One Sheep
(Matthew 18.12-14)
1 Tax collectors and sinners were all crowding around to listen to Jesus. 2 So the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law of Moses started grumbling, “This man is friendly with sinners. He even eats with them.”
3 Then Jesus told them this story:
4 If any of you has 100 sheep, and one of them gets lost, what will you do? Won't you leave the 99 in the field and go look for the lost sheep until you find it? 5 And when you find it, you will be so glad that you will put it on your shoulder 6 and carry it home. Then you will call in your friends and neighbors and say, “Let's celebrate! I've found my lost sheep.”
7 Jesus said, “In the same way there is more happiness in heaven because of one sinner who turns to God than over 99 good people who don't need to.”
One Coin
8 Jesus told the people another story:
What will a woman do if she has ten silver coins and loses one of them? Won't she light a lamp, sweep the floor, and look carefully until she finds it? 9 Then she will call in her friends and neighbors and say, “Let's celebrate! I've found the coin I lost.”
10 Jesus said, “In the same way God's angels are happy when even one person turns to him.”
Two Sons
11 Jesus told them yet another story:
Once a man had two sons. 12 The younger son said to his father, “Give me my share of the property.” So the father divided his property between his two sons.
13 Not long after that, the younger son packed up everything he owned and left for a foreign country, where he wasted all his money in wild living. 14 He had spent everything, when a bad famine spread through that whole land. Soon he had nothing to eat.
15 He went to work for a man in that country, and the man sent him out to take care of his pigs. 16 He would have been glad to eat what the pigs were eating, but no one gave him a thing.
17 Finally, he came to his senses and said, “My father's workers have plenty to eat, and here I am, starving to death! 18 I will go to my father and say to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against God in heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer good enough to be called your son. Treat me like one of your workers.’ ”
20 The younger son got up and started back to his father. But when he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt sorry for him. He ran to his son and hugged and kissed him.
21 The son said, “Father, I have sinned against God in heaven and against you. I am no longer good enough to be called your son.”
22 But his father said to the servants, “Hurry and bring the best clothes and put them on him. Give him a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. 23 Get the best calf and prepare it, so we can eat and celebrate. 24 This son of mine was dead, but has now come back to life. He was lost and has now been found.” And they began to celebrate.
25 The older son had been out in the field. But when he came near the house, he heard the music and dancing. 26 So he called one of the servants over and asked, “What's going on here?”
27 The servant answered, “Your brother has come home safe and sound, and your father ordered us to kill the best calf.” 28 The older brother got so angry that he would not even go into the house.
His father came out and begged him to go in. 29 But he said to his father, “For years I have worked for you like a slave and have always obeyed you. But you have never even given me a little goat, so that I could give a dinner for my friends. 30 This other son of yours wasted your money on prostitutes. And now that he has come home, you ordered the best calf to be killed for a feast.”
31 His father replied, “My son, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we should be glad and celebrate! Your brother was dead, but he is now alive. He was lost and has now been found.”
Lapidriopi Timele se Kujebe ro
(Matayo 18:12-14)
1 Tu alo aza si, ondro parata koto'bai ndi otapere'bai be kotoyi kala te Yesu lomvo ta ndaro erine oko, 2 Parusii ndi miemba'bai Ota robe etoyi driovi te ekye: “Mano ono ka otapere'bai uru ago ka ŋgaonya onya ànya yibe.” 3 Ago Yesu iti lapidriopi ono te ànyari ekye:
4 “Aba alo amiro aza ka'dogwo timele be kama alo, ndi alona aza kuje gwo, inye'do nda oyena e'di ya? Nda e'bena azaka se 'butenjidriesu fonjidriesu kabe ŋgaonya lowo ya ana gwo ago oyina gwo se kujebe ana uṛine madale nda usuna gwo. 5 Ago ondro nda kusu anya te oko, nda a'dote yai'dwesi nda ŋgyi anya te kufudri ndaro ya, 6 ago oyigwo 'bäru. Ago nda zi bereazii ago oriazii ndaro gwo voaloya ago atagwo ànyari ekye: ‘Miye riyä mabe, tana musu timele se maro kujebe ana te.’ 7 Kpa oso inye, mata ämiri ono, riyä a'dona amba vo'buyakuru ya takozi'ba alodi se ketadri te ta ndrani taŋgye'bai se 'butenjidriesu fonjidriesu si ko drietane ono drisi.
Lapidriopi Parata Kaciro se Jebe ro
8 “Kode aba ondro ka'do toko aza ka'dogwo parata mo'di ro kaciro be 'butealo, ago alona aza kuje gwo, inye'do nda oyena e'di ya? Nda eyine lamba gwo ago oyona ya zo ro gwo ago ugu vo uṛite liyaro vo cini yasi madale nda usu anya lutu. 9 Ago ondro anya kusu anya te oko, anya zi bereazii ndi oriazii anyaro be te voaloya ago atate ekye: ‘Ma te yai'dwesi, tana musu parata kaciro maro se 'debe di ono te, mì'de màye riyä.’ 10 Kpa oso inye, mata ämiri ono, malaikai Lu ro kai riyä oye takozi'ba alodi se ketadrite ta.”
Ŋgwa se Jebe ana
11 Ago Yesu ugu atate ekye: “Mano aza orivoya ŋgwà àgoro be ritu. 12 Ŋgwa se täduŋwa ro ana atate täpi ri ekye: ‘Täpi, nyozo lakaza se ka oyebe a'done märi drimbi ro teri.’ Ta'dota, mano ana lewe lakaza ndaro gwo ŋgwà àgoro ritu ndaro ri. 13 Ago u'du fere vosi oko, ŋgwa täduŋwa ana otokala ŋgase cini nda be sina ana rote voaloya, ago oyite 'bädri lozo ya, ago lau nda enji ŋgase cini nda be sina te ori kozi si. 14 Ago ondro nda kenji ŋga ndaro te cini oko, mä'bu 'desi 'dete 'bädri ana ya, ago nda te teinye ŋga aza ako. 15 Ta'dota, nda oyite losi oyene alo aza lidri 'bädri ana ro ri se zo nda te ämvu ndaro ya vo kizwe ndaro ro ondrene. 16 Aba nda le gi koso kyiri se kizwe kabe onyana ana onyane, oko cu 'diaza ozo ŋga aza kote ndäri onyane. 17 Äduro oko, nda usutate ŋgye ago atate ekye: ‘Ruindu'bai se ka losi oye täpi maro ri päläti dri orivoya ŋgaonya be amba, oko ma begi odra noŋwa ni täbiri risi ono. 18 Maŋgana ago moyina täpi maro re, ago matana ndäri makye: “Täpi, maye takozi te Lu lomvo ago kpa milomvo. 19 Mojo kote tona ma uzine ŋgwa miro, mi'ba ma a'done oso ruindu'ba alo miro se kabe losi oye päläti dri 'do ronye.” ’ 20 Ta'dota, nda ŋgate ago egote täpi ndaro re.
“Ago ondro nda drigba lozo ni 'ba lomvosi oko, täpi ndaro ndre nda te ago yana a'dogwo twi tusu be ndi nda mute ago ovo ŋgwa ndaro te ago njunju nda te. 21 Ndi ŋgwa atate täpi ri ekye: ‘Täpi, maye takozi te Lu lomvo ago kpa milomvo, mojo kote tona ma uzine ŋgwa miro.’ 22 Oko täpi atate ruindu'bai ndaro ri ekye: ‘Nyèzi boŋgo se kadopara 'do ndri ndri ago miso nda lomvo, mìso mäŋgusi dri ŋgwa ndaro ya, ago mìso mvoka pa ndaro ya. 23 'Dooko nyòyi nyèzi ti joroŋwa oshweekye ago mìfu ago mì'de màye riyä karama oyesi. 24 Tana ŋgwa maro ono drate, oko yauono adrite, nda jete oko yauono usu ndana te.’ Ndi ànya eto karama oyete.
25 “Ŋgwa kayoŋwa iro lowo ya, ondro nda kikyite ti zo lomvo oko, nda eri kporo loŋgo oŋgoro ndi läri otobe rote. 26 Ta'dota, nda zi alo aza ruindu'bai rote, ago eji anya te ekye: ‘Ta e'di ro kani a'do ya?’ 27 Ago ruindu'ba zatadrite ekye: ‘Ädrupi miro egote, ago täpi miro fu ti joroŋwa oshweekye te, tana nda egote kovole londroro ago kadoro.’
28 “Ädrupi kayoŋwa a'dote kyilaro ago gatezo ocine zo ya. Ago täpi ndaro itwete tesi ago lo'barute ndäri ecine. 29 Oko nda zatadri täpi ndaro rote ekye: ‘Mindre, ndroa gi cini kwoi si maye losi te miri oso iyeäṛi ronye ago ondoalo maro ota miro te. Caoko, nyozo indriŋwa aza kote märi karama oyeza bereazii maro be. 30 Ondro ŋgwa miro se kenji ŋga miro be kpeye ronyi'bai dri ono kesate 'bäru oko, mifu ti joroŋwa oshweekye te ndäri.’ 31 Ago täpi atate ndäri ekye: ‘Ŋgwa maro, ondoalo mi orivoya mabe noŋwa, ago ŋga cini gi ma sina ono orivoya miro. 32 Oko mà karama oye ago mà a'do yai'dwesi si ono, tana ädrupi miro ono drate oko yauono nda adrite, nda jete, oko yauono usu nda te.’ ”