Nadab and Abihu
1 Nadab and Abihu were two of Aaron's sons, but they disobeyed the Lord by burning incense to him on a fire pan, when they were not supposed to. 2 Suddenly the Lord sent fiery flames and burned them to death. 3 Then Moses told Aaron that this was exactly what the Lord had meant when he said:

“I demand respect
from my priests,
and I will be praised
by everyone!”

Aaron was speechless.
4 Moses sent for Mishael and Elzaphan, the two sons of Aaron's uncle Uzziel. Then he told them, “Take these two dead relatives of yours outside the camp far from the entrance to the sacred tent.” 5 So they dragged the dead men away by their clothes.
6 Then Moses told Aaron and his other two sons, Eleazar and Ithamar:
Don't show your sorrow by messing up your hair and tearing your priestly clothes, or the Lord will get angry. He will kill the three of you and punish everyone else. It's all right for your relatives, the people of Israel, to mourn for those he destroyed by fire. 7 But you are the Lord's chosen priests, and you must not leave the sacred tent, or you will die.
Aaron and his two sons obeyed Moses.
8 The Lord said to Aaron:
9 When you or your sons enter the sacred tent, you must never drink beer or wine. If you do, you will die right there! This law will never change. 10 You must learn the difference between what is holy and what isn't holy and between the clean and the unclean. 11 You must also teach the people of Israel everything that I commanded Moses to say to them.
12 Moses told Aaron and his two sons, Eleazar and Ithamar:
The grain sacrifice that was offered to give thanks to the Lord is very holy. So make bread without yeast from the part that wasn't sent up in smoke and eat it beside the altar. 13 The Lord has said that this belongs to you and your sons, and that it must be eaten in a holy place. 14-15 But the choice ribs and the hind leg that were lifted up may be eaten by your entire family, as long as you do so in an acceptable place. These parts are yours from the sacrifices that the people offer to ask the Lord's blessing. This is what the Lord has commanded, and it will never change.
16 When Moses asked around and learned that the ram for the sin sacrifice had already been burned on the altar, he became angry with Eleazar and Ithamar and said, 17 “Why didn't you eat the meat from this sacrifice in an acceptable place? It is very holy, and the Lord has given you this sacrifice to remove Israel's sin and guilt. 18 Whenever an animal's blood isn't brought into the sacred tent, I commanded you to eat its meat in an acceptable place, but you burned it instead.”
19 Their father Aaron replied, “Today two of my sons offered the sacrifice for sin and the sacrifice to please the Lord, and look what has happened to me! Would the Lord have approved if I had eaten the sacrifice for sin?”
20 Moses was satisfied with Aaron's reply.
Takozi Nadaba ndi Abihu be ro
1 Ŋgwàagoro Arona ro Nadaba ndi Abihu be, alo ru lakazà ŋga ŋgutruro ozaro ndaro te, 'ba asikyele te kigye, ago 'ba ŋga ŋgutruro te driigye. Ndi ànya zayite asi se ko alokado ana si Opi kandra, tana OPI ozo ota koni ànyari asi ana ezine. 2 Dori OPI ezi asi te, ago je ànya te ṛi lau OPI kandra. 3 'Dooko Musa atate Arona ri ekye: “Ono ni tase OPI ka'dobe atavoya owo ekye: ‘Beṛo 'dise cini kabe ruindu märi ri a'do alokado ono orone; tana lidri cini räṛuna ma 'da. Oko Arona a'dote titiitiro.’ ”
4 Musa zi Misaela ndi Elezafana be te, se ni ŋgwàagoro Uziela täpiazi Arona ro ro, ago atate ànyari ekye: “Nyìkyi noŋwa ago mìŋgyi avo ädrupii amiro ro ni Mutuguṛi alokado yasi ago mì'ba ànya gawa kundusi.” 5 Ta'dota ànya ikyiyite ago ŋgyiyi avo iyi te si boŋgo ànya ro ro yasi gawa kundusi oso Musa katabe ronye.
6 'Dooko Musa atate Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro Elezara ndi Itamara be ri ekye: “Mìri ko drî amiro ava ako ago nyòtowa boŋgo amiro ko ukyi midra 'da ago ukyi kyila Opi ro ikyi'da lowa cini dri. Oko toto Yisaraele'bai cini azi amiro ri ni avo se OPI kezi asi kozabe 'do liyine. 7 Mìtwe ko käläsi Mutuguṛi ro yasi ukyi mìdra 'da, tana äṛu ami te ido 'diäṛu ro OPI rosi.” Ta'dota ànya yeyite oso ata Musa ro ronye.
Ota kohanii ri
8 OPI atate Arona ri ekye: 9 “Mi ndi ŋgwàagoro miro be, mìmvu vino ndi wa be ko ondro nyate oci Mutuguṛi a'do lototi maro roya owo ukyi mìdra 'da. Ono orivoya ota yi orone le kovole'bai cini amiro ri. 10 Beṛo ämiri ŋgase alokado lewene ni ŋgase ko alokado resi ago ŋgase wäṛiro lewene ni ŋgase undiro resi. 11 Beṛo ämiri lidri Yisaraele ro embane ota se cini mozobe ämiri Musa si ono si.”
12 Musa atate Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro se ke'bebe ritu Elezara ndi Itamara be ri ekye: “Mìru ŋgapäṛi inya ro se kotabe ni ŋgapäṛi ozaro asi si OPI ri yasi ono, ago mì'be ambata loŋgaako sina ago mìnya vo tori oloro lomvo, tana ŋgapäṛi ono orivoya alokado parandra yi; 13 ämiri onyane vo alokado ya; tana 'do ni ŋgase adite ämiri ndi ŋgwàagoro amiro yibe, ni ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro se ozobe OPI ri yasi owo; tana 'do ni tase OPI kota mabe sina owo. 14 Oko mi, ŋgwàagoro miro ndi ndiriŋwa miro be mìnyana kätäti ndi ŋbiṛi se ozobe ŋgapäṛi lämu'du ro OPI ri ozone kohanii ri 'do ndi, ämiri onyane vose aza wäṛiro ya. Tana ŋgapäri ono te miri ndi ŋgàga amiro be ni ŋgapäṛi rumora ro se lidri Yisaraele ro kozobe yasi. 15 Ànyari kätäti ndi ŋbiṛi se ŋgapäṛi lamu'du ro 'do be ezine troalo ŋgapäṛi ozaro vo ombiombiro be ago ozone ŋgapäṛi lämu'du ro OPI ri. Kwoi ni ŋgase miri ndi ŋgàga miro be ri äduako owo, oso OPI kozo ota na be ronye.”
16 Musa ejitate indri se ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota 'do ta, ago usu tana te anjioko aza ṛote. Ta ono 'ba nda te a'done kyilaro Elezara ndi Itamara ŋgwàagoro Arona ro se ke'be be be, ndi atate ànyari ekye:
17 “Tana e'di mi'de be ko ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota ono onyane vo alokado ya niya? Tana 'do orivoya ŋga alokado ndra yi ago ozote ämiri takozi lowa cini ro onazana Opi milesi. 18 Aba beṛo ämiri onyane vo alokado ya teinye kari na eziako Mutuguṛi alokado ya, beṛo ämiri onyane lau oso mozo ota na be ronye.” 19 Arona atate ekye: “Ondro ono lidri ezi ŋgapäṛi ta takozi ànyaro rota ndi, ŋgapäṛi ozaro be te Opi ri, oko tase rriti ro ono a'dote märi. Aba ondro ono manya ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota ono gwo ni inye'do unina ko Opi o'bane yai'dwe siya?” 20 Ondro Musa keri tase ono te oko tana ojo nda te.