Aaron Puts the Gold Lamps in Place
1 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Tell Aaron to put the seven lamps on the lampstand so they shine toward the front.”
3 Aaron obeyed and placed the lamps as he was told. 4 The lampstand was made of hammered gold from its base to the decorative flowers on top, exactly like the pattern the Lord had described to Moses.
Instructions for Ordaining the Levites
5 The Lord said to Moses:
6 The Levites must be acceptable to me before they begin working at the sacred tent. So separate them from the rest of the Israelites 7 and sprinkle them with the water that washes away their sins. Then have them shave their entire bodies and wash their clothes.
8 They are to bring a bull and its proper grain sacrifice of flour mixed with olive oil. And they must bring a second bull as a sacrifice for sin.
9 Then you, Moses, will call together all the people of Israel and send the Levites to my sacred tent, 10 where the people will place their hands on them. 11 Aaron will present the Levites to me as a gift from the people, so that the Levites will do my work.
12 After this, the Levites are to place their hands on the heads of the bulls. Sacrifice one of the bulls for the forgiveness of sin, and the other to make sure that I am pleased. Then the Levites will be acceptable to me. 13 They will stand at my altar in front of Aaron and his sons, who will dedicate the Levites to me.
14 This ceremony will show that the Levites are different from the other Israelites and belong to me in a special way. 15 After they have been made acceptable and have been dedicated, they will be allowed to work at my sacred tent. 16 They are mine and will take the place of the first-born Israelite sons. 17 When I killed the oldest sons of the Egyptians, I decided that the first-born sons in each Israelite family would be mine, as well as every first-born male from their flocks and herds. 18 But now I have chosen these Levites as substitutes for the first-born sons, 19 and I have given them as gifts to Aaron and his sons to serve at the sacred tent. I will hold them responsible for what happens to anyone who gets too close to the sacred tent.
The Levites Are Dedicated to the Lord
20 Moses, Aaron, and the other Israelites made sure that the Levites did everything the Lord had commanded. 21 The Levites sprinkled themselves with the water of forgiveness and washed their clothes. Then Aaron brought them to the altar and offered sacrifices to forgive their sins and make them acceptable to the Lord. 22 After this, the Levites worked at the sacred tent as assistants to Aaron and his sons, just as the Lord had commanded.
23 The Lord also told Moses, 24-25 “Levites who are between the ages of 25 and 50 must work at my sacred tent. But once they turn 50, they must retire. 26 They may help the other Levites in their duties, but they must no longer be responsible for any work themselves. Remember this when you assign their duties.”
Ora Lambai ro
1 Ago OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 2 “Nyata Arona ri mikye: ‘Ondro nda kate lambai se njidrieri ana orana kuru oko, lamba ri ŋgaeyine mile ŋga lamba edrero roya.’ ” 3 Ago Arona yete inye; nda raa lamba te kuru mile ŋga lamba edrero roya, oso se OPI kota Musa be ronye. 4 Ede ŋga lamba edrero te oso nonye, edete logo läguläguro udiudiro si eto ṛoni unjuvona ya le fo nai ya, nda edete betina oso se OPI kaka'dabe Musa ri ronye.
'Diwäṛi ndi Odi to Lewe'bai robe
5 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 6 “Nyana Lewe'bai ni lidri Yisaraele ro lakosi, ago nyäwäṛi ànya. 7 Ago ono ni tase miri oyene ànya wäṛiro owo: nyuluvu gyi 'di wäṛiro ànya drisi, ago mi'ba ànya kuvuyi bi lomvo ànyaro ro cini, kojayi boŋgo ànyaro ago ko'bayi andivo ànyaro wäṛiro. 8 'Dooko mi'ba ànya kuruyi 'daŋgo ombato'diro ndi ŋgapäṛi na inya ro kyira ndändärändä ro dro'bedro'bero ido si be, ago miri 'daŋgo ombato'diŋwa aza urune ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota. 9 Miri Lewe'bai ezine mile Mutuguṛi a'do lototi maro roya, ago miri kala lidri cini Yisaraele ro ro ombine. 10 Ondro nyezi Lewe'bai te OPI kandra oko, lidri Yisaraele ro ri drii ànyaro o'bane Lewe'bai drisi, 11 Arona ri Lewe'bai ozone OPI kandra oso ŋgapäṛi lämu'du ro ronye ni lidri Yisaraele ro rigyesi tana ànya kinduru robe OPI ri. 12 'Dooko Lewe'bai ri drì ànyaro o'bane 'daŋgoi drisi, ago miri alodina ozone ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota ago azana ta ŋgapäṛi ozaro ta OPI ri, ta 'diwäṛiro oyezana ta Lewe'bai rota.
13 “Ago miri Lewe'bai ezine Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be re, ago miri ànya ozone oso ŋgapäṛi lämu'du ro ronye OPI ri. 14 Miri Lewe'bai lewene ni lidri Yisaraele ro lakosi oso inye, tana ànya ka'doyi robe maro. 15 Ono vosi Lewe'bai ri te ocine Mutuguṛi ya ruindune, ondro nyäwäṛi ànya te ago nyozo ànya te oso ŋgapäṛi lämu'du ronye owo. 16 Tana ozo ànya te cu märi ni lidri Yisaraele ro lakosi; vo 'dise cini kefobe käti ni ya yasi roya, se cini ätite kayoro lidri cini Yisaraele ro lako, märu ànya te andivo maro ri. 17 Tana 'dise cini ätite kayoro lidri Yisaraele ro lako orivoya maro, lidri ro ndi riti koronyai 'ba ro robe; ṛoni tuse mutufu ŋgase cini kayoro 'bädri Ezipeto roya be sina ana si madi ànya te to andivo maro ri. 18 Märu Lewe'bai te vo 'dise cini kayoro lidri Yisaraele ro lakosi roya. 19 Ago mozo Lewe'bai te oso ŋgapäṛi ronye Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri ni lidri Yisaraele ro lakosi. Ànyari ruindune lidri Yisaraele ro ri Mutuguṛi ya, ago koyeyi ta rumora ro robe lidri Yisaraele ro lako, tana ta ruezaro koziro ka'do robe i'do lidri Yisaraele ro lako, ondro lidri Yisaraele ro kayite ikyi loto Vo Alokado re owo.”
20 Musa ndi Arona be ndi lowa cini lidri Yisaraele ro robe yeyi tate Lewe'bai ri oso se cini OPI kota Musa be oyene 'do ronye; lidri Yisaraele ro yeyi ndi oso inye Lewe'bai ri. 21 Ago Lewe'bai wäṛiyi andivo ànyaro te ni takozi ri, ago jayi boŋgo ànyaro te; ago Arona ozo ànya te oso ŋgapäṛi lämu'du ronye OPI kandra, ago ye ta rumora rote ànya wäṛizana. 22 Ono vosi Lewe'bai ciyite ruindu ànyaro oyene Mutuguṛi ya Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be kandra, oso se OPI kota Musa be ta Lewe'bai rota ronye, ago ànya yeyi ndi inye Lewe'bai ri.
23 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 24 “Ono ni tase ta Lewe'bai rota owo: etoni ndroa 'buteritu fonji ya ago oyigwo mileyaro, ànya ko'de gwo ocine ruindune Mutuguṛi a'do maro lototi roya. 25 Ndroa 'butenji vosi ànyari te efone ni losi ruindu ro yasi ago kote ànyari ruindune tona, 26 oko ànya oyena ŋgaopa ndi ädrupii ànyaro ri Mutuguṛi ya, ka'doyi ca ko dri'bai ro ruinduvoya owo. Ono ni tase oyero Lewe'bai ri ta kama ànyaro rota owo.”