Other Sins That Need Sacrifices or Payments
(Numbers 5.5-10)
1-3 The Lord told Moses what the people must do when they commit other sins against the Lord:
You have sinned if you rob or cheat someone, if you keep back money or valuables left in your care, or if you find something and claim not to have it.
4 When this happens, you must return what doesn't belong to you 5 and pay the owner a fine of 20 percent. 6-7 In addition, you must either bring to the priest a ram that has nothing wrong with it or else pay him for one. The priest will then offer it as a sacrifice to make things right, and you will be forgiven for what you did wrong.
Daily Sacrifices
(Exodus 29.38-43Numbers 28.1-8)
8-9 The Lord told Moses to tell Aaron and his sons how to offer the daily sacrifices that are sent up in smoke to please the Lord:
You must put the animal for the sacrifice on the altar in the evening and let it stay there all night. But make sure the fire keeps burning. 10 The next morning you will dress in your priestly clothes, including your linen underwear. Then clean away the ashes left by the sacrifices and pile them beside the altar. 11 Change into your everyday clothes, take the ashes outside the camp, and pile them in the special place.
12 The fire must never go out, so put wood on it each morning. After this, you are to lay an animal on the altar next to the fat that you sacrifice to ask my blessing. Then send it all up in smoke to me.
13 The altar fire must always be kept burning—it must never go out.
Sacrifices To Give Thanks to the Lord
The Lord said:
14 When someone offers a sacrifice to give thanks to me, the priests from Aaron's family must bring it to the front of the bronze altar, 15 where one of them will scoop up a handful of the flour and oil, together with all the incense on it. Then, to show that the whole offering belongs to me, he will lay all of this on the altar and send it up in smoke with a smell that pleases me. 16-17 The rest of it is to be baked without yeast and eaten by the priests in the sacred courtyard of the sacred tent. This bread is very holy, just like the sacrifices for sin or the sacrifices for making things right, and I have given this part to the priests from what is offered to me on the altar.
18 Only the men in Aaron's family are allowed to eat this bread, and they must go through a ceremony to be made holy before touching it. This law will never change.
When Priests Are Ordained
19 The Lord spoke to Moses 20 and told him what sacrifices the priests must offer on the morning and evening of the day they are ordained:
It is the same as the regular morning and evening sacrifices—half a kilogram of flour 21 mixed with olive oil and cooked in a shallow pan. The bread must then be crumbled into small pieces and sent up in smoke with a smell that pleases me. 22-23 Each of Aaron's descendants who is ordained as a priest must perform this ceremony and make sure that the bread is completely burned on the altar. None of it may be eaten!
Sacrifices for Sin
(Leviticus 4.1Leviticus 2)
24 The Lord told Moses 25 how the priests from Aaron's family were to offer the sacrifice for sin:
This sacrifice is very sacred, and the animal must be killed in my presence at the north side of the bronze altar. 26 The priest who offers this sacrifice must eat it in the sacred courtyard of the sacred tent, 27 and anyone or anything that touches the meat will be holy. If any of the animal's blood is splattered on the clothes of the priest, they must be washed in a holy place. 28 If the meat was cooked in a clay pot, the pot must be destroyed, but if it was cooked in a bronze pot, the pot must be scrubbed and rinsed with water.
29 This sacrifice is very holy, and only the priests may have any part of it. 30 None of the meat may be eaten from the sacrifices for sin that require blood to be brought into the sacred tent. These sacrifices must be completely burned.
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 2 Ondro ka'do 'diaza koye takozi te OPI lomvo kowe ogasi ta ŋga Yisaraele'ba azi ndaro ro se nda kombabe driigye 'do rota kode ŋga ndaro kuguna si, kode nda oco si 3 kode ŋgase 'debe di usuna si ndi du gwo driigye, ago äṛuru gwo driigyesi kowe si, ŋgase cini lidri kabe oyena nonye ono orivoya takozi yi. 4 Ondro 'diaza koye takozi te inye ago usu taenji ndaro vona te, beṛo ndäri ŋgase nda kugube, kode ŋgase ndana kurube 'dioco si kode ŋgase ozobe ombane ndäri rigye 'do logoako si, kode ŋgase nda kusu be 'do logoako si, 5 kode ruäṛu si ŋgaaza drisi, beṛo ndäri vona logone kpeye kuzupi na ri, ago be ndäri telesi 'buteritu kama alo ro o'bane driigye tuse nda kate ŋgapäṛi taenji ndaro ro ozo si. 6 Be ndäri ŋgapäṛi ndaro ta taenji ndaro rota ozone kohani rigye Opi ri, timelegogo se teinye mämbiako 'do lagye ŋgapäṛi ta taenji ro voro. 7 Kohani ri tori olone ta takozi mano na 'do rota Opi kandra, ago e'bena nda ndi takozi ndaro ta.
Ŋgapäṛi Ozaro cu
8 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 9 Nyozo ota ono Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri ekye; Ono ni ota ŋgapäṛi ozaro cu owo, ŋgapäṛi ozaro tori ro e'bene orine vo tori oloro dri ŋgäkyi raa madale kyenoŋbo si, ago be asi vo tori oloro dri e'bene 'du ugu ujene. 10 'Dooko be kohani ri, boŋgo 'bilindriro runduṛuro ndaro ndi boŋgo pa ro 'bilindriro be osone, ago ndäri torofo se asi kujebe foda vo tori oloro dri 'do ovone, ago o'bane lama, vo tori oloro roya. 11 'Dooko ndäri boŋgo runduṛuro ndaro otrine, ago boŋgo ruinduṛuro kinja aza osone, ago torofo 'do ugune tesi ni gawa yasi le vose wäṛiro ya. 12 Asi se vo tori oloro dri 'do orine 'du ugu ujene ko uzwene. Kyenoŋbo cini si be kohani ri asi otwane, ago ndäri ŋgapäṛi ozaro orane driigye, ago vo ombiombiro ŋgapäṛi rumora ro ro ozane driigye. 13 Beṛo asi o'bane orine 'du ugu ujene vo tori oloro dri; ko uzwene alona.
Ŋgapäṛi Inya ro
14 Ago ono ni ota ŋgapäṛi inya ro ro owo. Be kohanii ri ŋgapäṛi inya ro ozone OPI ri mile vo tori oloro roya. 15 'Dooko ndäri drì twi alo kyira ro oyine ago ido otine drì twi alo, ndi ŋga ŋgutruro se cini driigye 'do be, nda koza taka'daro ro vo tori oloro dri, anjioko ozo vona cini te OPI ri. Tägyi ŋgaŋgutru ono ro orivoya kadoro OPI ri. 16 Ago kohanii ri anjokona onyane, ago o'bene ambata ro teinye loŋgaako ago onyane vo alokado ya goko Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro roya. 17 Ko o'bene loŋga si. 'Do ma OPI mozote kohanii ri telesi ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro ozobe märi yasi. 'Do orivoya ŋgase alokado parandra yi, oso ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota ndi ŋgapäṛi taenji rota be ronye. 18 Ŋgwàagoro cini zelevoi Arona ro ri onyane ni kigyesi 'doni telesi ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonyaro se ozobe Opi ri ànyari owo. 'Dise kodo ŋga iyi te, mbara a'dona alokado 'do ro oyena 'dina 'do ndi koziro.
19 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 20 Ono ni ŋgapäṛi se Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri ozone Opi ri tuse ondro a'ba ànya te kohanii ro owo, alo 'bute koma alodi kyira ro ŋgapäṛi inya ro tu cini si ro, telesina ozone kyenoŋbo si ago telesina aza ozone tandrole si. 21 Be dro'bene ido si ago o'bene doka dri 'dooko yana towane kadoro ago ozone ŋgapäṛi inya ro ronye, tägyi ŋga ŋgutru ono orivoya kadoro OPI ri. 22 Zelevo Arona ro se cini kaoyebe a'done Kohani Fopara ro 'do ri ni ŋgapäṛi ono ozane. Ṛo ozane kpeye tori ro OPI ri. 23 Ŋgapäṛi se inya ro kohani kabe ozona 'do beṛo ozane kpeye, ko onyane.
Ŋgapäṛi ta Takozi rota
24 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 25 Nyata Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri mikye ono ni ota ta ŋgapäṛi takozi rota owo. Vose abe ŋgapäṛi ozaro ufuna kigye 'do beṛo ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota ufune kigye Opi kandra. Ono orivoya ŋgapäṛi alokado parandra yi. 26 Be kohani se kabe koronya ono olona ta takozi rota tori ro 'do ri onyane vo alokado ya, goko Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro roya. 27 'Diaza kode ŋga aza se kabe iza koronya na 'do ro odona, mbara a'do alokado na ro 'do oyena nda ndi koziro. Ondro ka'do kari na aza koloŋgate ŋga aza kode boŋgo aza lomvo, beṛo ojane vo alokado ya. 28 Lakaza se ludri ro se ala'di iza na be sina 'do beṛo ufune; oko ondro ala'di gwo te kozoroni si, be utrine utri, ago kalane gyi si. 29 'Diàgo cini katidri kohanii roya onyanayi ŋgapäṛi ono ndi; tana orivoya alokado parandra. 30 Oko ondro ezi kari na aza te Mutuguṛi ya ago olokate takozi onaza, kote iza koronya na 'do ro onyane; oko beṛo ozane kpeye.