Laws about Sacrifices
1 The Lord told Moses 2 to give the Israelites the following laws about offering sacrifices:
3 Bulls or rams or goats are the animals that you may burn on the altar as sacrifices to please me. You may also offer sacrifices voluntarily or because you made a promise, or because they are part of your regular religious ceremonies. The smell of the smoke from these sacrifices is pleasing to me.
4-5 If you sacrifice a young ram or goat, you must also offer a kilogram of your finest flour mixed with a liter of olive oil as a grain sacrifice. A liter of wine must also be poured on the altar.
6-7 And if the animal is a full-grown ram, you must offer two kilograms of flour mixed with one and a half liters of olive oil. One and a half liters of wine must also be poured on the altar. The smell of this smoke is pleasing to me.
8 If a bull is offered as a sacrifice to please me or to ask my blessing, 9 you must offer three kilograms of flour mixed with two liters of olive oil. 10 Two liters of wine must also be poured on the altar. The smell of this smoke is pleasing to me.
11-13 If you are a native Israelite, you must obey these rules each time you offer a bull, a ram, or a goat as a sacrifice. 14 And the foreigners who live among you must also follow these rules. 15-16 This law will never change. I am the Lord, and I consider all people the same, whether they are Israelites or foreigners living among you.
17-19 When you eat food in the land that I am giving you, remember to set aside some of it as an offering to me. 20 From the first batch of bread dough that you make after each new grain harvest, make a loaf of bread and offer it to me, just as you offer grain. 21 All your descendants must follow this law and offer part of the first batch of bread dough.
22-23 The Lord also told Moses to tell the people what must be done if they ever disobey his laws:
24 If all of you disobey one of my laws without knowing it, you must offer a bull as a sacrifice to please me, together with a grain sacrifice, a wine offering, and a goat as a sacrifice for sin. 25 Then the priest will pray and ask me to forgive you. And since you did not mean to do wrong, and you offered sacrifices, 26 the sin of everyone—both Israelites and foreigners among you—will be forgiven.
27 But if one of you does wrong without knowing it, you must sacrifice a year-old female goat as a sacrifice for sin. 28 The priest will then ask me to forgive you, and your sin will be forgiven.
29 The law will be the same for anyone who does wrong without meaning to, whether an Israelite or a foreigner living among you.
30-31 But if one of you does wrong on purpose, whether Israelite or foreigner, you have sinned against me by disobeying my laws. You will no longer belong to my people.
A Man Put to Death for Gathering Firewood on the Sabbath
32 Once, while the Israelites were traveling through the desert, a man was caught gathering firewood on the Sabbath. 33 He was taken to Moses, Aaron, and the rest of the community. 34 But no one knew what to do with him, so he was not allowed to leave.
35 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell the people to take that man outside the camp and stone him to death!” 36 So he was killed, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
The Tassels on the People's Clothes
37 The Lord told Moses 38 to say to the people of Israel, “Sew tassels onto the bottom edge of your clothes and tie a blue string to each tassel. 39-40 These will remind you that you must obey my laws and teachings. And when you do, you will be dedicated to me and won't follow your own sinful desires. 41 I am the Lord your God who led you out of Egypt.”
Ota ta Ŋgapäṛi Oloro rota
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 2 “Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: Ondro ka'do mìsate 'bädri se mabe ozona ämiri orine kigye ana ya; 3 ago nyàte ŋgapäṛi ozo OPI ri, ämiri ozone ni koronyai 'baro amiro lakosi ŋgapäṛi ozaro asi si ro ago ŋgapäṛi oloro ro, ta tao'ba ŋgapäṛi ozo dritairo rota kode ta karama se amiro aka'dabe rota ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro ro OPI ri. 4 Nda se kabe ŋgapäṛi ndaro ezina, beṛo ndäri telesi alo ya 'butealo koma kyira ndändärändäro inya ro ozone OPI ri, dro'bedro'bero ido telesi alo 'bute ya lisu 'boṛo ro rosi. 5 Be ämiri vino ozone ŋgapäṛi vino ro ro, ämiri telesi alo ya lisu 'boṛo ro ro ozone ŋgapäṛi ozaro be, kode tori oloro be ta timelegogoŋwà alo alo rota. 6 Ondro ate timelegogo ozo, be ämiri ŋgapäṛi inya ro ozone telesi alo linji ya koma kyira ndändärändäro dro'bedro'bero ido telesi alo nina ya 'boṛo ro rosi; 7 ago ta ŋgapäṛi umvuro rota, be ämiri telesi alo nina ya 'boṛo vino ro ro ozone, tägyi ŋgutruro ro OPI ri. 8 Ago ondro nyàte ŋgapäṛi ozaro 'daŋgo ro kode oloro ozona OPI ri, ta ruäṛu rota kode ta rumora rota, 9 be ämiri ŋgapäṛi inya ro telesi nina 'bute ya koma kyira ndändärändäro ro, dro'bedro'bero ya 'boṛo ido ro kpäkyi si ozone. 10 Be ämiri ŋgapäṛi vino ro ozone ya 'boṛo ro kpakyi, ŋga ozaro ro asi si, tägyi ŋgutruro OPI ri.
11 “Ono beṛo ozone inye tro 'daŋgo alodi kode timelegogo alodi, timelezaŋwa alodi kode indri alodi be. 12 Oti ŋgase nyàbe olona 'do ro ka'do ca amba, be ämiri oyene inye a'do oti ànyaro ro voro ba alo alo. 13 'Dise cini orivoya vokuzupi yi ndäri ŋgase kwoi oyene liti 'do yasi, ondro nda kate ŋgapäṛi ozaro asi si ozana tägyi ŋgutruro OPI ri owo. 14 Ago ondro 'diatra ro se orivoya ami lako, kode orivoya kovole'bai amiro lako, nda kolete ŋgapäṛi ozaro asi si, tägyi ŋgutruro ro ozane OPI ri, beṛo ndäri oyene oso nyàbe oyena ronye. 15 Ta lowa cini rota, ota ri a'done toto alodi, ämiri ago kpa 'diatra ro ago a'done 'duro le kovole'bai amiro ri, tana ami ndi 'diatraro be, a'done ojoojoro OPI kandra. 16 Ota ri a'done toto alodi ago tase arabe ri a'done toto alodi ämiri ndi 'diatraro se kabe ori ami lako be ri.”
17 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 18 “Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: Ondro mìsate 'bädri se mabe ami ugu kigye ya 19 ago ondro nyàte ŋgaonya 'bädri ana ro onyana oko, be ämiri ŋgapäṛi ozone OPI ri. 20 Be ämiri ambata inya drikäti amiro ro ozone, be ämiri ozone oso ŋgapäṛi se ni kaladri yasi ronye. 21 Ämiri ŋgaonya drikäti amiro ozone OPI ri, ugu ozone inye 'duro le kovole'bai amiro ya.
22 “Oko ondro nyìwirite, ago nyäti ota se cini OPI kata tana be Musa ri kwoi kote, 23 ta segi cini OPI kota ami be sina Musa si, ṛoni tuse OPI kozo ota be sina ana si, ugu oyine oso inye le kovole'bai amiro ya, 24 ondro ka'do lowa koye gwo te teinye tavona uniako, 'dooko lowa cini ri 'daŋgo ombato'diro alodi ozone ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro, ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro ro OPI ri, tro ŋgapäṛi na inya ro ndi ŋgapäṛi na vino ro umvuro be, oso ara tana be ronye, ago tego alodi ozone ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota. 25 Ago kohani ri ta 'diwäṛiro oyene ta lowa cini lidri Yisaraele ro rota, 'dooko e'bena ànya ndi tana ro, tana 'do orivoya ta wiriro yi, ago ànya keziyi ŋgapäṛi ozaro asi si ozone OPI ri, ago ŋgapäṛi ànyaro ta takozi rota olone OPI kandra ta wiri ànyaro rota. 26 Ndi e'bena lowa cini lidri Yisaraele ro ro 'da tana ro, ndi 'diatraro se ka oribe ànya lako be, tana lowa cini wirite tase ono ya.
27 “Ondro ka'do 'diaza koye takozi te tavona uniako, be ndäri indrizaŋwa se ndroa na be alodi 'do ozone ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota. 28 Ago kohani ri ta 'di wäṛiro oyene OPI kandra ta 'dise kiwirite ana rota, se koye takozi be tavona uniako ana, ondro aye ta 'di wäṛiro te ta ndaro ta; 'dooko e'bena nda ndi tana ro. 29 Ämiri a'done toto ota alodi be ta nda se kabe ŋga aza oye tavona uniako ri kode nda vokuzupi se ni lidri Yisaraele ro lakosi owo kode nda 'diatraro se kabe ori ànya lako owo. 30 Oko nda se kabe takozi oye lädruro kode nda orivoya vokuzupi yi kode 'diatra yi, nda ka ya OPI ro ekwona, ago 'dina 'do ndi onane zwi ni lidri Opi ro lakosi. 31 Tana nda mawo ata OPI rote, ago pere ota ndaro te, 'dina 'do ndi ufune, taenji ndaro a'dona ndi nda modo dri.”
Mano se Kufu Ota Sabata rote ana
32 Tu alo si ondro lidri Yisaraele ro dri orivoya vocowa ya oko, ànya usuyi mano aza te tiza oŋgovoya tu Sabata rosi. 33 Ago ànya se kusuyi nda be tiza oŋgovoya kai eziyi nda te Musa ndi Arona be re, ago lowa cini re. 34 Ànya 'bayi nda te zo kamba roya, tana tase oyene ndäri ara tana dri ko. 35 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Beṛo mano ana ufune; lowa cini ri nda ovone kuniŋwà si tesi gawa kundusi.” 36 Ta'dota lowa cini lofoyi nda te tesi gawa kundusi, voyi nda te kuniŋwà si madale nda drate, oso se OPI kota Musa be ronye.
Ota Bindi O'diro Cuku Boŋgo roya
37 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 38 “Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri, ago mi'ba ànya bindi o'dine cuku boŋgo ànyaro ro yasi le kovole'bai ànyaro ya, kodo lu'buliro o'dine bindi dri cuku alo alo drisi; 39 Ämiri a'done bindi be, tana ondro mindre ànya te oko o'bana ami gwo ota cini OPI ro tana oyine, ago ànya orone, 'dooko ämiri osone ole ya amiro ro ndi voondre mi amiro robe vo te i'do, se kabe andivo amiro o'banabe taoyene wayiro ono. 40 'Dooko bindi o'bana ami ota cini maro tana oyine ago orone, ago nyà'dona ndi alokado Lu amiro ri. 41 Ma ni OPI Lu amiro, se kolofo ami be tesi ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi owo, tana ma'do robe Lu amiro. Ma ni OPI Lu amiro.”