Elihu Continues
You Men Think You Are Wise
1 Elihu said:
2 You men think you are wise,
but just listen to me!
3 Think about my words,
as you would taste food.
4 Then we can decide the case
and give a just verdict.
5 Job claims he is innocent
and God is guilty
of mistreating him.
6 Job also argues that God
considers him a liar
and that he is suffering severely
in spite of his innocence.
7 But to tell the truth,
Job is shameless!
8 He spends his time with sinners,
9 because he has said,
“It doesn't pay to please God.”
If Any of You Are Smart
10 If any of you are smart,
you will listen and learn
that God All-Powerful
does what is right.
11 God always treats everyone
the way they deserve,
12 and he is never unfair.
13 From the very beginning,
God has been in control
of all the world.

14 If God took back the breath
that he breathed into us,
15 we humans would die
and return to the soil.
16 So be smart and listen!
17 The mighty God is the one
who brings about justice,
and you are condemning him.
18 Indeed, God is the one
who condemns unfair rulers.
19 And God created us all;
he has no favorites,
whether rich or poor.
20 Even powerful rulers die
in the darkness of night
when they least expect it,
just like the rest of us.
God Watches Everything We Do
21 God watches everything we do.
22 No evil person can hide
in the deepest darkness.
23 And so, God doesn't need
to set a time for judgment.
24 Without asking for advice,
God removes mighty leaders
and puts others in their place.
25 He knows what they are like,
and he wipes them out
in the middle of the night.
26 And while others look on,
he punishes them
because they were evil
27 and refused to obey him.
28 The persons they mistreated
had prayed for help,
until God answered
their prayers.
29 When God does nothing,
can any person or nation
find fault with him?
30 But still, he punishes rulers
who abuse their people.

31 Job, you should tell God
that you are guilty
and promise to do better.
32 Then ask him to point out
what you did wrong,
so you won't do it again.
33 Do you make the rules,
or does God?
You have to decide—
I can't do it for you;
now make up your mind.
34 Job, anyone with good sense
can easily see
35 that you are speaking nonsense
and lack good judgment.
36 So I pray for you to suffer
as much as possible
for talking like a sinner.
37 You have rebelled against God,
time after time,
and have even insulted us.
Elihu Ka Eyobo Kicu
1 Elihu atate ekye:
2 Nyèri ata maro ami gyi tauni'bà ono;
mìga bi ami gyi mìkye ini tani ono.
3 Tana bi ka ta eri,
kpa oso ladra kabe ŋgaonya tembe 'do ronye.
4 Mì'de mànji tase ŋgye,
ago mùsu tavona amavoya.
5 Eyobo ka ata ekye: “Ma orivoya taenjiako,
ago Lu laga taŋgye maro zo.
6 Ma'do gica taenji ako oko ati mate kowe'ba ro.
Ago mate laza be koziro, ma'do gica takozi ako owo.”

7 Mano a'di oso Eyobo ronye,
se ka la'da umvu oso gyi ronye ya?
8 Nda le iro alo gboko taundi oye'ba ro
ago ka aba takozi'bai be ayani.
9 Nda ka ata ekye takado aza i'do 'diaza kojo ca Lu i'dwene owo.

10 Ka'do inye, nyeri ta maro, ami lidri se tavounibe ono!
Lu Mbarapara ni ko ŋgakozi aza oyene.
11 Nda ka päläti ozo lidri ri tase ànya kabe oyena voro
ago ka ànya oye oso a'do taoye ànyaro ro ronye.
12 Endaro Lu ye taundiro ko;
ago Lu Mbarapara topipa taŋgye roko.
13 A'di ozo mbara ni Lu ri 'bädri mirizana ya?
A'di 'ba nda ni drikaca be 'bädri cini dri ya?
14 Ondro ka'do Lu kuru adri ndaro be kovole,
nda kologo lawa ndaro be nda ya,
15 'dooko 'dise cini lidriidriro todrana ndi kpeye
ago ogo ogona ndi durufu ya.

16 Ondro nya'do te tavouni be, nyeri ta ono;
nyeri tase mabe atana ono.
17 Inye'do ya Lu ro ka'do go osoro taŋgye lomvo nda mirina vo ndi ya?
Inye'do nyokozina ndase taŋgye'ba ro ago mbaraekye ono ndi ya?
18 Lu kani ata 'bädri'bai ri ekye ànya takaciako
ago 'dimiri'bai ri ekye ànya koziro.
19 Nda 'de ko 'dimiri'bai vosi
ago lu ŋgaamba'bai ko ndrani ati'bai drisi,
tana nda 'ba ànya cini ni.
20 Lidri odrana ndi ätruku'du o'bwaro.
Lu ko'bi lidri te ànya ka odra;
nda ka 'di mbaraekye tufu teinye rriti ako.
21 Lu ka vo lidri ro ondreni,
nda ka abavo cini lidri ro ondrena.
22 Vouni gbiṛikyiri aza i'do,
se takozi'bai ri ruda'doza kigye.
23 Tana Lu ka'da tu kote lidri ri
oyiza vurena opeza ndäri.
24 Nda ka 'dimiri'bai onana teinye tavo ejiako
ago ka 'diazaka o'ba vona ya.
25 Tana nda ni tase ànya kabe loyena ni;
nda ka ànya ovoni vuru ŋgäkyi si ago ronyo ànya te.
26 Nda ka ànya eza ta takozi ànyaro rota lidri milesi,
27 tana ànya soyikote nda vo, ago gayi ota cini ndaro tezo.
28 Ànya 'bayi ati'bai te liyine Lu ri,
ago nda eri liyi lemeri'bai rote.

29 Ondro ka'do Lu kori gwo teinye ta aza oyeako,
a'di kozina nda ni ya?
Ondro ka'do nda kada'do mi ndaro gwo,
a'di ondrena nda ni ya?
Ka'do ca tu'dei kode lidri.
30 Lu unina ko luako'bai o'bane vomirine
ukyi nda o'be abari 'da lidri ri.

31 Aba ondro ka'do 'diaza kata gwo Lu ri ekye,
“Maye takozi te; oko mänina kote ogo oyene tona.
32 Nyaka'da takozi se mayebe teinye vona usuako 'do,
ondro ka'do maye takozi aza te,
mänina kote ogo oyene tona.”
33 Inye'do Lu päṛina mi ndi tana migazo,
tase nda kabe oyena erine ya?
Tana miri ni onjine ago ko ma; ta'dota nyayo tase nyusu be.
34 Lidri se tavouni be atanayi ndi;
tavouni'ba aza se keri ata maro be atana ndi ekye.
35 Eyobo ka ata tauniako si,
ago ata ndaro orivoya takaciako.
36 Sindi vure Eyobo ro opene kyiti;
tana nda ka tadrioza oso lidri kozi ronye.
37 Nda adroa ta ogboro kpa tro takozi ndaro dri;
nda ka Lu o'da ama cini milesi, ago ka ta ata ndra Lu lomvo.