Manasseh's Land West of the Jordan River
1-6 Manasseh was Joseph's oldest son, and Machir was Manasseh's oldest son. Machir had a son named Gilead, and some of his descendants had already received the regions of Gilead and Bashan because they were good warriors. The other clans of the Manasseh tribe descended from Gilead's sons Abiezer, Helek, Asriel, Shechem, Hepher, and Shemida. The following is a description of the land they received.
Hepher's son Zelophehad did not have any sons, but he did have five daughters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. One day the clans that were descendants of Zelophehad's five daughters went to the priest Eleazar, Joshua, and the leaders of Israel. The people of these clans said, “The Lord told Moses to give us land just as he gave land to our relatives.”
Joshua followed the Lord's instructions and gave land to these five clans, as he had given land to the five clans that had descended from Hepher's brothers. So Manasseh's land west of the Jordan River was divided into ten parts.
7 The land of the Manasseh tribe went from its northern border with the Asher tribe south to Michmethath, which is to the east of Shechem. The southern border started there, but curved even farther south to include the people who lived around Tappuah Spring. 8 The town of Tappuah was on Manasseh's border with Ephraim. Although the land around Tappuah belonged to Manasseh, the town itself belonged to Ephraim.
9-10 Then the border went west to the Kanah Gorge and ran along the northern edge of the gorge to the Mediterranean Sea. The land south of the gorge belonged to Ephraim. And even though there were a few towns that belonged to Ephraim north of the gorge, the land north of the gorge belonged to Manasseh.
The western border of Manasseh was the Mediterranean Sea, and the tribe shared a border with the Asher tribe on the northwest and with the Issachar tribe on the northeast.
11 Manasseh was supposed to have the following towns with their surrounding villages inside the borders of Issachar's and Asher's tribal lands:
Beth-Shan, Ibleam, Endor, Taanach, Megiddo, and Dor, which is also called Naphath.
12 But the people of Manasseh could not capture these towns, so the Canaanites kept on living in them. 13 When the Israelites grew stronger, they made the Canaanites in these towns work as their slaves, though they never did force them to leave.
Joseph's Descendants Ask for More Land
14 One day the Joseph tribes came to Joshua and asked, “Why didn't you give us more land? The Lord has always been kind to us, and we have too many people for this small region.”
15 Joshua replied, “If there's not enough room for you in the hill country of Ephraim, then go into the forest that belonged to the Perizzites and the Rephaim. Clear out the trees and make more room for yourselves there.”
16 “Even if we do that,” they answered, “there still won't be enough land for us in the hill country. And we can't move down into Jezreel Valley, because the Canaanites who live in Beth-Shan and in other parts of the valley have iron chariots.”
17 “Your tribes do have a lot of people,” Joshua admitted. “I'll give you more land. Your tribes are powerful, 18 so you can have the rest of the hill country, but it's a forest, and you'll have to cut down the trees and clear the land. You can also have Jezreel Valley. Even though the Canaanites there are strong and have iron chariots, you can force them to leave the valley.”
Lidri Manase ro Aŋgoyasi
1 Ozo telesi wari rote katidrii zelevoi ŋgwa kayo Yosepa ro Manase ro ri 'duro. Ozo Gilada ndi Basana be te Makira, täpi Gilada ro ŋgwa kayo Manase ro ri tana nda orivoya mano kyila oyero. 2 Ago ozo wari te anjoko katidrii Manase ro: Abiezera, Eleka, Aseriela, Sekeme, Efera, ndi Semida robe ri. Kwoi ni zelevoi se mànoago ro Manase ŋgwa Yosepa ro ro owo. 3 Zelofeda ŋgwa Efera ro, ŋgwa Gilada ro, ŋgwa Mikara ro, ŋgwa Manase ro, teinye ŋgwàagoro ako, oko toto ndiriŋwa ayani. Ävuru ndiriŋwa anyaro ro ni: Mala, Noa, Ogela, Mileka, ndi Tiraza be. 4 Ànya ikyiyite kohani Eleazara, Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro ndi dri'bai be re, ago atayite ekye: “OPI ozo ota te Musa ri wari ozone ämäri ndi tro 'didiri amaro mànoagoro be ri 'duro.” Ta'dota ozo wari te ànyari tro 'didiri ànyaro mànoagoro yibe, oso OPI kozo ota na be ronye. 5 'Doni tase Manase ko'debe vo urune 'butealo dro'be gwo wari Gilada ro ndi Basana ro se lama telesi Yaradene ro yasi be owo, 6 tana ozo wari te 'duro zelevoi Manase ro 'ditokoro ri ndi tro se mànoagoro 'do be. Wari Gilada ro ozote anjoko zelevoi Manase ro ro ri.
7 Wari Manase ro etoni Asera ya sagwo le Mikemetata ya, 'buzele Sekeme roya. 'Dooko kishwe ugu oyigwo ŋgäṛiŋgwadriro kyi loci lidri Enetapua ro kigye. 8 Wari se gbikyi Tapua lomvosi ana orivoya Manase ro, oko 'ba 'desi Tapua se kishwedri ana, orivoya zelevoi Eperiama ro ro. 9 'Dooko kishwe ugu oyite le goloŋwa Kana ya. 'Bakicii se ŋgäṛiŋwadri goloŋwa ana roya kai orivoya Eperaima ro, ka'do gica le wari Manase roya owo. Kishwedri Manase ro ugu oyite lama telesi goloŋwa ana ro mä'dudrisi yasi ndi kyi kyete Gyi'desi Mediteraneana kala. 10 Wari se ogone ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi a'dote Eperaima ro, ago wari se ogone mä'dudrisi a'do te manase ro, kishwe aŋgoyasi ni Gyi'desi Mediteraneana. Asera a'dote ogone lakole mä'du ro aŋgoya be ya, Yisakara iro ogone lakole mä'du ro 'buzele be ya. 11 Oko 'bakicii wari Yisakara ndi Asera be roya Manase ru te, Beta Sana ndi Ibeleama be, tro 'ba'desii se gbikyi lomvoigyesi iyi be ndi Doro be, Enedea, Tanabe, Magida, ndi 'ba'desii se gbikyi anya lomvosi iyi be. 12 Caoko zelevoi Manase ro a'doyite mbaraako lidri se koriyibe 'bakicii kwoi yasi onjane, ta'dota Kanana'bai uguyi orite lau. 13 Oko ondro Yisaraele'bai ka'doyite mbara ro oko, ànya 'bayi Kanana'bai te mbarasi losi oyene ànyari; ago njàyi ànya kote kpeye.
Taeji Lidri Eperaima ro ndi Lidri Manase ro Aŋgoyasi robe ta Wari Azaka rota
14 Zelevoi Yosepa ro atayite Yosua ri ekye: “Tana e'di nyozo gwo toto telesi alo wari ro ayani a'done drimbi ro ämäri niya? Ama orivoya amba lowa ro, tana OPI äṛu ama te.” 15 Ago Yosua zatadri ànyaro te ekye: “Ondro ka'do nyà'dote orivoya amba lowa ro ago 'bädri lutu ro Eperaima ro ka'dote tegiṛiŋwa ämiri oko, nyòyi vocowa ya ago nyède vo andivo amiro ri wari Pereza'bai ndi Refaima'bai be roya.”
16 Ànya logoyitate ekye: “Wari lutu ro ojo ama ko; oko Kanana'bai se vorriro yasi iyi orivoya arabia kyila ro logoro be, ndi tro ànya se kayibe ori Beta Sana ya ago 'ba'desii se gbikyi lomvoigyesi iyi yasi, ndi ànya se Vodelero Jezerela roya kai be.”
17 'Dooko Yosua atate 'bakalai Eperaima ro ndi 'bakalai Manase ro aŋgoyasi be ri ekye: “Endaro ami orivoya amba lowa ro, ago ami orivoya mbara amba be. Ko toto a'done ämiri vo be alodi. 18 'Bädri se lutu ro ono a'done ndi ämiri. Ka'do gica kokye yi oko, nyèdena 'da ago mìru ri etoni sidri telesi alo ya le telesi aza na ya. Tana mìnjana Kanana'bai 'da ànya ka'doyi gica arabia kyila ro logoro be ago ca lidri mbaraekye ro owo.”