Ephraim's Land
1-4 Ephraim and Manasseh are the two tribes descended from Joseph, and the following is a description of the land they received. The southern border of their land started at the Jordan River east of the spring at Jericho. From there it went west through the desert up to the hill country around Bethel. From Bethel it went to Luz and then to the border of the Archites in Ataroth. It continued west down to the land that belonged to the Japhlet clan, then went on to Lower Beth-Horon, Gezer, and the Mediterranean Sea.
5 The following is a description of the land that was divided among the clans of the Ephraim tribe. Their southern border started at Ataroth-Addar and went west to Upper Beth-Horon 6-8 and the Mediterranean Sea. Their northern border started on the east at Janoah, curved a little to the north, then came back south to Michmethath and Tappuah, where it followed the Kanah Gorge west to the Mediterranean Sea.
The eastern border started on the north near Janoah and went between Janoah on the southwest and Taanath-Shiloh on the northeast. Then it went south to Ataroth, Naarah, and on as far as the edge of the land that belonged to Jericho. At that point it turned east and went to the Jordan River. The clans of Ephraim received this region as their tribal land. 9 Ephraim also had some towns and villages that were inside Manasseh's tribal land.
10 Ephraim could not force the Canaanites out of Gezer, so there are still some Canaanites who live there among the Israelites. But now these Canaanites have to work as slaves for the Israelites.
Wari se Ozobe Eperaima ndi Lidri Manase ro Aŋgoyasi be ri
1 Wari se ozobe zelevoi Yosepa ro ri etote ni Golo Yaradene ya loto Yeriko lomvo, ni 'buzele gyi Yeriko ro ro yasi, oyigwo le vocowa ya. Oyite ni Yeriko yasi cigwo le 'bädri lutu ro ya ndi le Betele ya. 2 Ni Betele yasi oyigwo le Luza ya, lävugwo le Atarota ya, vose Areka'bai koriyibe kigye ana ya. 3 'Dooko go oyite aŋgoyaro le wari Jafeleta'bai roya, sagwo le wari Vurulesi Bete Orona roya. Ugu oyigwa ni nasi le Gezera ya, ndi kyi kyete Gyi'desi Mediteraneana kala.
4 Zelevoi Yosepa ro, 'bakalai Eperaima ndi lidri Manase ro aŋgoyasi be ruyi wari ono te 'duro ànyari.
5 Ono ni wari katidrii Eperaima'bai ro ro owo: kishwedri ànyaro etote ni 'buzelesi ni Atarota Adara yasi sagwo le kurule Bete Orona roya, 6 ago ni nasi oyigwo le Gyi'desi Mediteraneana kala. Mikemetata a'dote ogone mä'dudri ànyaro yasi. Ni nasi kishwe goṛite 'buzelesi Tanata Silo driro ago oyi lävute 'buzelesi le Janoa ya. 7 'Dooko oyite ni Janoa yasi le Atarota ndi Naara be ya, sagwo le Yeriko ya ndi kyi kyete Golo Yaradene ya. 8 Ago ni Tapua yasi kishwe oyite aŋgoyasi goloŋwa Kana ro yasi, ago kyi kyete Gyi'desi Mediteraneana kala. Ono ni wari se ozobe katidrii 'bakala Eperaima ro ri 'duro ànyari owo, 9 tro 'ba'desii ndi 'baŋwai azaka se kishwe Manase roya oko ozote Eperaima'bai ri kai be. 10 Caoko ànya njayi Kanana'bai se koribe Gezera ya ana kote, ta'dota Kanana'bai riyite Eperaima'bai lako le tu ono si, oko a'ba ànya te losi oyene mbarasi oso iyeäṛii ronye.