The Israelites Rebel against Moses
1 After the Israelites heard the report from the twelve men who had explored Canaan, the people cried all night 2 and complained to Moses and Aaron, “We wish we had died in Egypt or somewhere out here in the desert! 3 Is the Lord leading us into Canaan, just to have us killed and our women and children captured? We'd be better off in Egypt.” 4 Then they said to one another, “Let's choose our own leader and go back.”
5 Moses and Aaron bowed down to pray in front of the crowd. 6 Joshua and Caleb tore their clothes in sorrow 7 and said:
We saw the land ourselves, and it's very good. 8 If we obey the Lord, he will surely give us that land rich with milk and honey. 9 So don't rebel. We have no reason to be afraid of the people who live there. The Lord is on our side, and they won't stand a chance against us!
10 The crowd threatened to stone Moses and Aaron to death. But just then, the Lord appeared in a cloud at the sacred tent.
Moses Prays for the People
11 The Lord said to Moses, “I have done great things for these people, and they still reject me by refusing to believe in my power. 12 So they will no longer be my people. I will destroy them, but I will make you the ancestor of a nation even stronger than theirs.”
13-16 Moses replied:
With your mighty power you rescued your people from Egypt, so please don't destroy us here in the desert. If you do, the Egyptians will hear about it and tell the people of Canaan. Those Canaanites already know that we are your people, and that we see you face to face. And they have heard how you lead us with a thick cloud during the day and flaming fire at night. But if you kill us, they will claim it was because you weren't powerful enough to lead us into Canaan as you promised.
17 Show us your great power, Lord. You promised 18 that you love to show mercy and kindness. And you said that you are very patient, but that you will punish everyone guilty of doing wrong—not only them but their children and grandchildren as well.
19 You are merciful, and you treat people better than they deserve. So please forgive these people, just as you have forgiven them ever since they left Egypt.
20 Then the Lord said to Moses:
In answer to your prayer, I do forgive them. 21 But as surely as I live and my power has no limit, 22-23 I swear that not one of these Israelites will enter the land I promised to give their ancestors. These people have seen my power in Egypt and in the desert, but they will never see Canaan. They have disobeyed and tested me too many times.
24 But my servant Caleb isn't like the others. So because he has faith in me, I will allow him to cross into Canaan, and his descendants will settle there.
25 Now listen, Moses! The Amalekites and the Canaanites live in the valleys of Canaan. And tomorrow, you'll need to turn around and head back into the desert toward the Red Sea.
The Israelites Are Punished for Complaining
26 The Lord told Moses and Aaron 27-28 to give this message to the people of Israel:
You sinful people have complained against me too many times! Now I swear by my own life that I will give you exactly what you wanted. 29 You will die right here in the desert, and your dead bodies will cover the ground. You have insulted me, and none of you men who are over 20 years old 30 will enter the land that I solemnly promised to give you as your own—only Caleb and Joshua will go in.
31 You were worried that your own children would be captured. But I, the Lord, will let them enter the land you have rejected. 32 You will die here in the desert! 33 Your children will wander around in this desert 40 years, suffering because of your sins, until all of you are dead. 34 I will punish you severely every day for the next 40 years—one year for each day that the land was explored. 35 You sinful people who ganged up against me will die here in the desert.
36 Ten of the men sent to explore the land had brought back bad news and had made the people complain against the Lord. 37 So he sent a deadly disease that killed those men, 38 but he let Joshua and Caleb live.
The Israelites Fail To Enter Canaan
(Deuteronomy 1.41-45)
39 The people of Israel were very sad after Moses gave them the Lord's message. 40 So they got up early the next morning and got ready to head toward the hill country of Canaan. They said, “We were wrong to complain about the Lord. Let's go into the land that he promised us.”
41 But Moses replied, “You're disobeying the Lord! Your plan won't work, 42-43 so don't even try it. The Lord refuses to help you, because you turned your backs on him. The Amalekites and the Canaanites are your enemies, and they will attack and defeat you.”
44 But the Israelites ignored Moses and marched toward the hill country, even though the sacred chest and Moses did not go with them. 45 The Amalekites and the Canaanites came down from the hill country, defeated the Israelites, and chased them as far as the town of Hormah.
Ogbo Lidri ro OPI be
1 Ta ono ta lowa amote ago totreyite otre amba si; ago ŋgäkyi ana si lidri liyite raa. 2 Ago lidri cini Yisaraele ro viyidrite Musa ndi Arona be be; lidri cini atate ànyari ekye: “Màle amaro ro odrane 'bädri Ezipeto roya! Ago màle amaro ṛo odrane vocowa ono ya! 3 Tana e'di OPI ka ama ugu 'bädri ana ya, tufune bando si niya? 'Ditoko amaro ndi ŋgàga giṛiŋwà amaro be urune; inye'do a'do ṛo ko kado ämäri ogone Ezipeto ya ya?” 4 Ànya 'deyigwo atane iyivoya ekye: “Mì'de manji dri'ba màgo robe kovole Ezipeto ya.”
5 'Dooko Musa ndi Arona be 'deyite vuru militi si lowa se lidri Yisaraele ro ro kombikalabe ana kandra. 6 Ago Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro ndi Kaleba ŋgwa Jefune robe, se orivoya tro ànya se kamariyi 'bädri be ana lako ana, wayi boŋgo ànyaro te. 7 Ànya atayite lowa cini lidri Yisaraele ro ro ri ekye: “'Bädri se mòyibe marine ana, orivoya 'bädri kadopara yi. 8 Ondro OPI kulu ama ndi; nda uguna ama ndi 'bädri ana ya ago ozona ndi ämäri, 'bädri se twi leyi ndi epe be be ana. 9 Toto nyogbo ko OPI be; ago nyuturi koni lidri 'bädri se ana ro ri, tana mapena ànya ndi ṛe rritiako; ànya te vo rugaga ro ako; tana OPI orivoya ama yibe; Nyuturi ànya ko'de.” 10 Oko lowa cini atate ànya ovone kuniŋwà si. Oko dori lidri cini Yisaraele ro ndreyi ŋgaeyi a'do lototi OPI rote Mutuguṛi dri.
Musa ka Mätu Lidri ta
11 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Lidri ono oganayi ma zo tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya? Ago ànya orinayi taoma ako ma ya tuna mu'du eŋwanye maye ta rubä ro gica amba ànya lako ono niya? 12 Ma'bina ànya 'da adravo koziro si ago mutufuna ànya 'da, oko ma'bana mi 'da täpi tu'de se 'desipara ago mbara'ba ro ndrani ànya drisi ro.”
13 Oko Musa atate OPI ri ekye: “Nyolofo lidri ono teni Ezipeto'bai lakosi, mbara modo miro si, ondro ka'do Ezipeto'bai keriyi tase nya oyebe oyene ono be te, 14 ànya itinayi tana ndi lidri 'bädri ono ro ri. Äye OPI lidri 'bädri ono ro eriyite, anjioko mi orivoya lidri miro lako, ago mi OPI nyaka'da mite ŋbelero ànyari, ago 'dikolo miro ka edre ànya dri ago nya o'de ni mileya ànyari, 'dikolo cariro ya kitu si ago asi cariro si ŋgäkyi si. 15 Oko yauono ondro ka'do nyutufu ànya bete kpeye tu alo si, 'dooko tu'dei se keriyi liku miro tana be kwoi atanayi ṛo ekye: 16 ‘Tana OPI te mbaraako lidri ono ugune le 'bädri se nda ko'ba tabe ozone ànyari ono ya, ta'doro nda tufu ànya te vocowa ya.’ 17 Ta'dota yauono OPI, molo'baru miri nyaka'da mbara miro oso se mi'ba ta be ronye, se mikye: 18 ‘Ma OPI ma oŋga kyilaro liyaro, ago ma orivoya ŋgalu amba be, ma 'di e'bee'be ta taundi oyero ndi ta taenji robe ta, oko ma gica takozi onani oko, ma kpa taenji uti'bai ro taezarona logona logo ŋgwai dri; kpa le kovole'ba ninana ndi lisuna be dri.’ 19 Molo'baru miri nye'be lidri ono ta taenji rota, oso ta ŋgalu amba miro ro ronye, ago oso nyezi lidri ono e'be be, ta taenji rota rṛoni Ezipeto yasi le yau noŋwa ono ronye.”
20 'Dooko OPI atate ekye: “Oso taeji miro ronye, me'be ànya te. 21 Oko endaro oso magi orivoya ono ronye, ago oso a'do 'desi maro koga 'bädri be twi ono ronye, 22 alo aza lidri gi kondreyi a'do 'desi maro be ndi ta rubä ro maro se mayebe Ezipeto ya ago vocowa ya be, caoko ojoyi ta maro te le perena 'bute, ago eriyi ta maro kote. 23 Ta'dota aza ànyaro ri 'bädri se ma'ba tabe ozone zutui ànyaro ri ono ondrene te i'do; aza alo 'di gi kamawoyi mabe kwoi ro ri ondrene te i'do. 24 Oko ruindu'ba maro Kaleba, tana nda orivoya tori to be ago sote mavo ŋgyero, muguna nda ndi 'bädri se nda koyibe kigye ana ya, ago zelevoi ndaro urunayi 'bädri ana ndi drimbi ro. 25 Tana Amaleka'bai ndi Kanana'bai be riyite vodelero ya, ondo 'do migo kovole vocowa ya liti se kabe oyi Gyi'desi Okaro ya 'do yasi.”
Lu ka Lidri Eza ta Driovi rota
26 OPI atate Musa ndi Arona be ri ekye: 27 “Lowa gi koziro ono ovinayi drî mabe tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya? Meri driovi lidri Yisaraele ro rote, se kayibe driovi malomvo ono. 28 Nyata ànyari mikye: ‘Oso ma gi orivoya ono ronye, OPI kani ata nonye ekye: tase nyàtabe märi ono meri tana te mayena ndi ämiri: 29 avo amiro lo'dena ndi vocowa ono yasi; ami se cini atibe ndroa na etoni 'buteritu ya ago oyigwo mileyaro, se koviyidribe mabe kwoi. 30 Alo aza ànyaro ri ocine 'bädri se ma'ba ta be se makye ma'bana ami ndi orine kigye ono ya te i'do, e'be gialo Kaleba ŋgwa Jefune ro ndi Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro be. 31 Oko ŋgàga giṛiŋwà amiro se nyàta tana be mikye äruna 'da iyi, muguna ànya 'da kigye, ago ànya ondrenayi 'bädri se nyamawote ono 'da. 32 Oko ami, avo amiro lo'dena 'da vocowa ono yasi. 33 Ago ŋgwai amiro a'donayi 'da aba'bai ro vocowa yasi ndroa na 'butesu, ago ezarunayi 'da ta ta'diriako amiro rota, madale 'dise odrane äduro odrana lutu vocowa ya. 34 Tana nyamari 'bädri ana te u'duna 'butesu, u'du alo atina 'da ndroa alo ro, miŋgyina läŋgyi takozi amiro ro 'da ndroa na 'butesu, ago minina kozi maro 'da. 35 Ma OPI, matani endaro mayena tase ono ndi lowa se cini takozi'bai ro se kotokalabe malomvo ono ri: ànya okyenayi 'da vocowa ono ya, ànya todranayi 'da noŋwa.’ ”
36 Lidri se Musa kozobe 'bädri marine ago se kegoyite oko ko'bayi lowa cini be driovine nda be lazo koziro ezo si ta 'bädri ana rota 'do, 37 lidri se keziyi lazo koziro be ta 'bädri ana rota kai, drayite adravo koziro si OPI kandra. 38 Oko Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro ndi Kaleba ŋgwa Jefune robe riyite odra ako, se ni azaka lidri se koyiyibe 'bädri marine kai ro owo.
Oyi Käti Wari ana Gotane
(Otadele 1:41-46)
39 Ondro Musa kiti tase kwoi te lidri cini Yisaraele ro ri oko, lidri liyite amba. 40 Ago ànya ŋgayite kyenoŋboci ago tuyite le kuru 'bädri lutu ro toŋgoro dri, atayite ekye: “Mindre, màye takozi te, oko moyina ndi lau vose OPI ko'ba tana be ya.”
41 Oko Musa atate ànyari ekye: “Tana e'di nyà ota Opi ro perena niya? 'Do ni ko a'done kado. 42 Nyoyi ko lau ukyi kyila'baazii amiro ope ami 'da ṛe, tana OPI i'do ami lako. 43 Tana Amaleka'bai ndi Kanana'bai be orivoya ami mile, ago mi'dena ndi si bando roya, tana minarute ni osovoya OPI vo, OPI unina kote a'done ami yibe.”
44 Caoko ànya tuyite le kuru 'bädri luturo toŋgoro dri, oko Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro, ago ca Musa oyi kote ni gawa yasi. 45 'Dooko Amaleka'bai ndi Kanana'bai se koriyibe 'bädri luturo dri kai efoyite vuru, ago peyi ànya te ṛe ago oroyite ànya vo ndi njayi ànya te le Orama ya.