A Dishonest Manager
1 Jesus said to his disciples:
A rich man once had a manager to take care of his business. But he was told that his manager was wasting money. 2 So the rich man called him in and said, “What is this I hear about you? Tell me what you have done! You are no longer going to work for me.”
3 The manager said to himself, “What shall I do now that my master is going to fire me? I can't dig ditches, and I'm ashamed to beg. 4 I know what I'll do, so that people will welcome me into their homes after I've lost my job.”
5 Then one by one he called in the people who were in debt to his master. He asked the first one, “How much do you owe my master?”
6 “A hundred barrels of olive oil,” the man answered.
So the manager said, “Take your bill and sit down and quickly write ‘50.’ ”
7 The manager asked someone else who was in debt to his master, “How much do you owe?”
“A thousand sacks of wheat,” the man replied.
The manager said, “Take your bill and write ‘800.’ ”
8 The master praised his dishonest manager for looking out for himself so well. That's how it is! The people of this world look out for themselves better than the people who belong to the light.
9 My disciples, I tell you to use wicked wealth to make friends for yourselves. Then when it is gone, you will be welcomed into an eternal home. 10 Anyone who can be trusted in little matters can also be trusted in important matters. But anyone who is dishonest in little matters will be dishonest in important matters. 11 If you cannot be trusted with this wicked wealth, who will trust you with true wealth? 12 And if you cannot be trusted with what belongs to someone else, who will give you something that will be your own? 13 You cannot be the slave of two masters. You will like one more than the other or be more loyal to one than to the other. You cannot serve God and money.
Some Sayings of Jesus
(Matthew 11.12Matthew 13Matthew 5.31Matthew 32Mark 10.11Mark 12)
14 The Pharisees really loved money. So when they heard what Jesus said, they made fun of him. 15 But Jesus told them:
You are always making yourselves look good, but God sees what is in your heart. The things that most people think are important are worthless as far as God is concerned.
16 Until the time of John the Baptist, people had to obey the Law of Moses and the Books of the Prophets. But since God's kingdom has been preached, everyone is trying hard to get in. 17 Heaven and earth will disappear before the smallest letter of the Law does.
18 It is a terrible sin for a man to divorce his wife and marry another woman. It is also a terrible sin for a man to marry a divorced woman.
Lazarus and the Rich Man
19 There was once a rich man who wore expensive clothes and every day ate the best food. 20 But a poor beggar named Lazarus was brought to the gate of the rich man's house. 21 He was happy just to eat the scraps that fell from the rich man's table. His body was covered with sores, and dogs kept coming up to lick them. 22 The poor man died, and angels took him to the place of honor next to Abraham.
The rich man also died and was buried. 23 He went to hell and was suffering terribly. When he looked up and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side, 24 he said to Abraham, “Have pity on me! Send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and touch my tongue. I'm suffering terribly in this fire.”
25 Abraham answered, “My friend, remember that while you lived, you had everything good, and Lazarus had everything bad. Now he is happy, and you are in pain. 26 And besides, there is a deep ditch between us, and no one from either side can cross over.”
27 But the rich man said, “Abraham, then please send Lazarus to my father's home. 28 Let him warn my five brothers, so they won't come to this horrible place.”
29 Abraham answered, “Your brothers can read what Moses and the prophets wrote. They should pay attention to that.”
30 Then the rich man said, “No, that's not enough! If only someone from the dead would go to them, they would listen and turn to God.”
31 So Abraham said, “If they won't pay attention to Moses and the prophets, they won't listen even to someone who comes back from the dead.”
Voondre'ba Lakaza ro se ko 'Diri ana
1 Ago Yesu atate taeri'bai ndaro ri ekye: “Ŋgaamba'ba aza orivoya se ikicu voondre'ba lakaza ndaro rote ta parata 'desi ndaro ro enjiro. 2 Ndi nda zi voondre'ba lakaza ro ana gwo ago eji nda gwo ekye: ‘Ta gi mabe erina ta miro ta ono ta e'di roya? Nyegyi ta losi se cini miyebe lakaza maro si ono, tana minina kote a'done voondre'ba lakaza maro ro tona.’ 3 Ago voondre'ba lakaza ro ana atate andivo ndaro ri ekye: ‘Mayena e'di ya, 'desi maro kate oye ma onjine ni losi maro yasi. Ma orivoya mbara ako amba ŋga osone, ago ma orivoya driupiro drí lämine. 4 Mäni tase malebe oyene ono te, tana ondro ka'do ana ma teni losi maro ono yasi oko, ma'dona 'da bereazii yibe ma urune zo ànyaro ya.’ 5 Ta'dota, nda zi lidri se cini yuŋgu 'desi ndaro robe ana te ba alo alo. Ago nda eji se käti ana te ekye: ‘Mi parata 'desi maro robe moda ya?’ 6 Ago anya zatadrite ekye: ‘Malaŋgyi ido ro kutu ritu (2,000).’ Ago voondre'ba lakaza ro atate ànyari ekye: ‘Miru waraga yuŋguro ono ago miri vuru ndrindri ago nyegyi kigye toto kutu alo (1,000).’ 7 Ago nda go eji aza kpate ekye: ‘Mi parata 'desi maro robe moda ya?’ Ago anya zatadrite ekye: ‘Lu'di inya ro kutu alo (1,000).’ Ago voondre'ba lakaza ro atate anyari ekye: ‘Miru waraga yuŋgu ro ono ago nyegyi kigye toto kama njidriena (800).’ 8 Ta'dota, 'desi räṛu voondre'ba lakaza ro anyaro se ta'diriako ana te, tana nda ye losi te tauni si, tana lidri 'bädri ono ro orivoya tauni be taoye anyaro roya ni lidri ŋgaeyi ro ri.”
9 Ago Yesu ugu atate ekye: “Mata ämiri ono, mì'be bereazii andivo amiro ri ŋgadriamba 'bädri rosi tana ondro ŋgadriamba 'do kokyete oko, äru ami robe 'ba äduako ya. 10 Nda se orivoya 'diriro ta giṛiŋwa ya, a'dona kpa 'diriro ta 'desi ya. Nda se ta'diri ako ta giṛiŋwa ya a'dona kpa ta'diri ako ta 'desi ya. 11 Ondro ka'do nya'do kote 'diri ŋgadriamba 'bädri ono ro vona ondrevoya, a'di ozona ŋgadriamba se taŋgyero ono ni ämiri ya? 12 Ago ondro ka'do nya'do be ko 'diri lakaza 'diaza robe, a'di ozona lakaza andivo miro ro ni miri ya? 13 Ruindu'ba aza unina ko ruindune 'desii ritu ri, ya ndaro osona 'da alona lomvo ago luna azana 'da, nda a'dona 'da trwe alona aza ri ago mawona azana 'da. Mìnina ko ruindune Lu ri ago kpa parata ri.”
Yesu Emba Ŋgate ta ta Azaka rota
(Matayo 11:12-13Matayo 5:31-32Marako 10:11-12)
14 Ago ondro Parusii keriyi tase cini ono te oko, ànya guyi Yesu te, tana ànya lu parata tawi. 15 Ago Yesu atate ànyari ekye: “Nyà ni andivo amiro o'bane landrene ŋgye mi lidri roya, oko Lu ni ya amiro te. Tana ŋgase lidri koti tana be a'done ta 'desi ro orivoya ŋga awi yi Lu mile.
16 “Ota Musa ro ndi taegyi nebii robe a'dote losi oyevoya madale tu Yoane Bapatisi'ba rosi. Ṛoni tu ana si, lazo kado ta Miri 'Bädri'ba Lu ro ro iti tana te, ago 'dicini ka ruutri ocine kigye mbara si. 17 Orivoya rritiako vo'buyakuru ndi 'bädri be ri lävune ni ta tipari giṛiŋwa Ota ro urune tesi ri.
18 “Mano se ka toko ndaro onjina ago kabe toko aza ogye 'do yetate toko drisi ago mano se ka toko se onjite ogyena 'do ye ta kpate toko drisi.
Mano Ŋgaamba'ba ndi Lazara be
19 “Mano ŋgaamba'ba aza orivoya se ka boŋgo lagye amba be oso ago ka alo ŋgaonya toco onya aya tu cini si. 20 Ago lau mano ŋgaako'ba aza orivoya se ävuruna Lazara, ondoalo a nda ezi käläsi ŋgaamba'ba ana ro kala, lomvo ndaro orivoya kpeye laza ro. 21 Nda ka mio'ba 'boloto ŋgaonya ro se kabe e'de ni tara'biza ŋgaamba'ba ro drisi 'do onyane. Ago ca kokye yi kayi ikyi ago kayi mi laza ndaro ro elena.
22 “Tu esagwo, ndi ŋgaako'ba se ana drate ago malaikai ŋgyiyi nda te orine gbo Abarayama roya. Mano ŋgaamba'ba dra kpagwo ago ase nda te 23 ago nda te rueza 'desi ya 'bädri avo roya, oko nda ndrevote kuru ago ndre Abarayama te lozo, Lazara orivoya gbo ndaro ya. 24 Ago nda zi läzite ekye: ‘Täpi Abarayama, mi'ba ya miro kuni malomvo, ago nyezo Lazara ko'be driŋgwa ndaro ro gyi ya ago ki'dwe ladra maro robe, tana ma te orivoya rueza 'desi ya asi ono ya.’
25 “Oko Abarayama zatadrite ekye: ‘Ŋgwa maro, miyi ta tu ori miro roya nyusu ŋga kado cini te ago Lazara usute cini ŋga kozi ayani. Oko yauono nda te riyä ro noŋwa, ago mi miro te rueza ya. 26 Ago ta aza kpa ni no, 'bu ociekye orivoya lakole amaro ami yibe ya, tana ànya se kolebe ozane ni noŋwa amire 'do unina ko ozane, ca 'diaza se lau 'do unina ko ezane amare noŋwa.’ 27 Ago mano ŋgaamba'ba zatadrite ekye: ‘Molo'baru miri täpi Abarayama, mizo Lazara zo täpi maro roya, 28 tana ma orivoya ädrupii be nji, mi'ba nda kemba mi ànyaro ukyi ànya ikyi 'da vo gi rueza ro ono ya.’
29 “Oko Abarayama zatadrite ekye: ‘Musa ndi nebii yibe orivoya mi ädrupii miro ro embane, mi'ba ädrupii miro keriyi tase ànya kabe atana 'do.’ 30 Ago ŋgaamba'ba zatadrite ekye: ‘Ta 'do ojo ko täpi Abarayama, oko ondro ka'do aba 'diaza kefogwo ni avo yasi, ago koyigwo ànyare, 'dooko ànya etanayi drî ndi ni takozi ànyaro yasi.’ 31 Oko Abarayama atate ndäri ekye: ‘Ondro ka'do ànya keriyi Musa ndi nebii yibe kote, ànya unina yi kpa ko drietane ondro ka'do 'diaza kefo ca ni avo yasi owo.’ ”