Aaron's Walking Stick Blooms and Produces Almonds
1 The Lord told Moses:
2-3 Call together the twelve tribes of Israel and tell the leader of each tribe to write his name on the walking stick he carries as a symbol of his authority. Make sure Aaron's name is written on the one from the Levi tribe, then collect all the sticks.
4 Place these sticks in the tent right in front of the sacred chest where I appear to you. 5 I will then choose a man to be my priest, and his stick will sprout. After that happens, I won't have to listen to any more complaints about you.
6 Moses told the people what the Lord had commanded, and they gave him the walking sticks from the twelve tribal leaders, including Aaron's from the Levi tribe. 7 Moses took them and placed them in the Lord's sacred tent.
8 The next day when Moses went into the tent, flowers and almonds were already growing on Aaron's stick. 9 Moses brought the twelve sticks out of the tent and showed them to the people. Each of the leaders found his own and took it.
10 But the Lord told Moses, “Put Aaron's stick back! Let it stay near the sacred chest as a warning to anyone who might think of rebelling. If these people don't stop their grumbling about me, I will wipe them out.” 11 Moses did what he was told.
12 The Israelites cried out to Moses, “We're done for 13 and doomed if we even go near the sacred tent!”
Dofo Arona ro
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 2 “Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri, ago miru dofo 'butealo foritu ni ànya rigyesi, ba alo alo, ni dri'bai cini 'bakalai ànyaro ro yasi. Nyegyi ävuru dri'ba alo ro dofo ndaro dri. 3 Ago nyegyi ävuru Arona ro dofo Lewe ro dri. Tana dofo ri a'done alodi 'bakala alo alo ri. 4 'Dooko miri ànya o'bane Mutuguṛi a'do lototi Opi ro ya mile Sänduku Tao'baro roya, vose mabe drio'be mibe kigye 'do. 5 Ago dofo mano se mabe onjina ro orona 'da; tana ma'bana driovi lidri Yisaraele ro ro milomvo ono 'da okyene.”
6 Musa atate lidri Yisaraele ro ri; ago dri'bai cini ànyaro ozoyi dofo te ndäri, alodi tana dri'ba alo, 'bakalai ànyaro ronye, dofo cini orivoya 'butealo foritu; ago dofo Arona ro orivoya ànyaro lako. 7 'Dooko Musa 'ba dofo kai te OPI kandra Mutuguṛi ya.
8 Kyenonosi oko Musa cite Mutuguṛi ya, ago ndre dofo Arona ro ta katidri Lewe ro rota rote, ra gwoṛi te, 'do fo te, wa doŋgo liko rote ago kate. 9 'Dooko Musa lofo dofo cini te tesi ni OPI kandra lidri cini Yisaraele ro re; ndi ànya ndreyite, ago 'dialo ru dofo ndaro te. 10 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Migo mi'ba dofo Arona ro Sänduku Tao'baro kandra, a'done taka'daro ro ogbo'bai ri, tana mi'ba driovi ànyaro malomvo kokye robe, ukyi ànya todra 'da.” 11 Ndi Musa yete oso se OPI kota nda be ronye.
12 Ago lidri Yisaraele ro atate Musa ri ekye: “Mindre màte odra, ta amaro kyete, ta amaro kyete. 13 'Dicini se kabe ikyi loto Mutuguṛi OPI ro lomvo odrana ndi. Inye'do te ama cini ri todrane ya?”