Korah, Dathan, and Abiram Lead a Rebellion
1-2 Korah son of Izhar was a Levite from the Kohathite clan. One day he called together Dathan, Abiram, and On from the Reuben tribe, and the four of them decided to rebel against Moses. So they asked 250 respected Israelite leaders for their support, and together they went to Moses 3 and Aaron and said, “Why do you think you're so much better than everyone else? We're part of the Lord's holy people, and he's with all of us. What makes you think you're the only ones in charge?”
4 When Moses heard this, he knelt down to pray. 5 Then he said to Korah and his followers:
Tomorrow morning the Lord will show us the person he has chosen to be his priest, and that man will faithfully serve him.
6-7 Korah, here is what you and your followers must do: Get some fire pans, fill them with coals and incense, and place them near the sacred tent. And the man the Lord chooses will be his priest. Korah, this time you Levites have gone too far!
8-9 You know that the God of Israel has chosen you Levites from all Israel to serve him by being in charge of the sacred tent and by helping the community to worship in the proper way. What more do you want? 10 The Lord has given you a special responsibility, and now, Korah, you think you should also be his priest. 11 You and your followers have rebelled against the Lord, not against Aaron.
12 Then Moses sent for Dathan and Abiram, but they sent back this message: “We won't come! 13 It's bad enough that you took us from our rich farmland in Egypt to let us die here in the desert. Now you also want to boss us around! 14 You keep promising us rich farmlands with fertile fields and vineyards—but where are they? Stop trying to trick these people. No, we won't come to see you.”
15 Moses was very angry and said to the Lord, “Don't listen to these men! I haven't done anything wrong to them. I haven't taken as much as a donkey.”
16 Then he said to Korah, “Tomorrow you and your followers must go with Aaron to the Lord's sacred tent. 17 Each of you take along your fire pan with incense in it and offer the incense to the Lord.”
18 The next day the men placed incense and coals in their fire pans and stood with Moses and Aaron at the entrance to the sacred tent. 19 Meanwhile, Korah had convinced the rest of the Israelites to rebel against their two leaders.
When that happened, the Lord appeared in all his glory 20 and said to Moses and Aaron, 21 “Get away from the rest of the Israelites so I can kill them at once!”
22 But the two men bowed down and prayed, “Our God, you gave these people life. Why would you punish everyone here when only one man has sinned?”
23 The Lord answered Moses, 24 “Tell the people to stay away from the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.”
25 Moses walked over to Dathan and Abiram, and the other leaders of Israel followed. 26 Then Moses warned the people, “Get away from the tents of these sinful men! Don't touch anything that belongs to them or you'll be wiped out.” 27 So everyone moved away from those tents, except Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and their families.
28 Moses said to the crowd, “The Lord has chosen me and told me to do these things—it wasn't my idea. And here's how you will know: 29 If these men die a natural death, it means the Lord hasn't chosen me. 30 But suppose the Lord does something that has never been done before. For example, what if a huge crack appears in the ground, and these men and their families fall into it and are buried alive, together with everything they own? Then you will know they have turned their backs on the Lord!”
31 As soon as Moses said this, the ground under the men opened up 32-33 and swallowed them alive, together with their families and everything they owned. Then the ground closed back up, and they were gone.
34 The rest of the Israelites heard their screams, so they ran off, shouting, “We don't want that to happen to us!”
35 Suddenly the Lord sent a fire that burned up the 250 men who had offered incense to him.
36 Then the Lord said to Moses, 37 “Tell Aaron's son Eleazar to take the fire pans from the smoldering fire and scatter the coals. The pans are now sacred, 38 because they were used for offering incense to me. Have them hammered into a thin layer of bronze as a covering for the altar. Those men died because of their sin, and now their fire pans will become a warning for the rest of the community.”
39 Eleazar collected the pans and had them hammered into a thin layer of bronze as a covering for the altar, 40 just as the Lord had told Moses. The pans were a warning to the Israelites that only Aaron's descendants would be allowed to offer incense to the Lord. Anyone else who tried to would be punished like Korah and his followers.
The Israelites Rebel and Are Punished
41 The next day the people of Israel again complained against Moses and Aaron, “The two of you killed some of the Lord's people!”
42 As the people crowded around them, Moses and Aaron turned toward the sacred tent, and the Lord appeared in his glory in the cloud covering the tent. 43 So Moses and Aaron walked to the front of the tent, 44 where the Lord said to them, 45 “Stand back! I am going to wipe out these Israelites once and for all.”
They immediately bowed down and prayed. 46 Then Moses told Aaron, “Grab your fire pan and fill it with hot coals from the altar. Put incense in it, then quickly take it to where the people are and offer it to the Lord, so they can be forgiven. The Lord is very angry, and people have already started dying!”
47-48 Aaron did exactly what he had been told. He ran over to the crowd of people and stood between the dead bodies and the people who were still alive. He placed the incense on the pan, then offered it to the Lord and asked him to forgive the people's sin. The disease immediately stopped spreading, and no one else died from it. 49 But 14,700 Israelites were dead, not counting those who had died with Korah and his followers.
50 Aaron walked back and stood with Moses at the sacred tent.
Ogbo Kora, Datana ndi Abirama be ro
1 Kora ŋgwa Izehara ro ni käläsikala Koata Lewe'ba ro ro yasi, ogbote Musa be. Nda dro'be rute Datana ago Abirama ŋgwàagoro Eliaba ro ndi Ono ŋgwa Pelete robe, se ànya ni 'bakala Rubena ro yasi. 2 Ànya ruyi lidri kama ritu 'butenji (250) te, se ni dri'bai Yisaraele'bai ro anjite ni lowa lakosi, lidri uniuniro kadoro yi; ànya ogboyite Musa be. 3 Ànya mbiyikalate Musa ndi Arona be kandra, ago atayite ànyari ekye: “Nyeŋga ami te ndra! Lowa cini orivoya alokado, vo ànyaro ṛo cini; ago OPI orivoya ànya lako; oko tana e'di nyeŋga andivo amiro gwo ndra lowa OPI ro dri niya?”
4 Ondro Musa keri tase ono te oko, nda 'dete vuru militi si; 5 'dooko Musa atate Kora ndi gboko se cini ndaro ana be ri ekye: “Ondo kyenoŋbo oko OPI ka'dana 'dise ni orivoya Opi ro 'do 'da, ndi 'dise orivoya alokado 'do be, ago o'bana nda se anya konjibe 'do 'da iswene lototi anya re. 6 Mi kora ndi 'dise kosobe mivosi be ämiri ta ono oyene; vo amiro cini mìru kagyii asi epero; 7 ondo oko mìso asi yana yasi ago mi da ŋgaŋgutruro ànya drisi OPI kandra, ago mano se OPI kabe onjina 'do a'dona ni 'dise alokado ro owo. Ami Lewe'bai, nyeŋga ami te ndra!”
8 Musa atate Kora ri ekye: “Ami Lewe'bai, nyeri ta ono; 9 inye'do Lu Yisaraele ro kelewe ami be to ni lowa Yisaraele ro lakosi, ago kezi ami be loto andivo ndaro re, ruindune Mutuguṛi ndaro ya, ago edrene lowa kandra ruindune ànyari ono orivoya ta giṛiŋwa yi ämiri ya? 10 Nda ezi ami te loto nda re, ndi ädrupii cini amiro Lewe'bai ro be, oko yauono nyàte tavouṛi kpa a'done kohanii ro. 11 Kode inye mi ndi gboko cini miro be nyà amiro driovi ono OPI be; Arona a'di owo ämiri driovine sina niya?”
12 'Dooko Musa zo lazo te Datana ndi Abirama ŋgwàagoro Eliaba robe vo, oko ànya atayite ekye: “Ämäri ukyine i'do. 13 Inye'do mi'debe ama lofone ni 'bädri se orivoya twi leyi be ndi epe be ana yasi ama tufune vocowa ono ya ago mile kpa andivo miro o'bane Opi ro ämädri ono orivoya ta giṛiŋwa yi ya? 14 Caoko nyugu ama kote le 'bädri se orivoya twi leyi be ndi epe be ana ya, ago nyozo lowo ndi ämvu kono robe kpa ko drimbi ro ämäri. Inye'do mile mi lidri ono ro odone ya? Ämäri ukyine i'do.”
15 'Dooko Musa a'dote kyilaro amba, ago atate OPI ri ekye: “Mile tadri ŋgapäṛi ànyaro ro ko. Märu doŋgyi alodi kote ni ànya rigyesi; ca maye alo aza ànyaro kote koziro.”
16 Ago Musa atate Kora ri ekye: “Mi ndi gboko cini miro yibe be ämiri ikyine OPI kandra ondo, kpa Arona ri a'done lau. 17 Mi'ba 'dicini se kama ritu 'butenji (250) 'do keziyi kagyii ànyaro ŋga ŋgutruro ro ba alo alo ko'bayi OPI kandra, ago mi ndi Arona be kpa kagyi amiro ezine ba alo alo.” 18 Ta'dota 'dicini ruyi kagyi ŋga ŋgutruro ànyaro ro te, ago 'bayi ŋga ŋgutruro te kigyesi, ago ànya soyi asi te kigyesi, ago ànya edreyite käläsi Mutuguṛi a'do lototi Opi ro roya tro Musa ndi Arona be be. 19 'Dooko Kora mbikala lowa se cini koŋgabe kyilaro Musa ndi Arona be be ana rote käläsi Mutuguṛi ro kala. Dori lägu ŋgaeyi OPI ro ro ka'darute lowa cini ri. 20 OPI atate Musa ndi Arona be ri ekye: 21 “Nyelewe andivo amiro ni lowa ono lakosi, tana mutufu ànya robe tiaŋwa ndri.”
22 Oko Musa ndi Arona be 'deyite vuru militi si, ago atayite ekye: “Äye Lu, mi Lu se kabe ni adri ozo ŋgase cini lidriidriro ri ono, ondro ka'do 'di alodi koye takozi beni, nya'dona ndi kyilaro lowa cini be tana roya?”
23 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 24 “Nyata lowa ri mikye: ‘Nyanaru ni vo oriro Kora, Datana ndi Abirama be ro yasi.’ ”
25 'Dooko Musa ŋgate ago oyite Datana ndi Abirama be re; ndi dri'bai lidri Yisaraele ro ro soyite nda vo. 26 Nda atate lowa ri ekye: “Molo'baru ämiri, minaru ni zo boŋgoro lidri kozi kwoi ro resi, ago mido ŋga aza ànyaro ko, tana ukyi ayo ami 'da waṛi ta takozi cini ànyaro rota.” 27 Ta'dota ànya narute pere ni zo boŋgo ro Kora, Datana ndi Abirama be ro resi.
Datana ndi Abirama be itweyite tesi ago edreyite käläsi zo boŋgoro ànyaro ro kalasi, ndi tro 'ditoko ànyaro, ŋgàga ànyaro ndi ŋgwa giṛiŋwa ànyaro yibe. 28 Ago Musa atate ekye: “Tase ono si mìnina ndi anjioko OPI andivona ezi ma ni losi se kwoi oyene, ago anjioko ko taoye ma modo ro. 29 Ondro ka'do lidri kwoi kodra te odra ete se lidri kabe odra sina si, 'dooko 'do OPI ezi ma kote ni. 30 Oko ondro ka'do OPI koye ŋga to'di aza te, ago gyini kupi kala iro te, ago kote ànya te ndi ŋga cini ànyaro yibe, ago ànya kociyite lidriidriro le 'Buociekye avo roya, 'dooko mìnina ndi anjioko lidri kwoi mawoyi OPI te.”
31 Dori ondro Musa konde ata se cini kwoi atana te oko, gyini se pa ànyaro zele ana pirute ä'dä; 32 gyini pi kala iro te ago te ànya te, ndi katidri ànyaro yibe ndi lidri cini Kora robe ndi ŋga cini ànyaro yibe. 33 Ànya cini ndi ŋga ànyaro yibe leteyite vuru lidriidriro le 'Buociekye avo roya; ago gyini tisite ànya dri, ago ije ànya teni kitoriya lowa se kombikalabe ana ro yasi. 34 Ago Yisaraele'bai se cini gbikyi ànya lomvosi ana muyite ugu totrebe ekye: “Mì'de mä̀mu ri! Ukyi gyini ote ama kpa 'da!” 35 Ago asi ikyite ni OPI resi, ago je lidri se kama ritu 'butenji (250) kayibe ŋgapäṛi ŋga ŋgutruro ro ozana kai te.
Kagyi Asi Epero
36 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 37 “Nyata Eleazara ŋgwa kohani Arona ro ri kagyii ŋga ŋgutruro ozaro ewene tesi ni lidri se kujeyibe iyi lakosi, ago kepere asikyele. Tana ànya orivoya alokado. 38 Kagyii ŋga ŋgutruro ro lidri se koyeyi takozi be iyi ro ni lagye adri ànyaro ro. Ka'do inye mi'ba ädi ànya jelekpero drî vo tori oloro ro takozana, tana ànya eziyi ànya te OPI kandra; ta'doro ànya te orivoya alokado. Ka'do inye ànya a'dona te taka'daro ro lidri Yisaraele ro ri.” 39 Ndi kohani Eleazara ru kagyii atala ro ŋga ŋgutruro rote, se ànya se azabe kai keziyibe ana; ago ädi ànya te jelekpero drî vo tori oloro ro takozana, 40 taoyiro ro lidri Yisaraele ro ri, ukyi 'dise aza orivoya ko kohanii, se koni zelevoi Arona ro yasi iswe 'da loto ŋga ŋgutruro ozane OPI kandra, ukyi äfu nda 'da oso Kora ndi gboko ndaro be ronye. Aye tase cini ono te oso OPI katabe Eleazara ri Musa si ronye.
Arona ka Lidri Opa
41 Kyenono si oko lowa cini lidri Yisaraele ro ro viyidrite Musa ndi Arona be be, ànya atayite ekye: “Nyùtufu lidri OPI rote.” 42 Oko ondro lowa kombikalate Musa ndi Arona be lomvo oko, ànya zayimite ogone Mutuguṛi a'do lototi Opi ro driro, ago ndreyi 'dikolo tako Mutuguṛi te, ago lägu ŋgaeyi OPI ro ro ka'darute. 43 'Dooko Musa ndi Arona be ikyiyite mile Mutuguṛi roya, 44 ago OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 45 “Minaru pere ni lowa ono lakosi, tana mutufu ànya robe tiaŋwa ndri.” Ndi ànya riti 'deyite vuru militi si. 46 'Dooko Musa atate Arona ri ekye: “Miru kagyi ŋga ŋgutruro ro miro ago miso asi kigye ni vo tori oloro drisi, ago mi'ba ŋga ŋgutruro driigye, ago miŋgyi ndriŋwa lowa re, ago miye ta 'di wäṛiro ta ànyaro ta; tana kyila ikyite vuru ni OPI resi ago taezaro etote.” 47 Ta'dota Arona yete oso Musa katabe ronye, ago mute kitoriya lowa se kombikalabe ana roya, 'dooko taezaro etote ṛo nja lidri lako, oko Arona 'ba ŋga ŋgutruro te, ago ye ta 'diwäṛiro te ta lidri rota. 48 Ndi Arona edrete lakole 'dise kodrabe ago se kodrako iyi roya; ndi taezaro edrete. 49 Caoko 'dise kodrabe ni taezaro ri te orivoya kutu 'butealo fosu kama njidrieri (14,700), teinye se kodrabe ta Kora rota otiako kigye owo. 50 Ago ondro taezaro kokyete oko Arona egote Musa re käläsi Mutuguṛi roya.