŋgo 'da Lu maro ri ori maro si.
3 Miyi ta miro ko dri'bai lidri roya;
lidri se unina ko mi opane.
4 Ondro ànya kodrate oko, ànya gote durufu ya;
tu gi ana si tavoora cini ànyaro kyete.

5 Mano se Lu Yakoba ro kani opana orivoya ni Kado
se kabe mio'ba OPI Lu ndaro,
6 se 'ba vo'buyakuru ni ndi 'bädri be, gyi'desi,
ndi ŋgase cini orivoya ànya yasi be 'do dri.
Nda ondoalo ka tao'ba ndaro ätina;
7 ago ka 'dise abe ezana, vurena openi
ago kani ŋgaonya ozo 'dise täbiri ro ri.

OPI kani kamba'bai onji dritai ro;
8 OPI kani miako'bai o'ba voondrene.
Nda kani ànya se 'dete rriti ya eŋgana;
OPI kani taŋgye'bai ndaro lu.
9 OPI kani atrai se kabe ori wari amaro ya gagana;
nda kani ävuzii ndi kyemvoi be opa,
oko kani tavoora takozi'bai ro perena.

10 OPI mirina vo 'da äduako,
Äye Zaiona, Lu miro, orina 'da rriro tu cini si.

Nyäräṛu OPI!