The Duties of the Priests and Levites
1 The Lord said to Aaron:
You, your sons, and the other Levites of the Kohath clan, are responsible for what happens at the sacred tent. And you and your sons will be responsible for what the priests do. 2 The Levites are your relatives and are here to help you in your service at the tent. 3 You must see that they perform their duties. But if they go near any of the sacred objects or the altar, all of you will die. 4 No one else is allowed to take care of the sacred tent or do anything connected with it. 5 Follow these instructions, so I won't become angry and punish the Israelites ever again.
6 I alone chose the Levites from all the other tribes to belong to me, and I have given them to you as your helpers. 7 But only you and your sons can serve as priests at the altar and in the most holy place. Your work as priests is a gift from me, and anyone else who tries to do that work must be put to death.
The Priests' Share of Offerings Given to the Lord
(Deuteronomy 18.1-8)
8-9 The Lord said to Aaron:
I have put you in charge of the sacred gifts and sacrifices that the Israelites bring to me. And from now on, you, your sons, and your descendants will receive part of the sacrifices for sin, as well as part of the grain sacrifices, and the sacrifices to make things right. Your share of these sacrifices will be the parts not burned on the altar. 10 Since these things are sacred, they must be eaten near the sacred tent, but only men are allowed to eat them.
11 You will also receive part of the special gifts and offerings that the Israelites bring to me. Any member of your family who is clean and acceptable for worship can eat these things. 12 For example, when the Israelites bring me the first batches of oil, wine, and grain, you can have the best parts of those gifts. 13 And the first part of the crops from their fields and vineyards also belongs to you. The people will offer this to me, then anyone in your family who is clean may have some of it.
14 Everything in Israel that has been completely dedicated to me will now belong to you.
15 The first-born son in every Israelite family, as well as the first-born males of their flocks and herds, belong to me. But every first-born son and first-born donkey must be bought back from me. 16 The price for a first-born son who is at least one month old will be five pieces of silver, weighed according to the official standards. 17 However, all first-born cattle, sheep, and goats belong to me and cannot be bought back. Splatter their blood on the altar and send their fat up in smoke, so I can smell it and be pleased. 18 You are allowed to eat the meat of those animals, just as you can eat the choice ribs and the right hind leg of the special sacrifices.
19 From now on, the sacred offerings that the Israelites give to me will belong to you, your sons, and your daughters. This is my promise to you and your descendants, and it will never change.
20 You will not receive any land in Israel as your own. I am the Lord, and I will give you whatever you need.
What the Levites Receive
The Lord said to Aaron:
21 Ten percent of the Israelites' crops and one out of every ten of their newborn animals belong to me. But I am giving all this to the Levites as their pay for the work they do at the sacred tent. 22-23 They are the only ones allowed to work at the tent, and they must not let anyone else come near it. Those who do come near must be put to death, and the Levites will also be punished. This law will never change.
Since the Levites won't be given any land in Israel as their own, 24 they will be given the crops and newborn animals that the Israelites offer to me.
What the Levites Must Give
25 The Lord told Moses 26 to say to the Levites:
When you receive from the people of Israel ten percent of their crops and newborn animals, you must offer a tenth of that to me. 27 Just as the Israelites give me part of their grain and wine, you must set aside part of what you receive 28 as an offering to me. That amount must then be given to Aaron, 29 so the best of what you receive will be mine.
30 After you have dedicated the best parts to me, you can eat the rest, just as the Israelites eat part of their grain and wine after offering them to me. 31 Your share may be eaten anywhere by anyone in your family, because it is your pay for working at the sacred tent. 32 You won't be punished for eating it, as long as you have already offered the best parts to me.
The gifts and sacrifices brought by the people must remain sacred, and if you eat any part of them before they are offered to me, you will be put to death.
Kama Kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be ro
1 'Dooko OPI atate Arona ri ekye: “Mi, ŋgwàagoro miro ndi katidri täpi miro robe miŋgyina taenji se tana di vo alokado be 'do ro ni, ago mi ndi ŋgwàagoro miro be miŋgyina taenji se tana di ta a'doro kohani ro be 'do ro toto ni. 2 Nyezi 'didiri miro se 'bakala Lewe'bai ro 'do tro mibe, ànya kopayi mi robe ondro nyàte ruindu ŋgwàagoro miro yibe Mutuguṛi a'do lototi Opi ro ya owo. 3 Ànyari ikyine losi oyene mire ago kama cini se tana dibe Mutuguṛi 'do oyene, oko ko ànyari ikyine loto lakazà Vo Alokado ro re kode vo tori oloro re, ukyi mi ndi ànya yibe midra 'da. 4 Ànyari rudro'bene mibe, ago ànyari ni vo Mutuguṛi ro ondrene, vo losi ro se cini Mutuguṛi ya robe; ago ko 'diawi aza ri iswene loto mire. 5 Ago mi ndi ŋgwàagoro miro be, ämiri ni vo Vo Alokado ro ondrene ndi vo tori oloro be ukyi kyila Lu ro ogo ikyi 'da lidri Yisaraele ro dri. 6 Ma modo manji 'didiri miro Lewe'bai ro ni lidri Yisaraele ro lakosi; ànyar orivoya ŋgapäṛi yi miri, adite to OPI ri losi Mutuguṛi a'do lototi Opi ro ro oyene. 7 Oko mi ndi ŋgwàagoro miro yibe toto ni ämiri ruindune kohanii ro vo tori oloro ya ago Vo Alokado Ndra ya. Kwoi ni ŋgase ämiri ni oyene owo, tana mozo a'do kohani ro ni ämiri ŋgapäṛi ro, ago 'diawi aza se kabe ikyi loto Vo Alokado lomvo äfuna ndi.”
Ŋgapäṛi Kohanii ri
8 'Dooko OPI atate Arona ri ekye: “Mindre, yauono ma'ba mite dri'ba ro ŋgase cini adite to ŋgapäṛi ro märi dri, ŋgapäṛi se cini alokado lidri Yisaraele ro kayibe ozona märi; mozote miri ndi zelevoi miro be a'done inye ŋga amiro ro 'duro. 9 Ŋgase alokado fopara a'done amiro ni ŋgase yasi se aza kote vo tori oloro dri, ni kwoi: ŋgapäṛi cini ànyaro inya ro, ŋgapäṛi cini ànyaro ta takozi rota ndi ŋgapäṛi cini ànyaro ta taenji rota be se ànya kayibe ozona märi ŋga alokado parandra ro 'do, a'done miri ndi ŋgwàagoro miro be. 10 Beṛo ämiri ŋgase kwoi onyane vo alokado parandra ya, ago toto ni manoàgo cini ri onyane; orivoya ŋga alokado yi ämiri.
11 “Ŋgase kwoi kpa orivoya miro ŋgapäṛi se lidri Yisaraele ro kayibe ozona märi, ŋgapäṛi cini lämu'du ro; mozo ànya te miri, ago ŋgwàagoro miro ri ndi ndiriŋwa miro be, te inye 'duro, 'dise cini orivoya wäṛiro katidri miro ya onyana ndi.
12 “Ido se kado parandra, ago vino se kadoparandra ndi inya be, doŋgo drikäti vo ŋga cini ro se ànya kayibe ozona OPI ri mozote miri. 13 Doŋgo drikäti ŋgase cini ämvu ànyaro ya ro, se ànya kayibe ezina ma OPI ri, a'dona ndi miro; 'dise cini orivoya wäṛiro zo miro ya onyana ndi.
14 “Ŋgase cini orivoya Yisaraele ya se adite to Opi ri 'do a'done te miro.
15 “Ŋgase cini ätibe kayoro, se cini orivoya adri be kode lidri yi kode koronya 'ba ro yi, se ànya kayibe ozona OPI ri 'do, a'dona ndi miro; oko ŋgwà kayoro lidri ro, ago ŋgwà kayoro koronyai 'ba ro ro se orivoya undiro iyi ämiri drina utwene utwe. 16 Drî ŋgàga ro utwene imba alo vosi, lagyena ri a'done sekele mo'di ro nji, oso sekele vo alokado ro ronye, se orivoya gera 'buteritu. 17 Oko ŋgwà kayoro ti ro, kode timele ro, kode indri ro mitwe drina ko; ànya orivoya alokado. Miri kari ànyaro luvune vo tori oloro dri, ago miri vo ombiombi ànyaro ozane oso ŋgapäṛi ozaro asi si ro, ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro ro ma OPI ri, 18 oko iza ànyaro ri a'done miri, ago kätäti gyogyo se lämu'du ro 'do ndi ŋbiṛi drigwo yasi na 'do be orivoya miro.
19 “Ŋgapäṛi se cini alokado se lidri Yisaraele ro kayibe päṛina ma OPI ri mozote miri, ŋgwàagoro miro ri ndi ndiriŋwa miro be, te a'done inye 'duro; ono te orivoya tao'baro äduako yi ma OPI ma'bate miri ndi zelevoi miro be.”
20 OPI atate Arona ri ekye: “Miri a'done drimbi ako 'bädri Yisaraele ro ya, ca miri a'done ŋga aza be ànya lako i'do; ma ni ŋga miro ago drimbi miro owo Yisaraele lako.”
Ŋgapäṛi Lewe'bai ri
21 OPI atate ekye: “Mozo telesi alo 'butealo ŋga cini ro se lidri Yisaraele ro kayibe ozona rote drimbi ro Lewe'bai ri, ruindu ànyaro se ànya kayibe oyena Mutuguṛi a'do maro lototi roya ono tana ro. 22 Ago etoni yau oyigwo mileyaro, beṛo ko lidri Yisaraele ro ri ikyine loto Mutuguṛi a'do maro lototi ro re, ukyi ànya a'doyi 'da ŋgaläŋgyi takozi robe ago odrayi 'da. 23 Oko Lewe'bai ri ruindune Mutuguṛi ya ago ànyari ŋgaläŋgyi taenji na ro uŋgyine; ono a'done inye ota äduako ro le kovole'bai amiro ri; ànyari a'done drimbi ako lidri Yisaraele ro lako. 24 Tana telesi alo 'bute ŋgase lidri Yisaraele ro kayibe ezina ŋgapäṛi ro ma OPI ri 'do, mozote Lewe'bai ri drimbi ro; tana ta'doro ni ma'de gwo atane makye ànyari ko a'done drimbi be lidri Yisaraele ro lako wo.”
Telesi Alo 'Butealo Ŋgapäṛi Lewe'bai ro ro
25 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 26 “Miri atane Lewe'bai ri mikye: Ondro ka'do mìru ŋgapäṛi telesi alo 'bute ro teni lidri Yisaraele ro rigyesi se mozobe ämiri drimbi ro 'do; 'dooko ämiri telesi alo 'bute ŋgapäṛina 'do ro ozone ma OPI ri. 27 Ŋgapäṛi amiro ri a'done ämiri oso inya to'di se ni kaladri yasi ago vino to'di se ni pi'di yasi 'do ronye. 28 Liti ono yasi anjioko nyòzona ŋgapäṛi kpa OPI ri ni ŋgapäṛi telesi alo 'bute ro se cini nyàbe uruna ni lidri Yisaraele ro rigyesi 'do yasi. Ŋgapäṛi se telesi alo 'butealo ro ozone OPI ri 'do, ämiri ozone kohani Arona ri. 29 Ni ŋgapäṛi se cini ozote ämiri yasi, ämiri se cini kadopara ndra ànya lakosi iyi ozone ayani OPI ri. 30 Ka'do inye nyata Lewe'bai ri mikye: Ondro nyozo se kado parandra 'do te oko, anjokona se ke'bebe iyi te otane ämiri oso ŋgase kaladri yasi, ago vino se kabe ota pi'di yasi 'do ronye; 31 mìnyana anjoko na 'do ndi vo cini azaka yasi, ami ndi 'di katidri amiro ya be; tana 'do orivoya päläti amiro ruindu se nyàbe oyena Mutuguṛi ya tana ro. 32 Ago mìnina ko takozi aza uŋgyine tana ro, ondro nyozo se kadopara ndra na te Opi ri owo; ko ämiri ŋgase alokado lidri Yisaraele ro ro o'bane undiro, ukyi mìdra 'da.”