Land East of the Jordan River Is Settled
(Deuteronomy 3.12-22)
1 The tribes of Reuben and Gad owned a lot of cattle and sheep, and they saw that the regions of Jazer and Gilead had good pastureland. 2 So they went to Moses, Eleazar, and the other leaders of Israel and said, 3-4 “The Lord has helped us capture the land around the towns of Ataroth, Dibon, Jazer, Nimrah, Heshbon, Elealeh, Sebam, Nebo, and Beon. That's good pastureland, and since we own cattle and sheep, 5 would you let us stay here east of the Jordan River and have this land as our own?”
6 Moses answered:
You mean you'd stay here while the rest of the Israelites go into battle? 7 If you did that, it would discourage the others from crossing over into the land the Lord promised them. 8 This is exactly what happened when I sent your ancestors from Kadesh-Barnea to explore the land. 9 They went as far as Eshcol Valley, then returned and told the people that we should not enter it. 10 The Lord became very angry. 11 And he said that no one who was 20 years or older when they left Egypt would enter the land he had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Not one of those people believed in the Lord's power, 12 except Caleb and Joshua. They remained faithful to the Lord, 13 but he was so angry with the others that he forced them to wander around in the desert for 40 years. By that time everyone who had sinned against him had died.
14 Now you people of Reuben and Gad are doing the same thing and making the Lord even angrier. 15 If you reject the Lord, he will once again abandon his people and leave them here in the desert. And you will be to blame!
16 The men from Reuben and Gad replied:
Let us build places to keep our sheep and goats, and towns for our wives and children, 17 where they can stay and be safe. Then we'll prepare to fight and lead the other tribes into battle. 18 We will stay with them until they have settled in their own tribal lands. 19 The land on this side of the Jordan River will be ours, so we won't expect to receive any on the other side.
20 Moses said:
You promised that you would be ready to fight for the Lord. 21 You also agreed to cross the Jordan and stay with the rest of the Israelites, until the Lord forces our enemies out of the land. If you do these things, 22 then after the Lord helps Israel capture the land, you can return to your own land. You will no longer have to stay with the others. 23 But if you don't keep your promise, you will sin against the Lord and be punished.
24 Go ahead and build towns for your wives and children, and places for your sheep and goats. Just be sure to do what you have promised.
25 The men from Reuben and Gad answered:
Sir, we will do just what you have said. 26 Our wives and children and sheep and cattle will stay here in the towns in Gilead. 27 But those of us who are prepared for battle will cross the Jordan and fight for the Lord.
28 Then Moses said to Eleazar, Joshua, and the family leaders, 29 “Make sure that the tribes of Gad and Reuben prepare for battle and cross the Jordan River with you. If they do, then after the land is in your control, give them the region of Gilead as their tribal land. 30 But if they break their promise, they will receive land on the other side of the Jordan, like the rest of the tribes.”
31 The tribes of Gad and Reuben replied, “We are your servants and will do whatever the Lord has commanded. 32 We will cross the Jordan River, ready to fight for the Lord in Canaan. But the land we will inherit as our own will be on this side of the river.”
33 So Moses gave the tribes of Gad, Reuben, and half of Manasseh the territory and towns that King Sihon the Amorite had ruled, as well as the territory and towns that King Og of Bashan had ruled.
34 The tribe of Gad rebuilt the towns of Dibon, Ataroth, Aroer, 35 Atroth-Shophan, Jazer, Jogbehah, 36 Beth-Nimrah, and Beth-Haran. They built walls around them and also built places to keep their sheep and goats.
37 The tribe of Reuben rebuilt Heshbon, Elealeh, Kiriathaim, 38 Sibmah, as well as the towns that used to be known as Nebo and Baal-Meon. They renamed all those places.
39 The clan of Machir from the tribe of East Manasseh went to the region of Gilead, captured its towns, and forced out the Amorites. 40 So Moses gave the Machirites the region of Gilead, and they settled there.
41 Jair from the Manasseh tribe captured villages and renamed them “Villages of Jair.”
42 Nobah captured the town of Kenath with its villages and renamed it Nobah.
'Bakalai se 'Buzele Yaradene ro yasi
(Otadele 3:12-22)
1 'Bakalai Rubena ndi Gada robe orivoya tii be amba; ondro ànya kondreyi wari Jazera ndi wari Gilada robe te se orivoya vo kado yi tii ri ŋga onyazana ana te oko, 2 ànya ikyiyite ago atayite Musa ndi kohani Eleazara ndi dri'bai lowa robe ri ekye: 3 “Atarota, Dibona, Jazera, Nimera, Esebona, Eleale, Seboma, Nebo ndi Beona be, 4 'bädri se OPI kopa Yisaraele'bai be urune ono, orivoya vo kado yi tii ri ŋga onyaro; ago ama ruindu'bai miro orivoya tii be. 5 Ondro ka'do nyulu ama ndi nyozo wari se ono ämäri drimbi ro, miza ama ko orine Yaradene tasi.”
6 'Dooko Musa logotate lidri Gada ro ndi Rubena robe ri ekye: “Ondro ka'do ädrupii amiro ka oyi kyila ya oko, mile amiro orine noŋwa ya? 7 Tana e'di mile gwo mbaraako ozone lidri Yisaraele ro ri ni oyivoya 'bädri se OPI kozobe ànyari ono ya ni ya? 8 Ono ni tase täpii amiro koyeyibe tuse mazo ànya beni Kadesa Baranea yasi 'bädri marine ana si owo. 9 Tana ànya koyiyite le Vodelero Esekola roya, ago kondreyi 'bädri ana te oko, ànya ozoyi mbaraako te Yisaraele'bai ri ni ocivoya 'bädri se OPI kozobe ànyari ana ya. 10 OPI a'dote kyilaro tuse ana si ago äṛu yite ekye: 11 ‘Endaro aza alodi ànyaro se kefobe ni Ezipeto yasi, se etoni se ndroa na be 'buteritu oyigwo mileyaro ri 'bädri se ma'ba tana be ozone Abarayama, Yisika ndi Yakoba be ri ana ondrene te i'do; tana ànya soyi kote mavo ya cini ànyaro si. 12 Vona ṛo cini, e'be gialo Kaleba ŋgwa Jefune Keneza'ba ro ndi Yosua ŋgwa Nuna robe ayani, tana ànya soyite OPI vo ya cini ànyaro si.’ 13 OPI a'dote kyilaro Yisaraele'bai be ago nda 'ba ànya te abane vocowa yasi ndroa na 'butesu, madale käti'bai se cini koyeyi takozi be OPI mile kai todrayite. 14 Ago yauono nyàte ugu oso pavo täpii amiro ro voro, ami kovole'bai se takozi be ono nyàte orivoya OPI o'ba kyilaro ndra Yisaraele be! 15 Tana ondro ka'do miga betezo osone nda vo, nda e'bena lidri cini ono kpa ndi to'dina vocowa ya; ago odra ànyaro tana udina ndi ami.”
16 'Dooko ànya ikyiyite lototi nda re, ago atayite ekye: “Mi'ba ämäri kägyi o'bene noŋwa timelei amaro ri, ago kpa 'bakicii o'bene 'ditoko ndi ŋgàga giṛiŋwà amaro be ri, 17 'dooko märuna lakazà kyila ro ndi, ago ama orivoya nja oyine käti kyila ya lidri Yisaraele ro mile, madale muguna ànya gwo vo ànyaro ya; ago ŋgàga giṛiŋwà amaro ndi 'ditoko amaro yibe orinayi ndi 'bakicii lomvo obeobero tiṛi si yasi, koriyi robe kadoro ni lidri 'bädri ono ro risi. 18 Ämäri driotane 'ba amaro ya i'do madale lidri Yisaraele ro vona be alo alo urunayi vose urune drimbi ro ànyari iyi lutu. 19 Ämäri drimbi urune ànya yibe vo ndra Yaradene tasi ana ya i'do 'de, tana drimbi amaro ozo ṛote nja ämäri 'buzele Yaradene ro yasi.” 20 'Dooko Musa atate ànyari ekye: “Ondro ka'do mile ndi oyene oso nonye, yauono nya'do nja OPI kandra oyine kyila ya. 21 'Dicini amiro se kyila oyero ri drî Yaradene ro ozane mile OPI ro yasi, madale OPI ko'ba ànya gwo kyila'baazii ànyaro onjane ni ànya milesi. 22 Ondro miru wari ana te mile OPI ro yasi oko, ono vosi nyegona gwo 'bäru, ago nyà'dona gwo dritairo ni kama oye OPI ri ndi Yisaraele be ri yasi; ago 'bädri se 'buzele Yaradene roya ono a'dona te drimbi amiro ro OPI mile. 23 Oko ondro ka'do miye kote oso inye, 'dooko miye takozi te OPI lomvo; ago endaro ezana ami ndi ta takozi amiro rota. 24 Mibe 'bakicii ri ŋgàga giṛiŋwà amiro ri, ago mi'be kägyi ri timele amiro ri; oko miye ŋgase mi'ba tao'bana be ono.”
25 Ago lidri Gada ro ndi lidri Rubena robe atayite Musa ri ekye: “'Desi, ama ruindu'bai miro mayena ndi oso ota mi 'desi amaro ro voro. 26 Ŋgàga giṛiŋwà amaro 'ditoko amaro ndi gboko koronyai 'ba ro cini amaro be orinayi gi noŋwa 'bakici Gilada roya; 27 oko ama ruindu'bai miro se orivoya nja oyine kyila ya ono ozana drî Golo Yaradene ro ndi kyila Opi ro oyine oso ota miro ronye.”
28 Ta'dota Musa ozo ta ŋgaembaro se kwoi te kohani Eleazara, Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro ndi dri'bai 'bakalai Yisaraele robe ri ekye: 29 “Ondro ka'do lidri Gada ro ndi lidri Rubena robe, se orivoya nja kyila oyene Opi mile kozayi drî Golo Yaradene rote ami yibe oyine kyila ya ago mipe wari se ana te ṛe oko, 'dooko beṛo ämiri wari Gilada ro ozone drimbi ro ànyari. 30 Oko ondro ka'do ànya se kyila oyero kogayitezo ozane ami yibe tasi nasi, 'dooko ànya a'donayi ndi drimbi be tro ami yibe wari Kanana roya.”
31 Lidri Gada ro ndi lidri Rubena robe zayitadrite ekye: “Oso Opi katabe ama ruindu'bai miro ri ono ronye, màyena ndi. 32 Mazana ndi tasi OPI mile le 'bädri kanana roya, tana ma'do robe drimbi amaro se Golo Yaradene tasi nosi ono be.”
33 'Dooko Musa ozo wari Siona 'bädri'ba Amora'bai ro ro, ago Ogo 'bädri'ba Basana ro ro, ṛo cini 'bakici na be ndi wari se gbikyi ànya lomvosi kai yibe te lidri Gada ro ago lidri Rubena ro ndi telesi 'bakala Manase ŋgwa Yosepa robe ri. 34 Lidri Gada ro go beyi 'ba'desii Dibona, Atarota, Aroeri, 35 Aterota Sofana, Jazera, Jogebea, 36 Beta Nimera ndi Betaorana be te, abe lomvo 'bakicii se kwoi rote gbikyi tiṛi si; ago beyi kägyi te timele ànyaro ri. 37 Ago lidri 'bakala Rubena ro ro goyi beyi 'ba'desii Esebona, Elala, Kiriyataima, 38 Nebo, ago Balameona, (se ago äläpi ävuruna te,) ndi Sibema be te; ànya ozoyi ävuru te 'bakicii se ànya kogo kobeyibe ri owo.
39 Ago käläsikala Makira zelevo Manase ro ro ikyite Gilada ya, ruyite ago njayi Amora'bai se koriyibe kigye kai te. 40 Ta'dota Musa ozo Gilada te Makira'bai se zelevoi Manase ro ri, ago ànya riyite kigye. 41 Jaira'bai zelevoi Manase ro oyite ruyi 'baŋwai Amora'bai ro azaka te, ago ziyi ànya te Avotajaira. 42 Ago Noba oyite ago ru Kenata ndi 'baŋwai ànyaro be te, ago zi anya te Noba, ävuru modo ndaro ro dri.