Zophar's Second Speech
Your Words Are Disturbing
1 Zophar from Naamah said:
2 Your words are disturbing;
now I must speak.
3 You have accused
and insulted me,
and reason requires a reply.
4 Since the time of creation,
everyone has known
5 that sinful people are happy
for only a while.
6 Though their pride and power
may reach to the sky,
7 they will disappear like dust,
and those who knew them
will wonder what happened.
8 They will be forgotten
like a dream
9 and vanish from the sight
of family and friends.
10 Their children will have to repay
what the parents took
from the poor.
11 Indeed, the wicked will die
and go to their graves
in the prime of life.
Sinners Love the Taste of Sin
12 Sinners love the taste of sin;
they relish every bite
13 and swallow it slowly.
14 But their food will turn sour
and poison their stomachs.
15 Then God will make them lose
the wealth they gobbled up.
16 They will die from the fangs
of poisonous snakes
17 and never enjoy rivers flowing
with milk and honey.
18 Their hard work will result
in nothing gained,
19 because they cheated the poor
and took their homes.

20 Greedy people want everything
and are never satisfied.
21 But when nothing remains
for them to grab,
they will be nothing.
22 Once they have everything,
distress and despair
will strike them down,
23 and God will make them swallow
his blazing anger.

24 While running from iron spears,
they will be killed
by arrows of bronze,
25 whose shining tips go straight
through their bodies.
They will be trapped by terror,
26 and what they treasure most
will be lost in the dark.
God will send flames
to destroy them in their tents
with all their property.
27 The heavens and the earth
will testify against them,
28 and all their possessions
will be dragged off
when God becomes angry.
29 This is what God has decided
for those who are evil.
Taata Zofara ro: Kandrakozi Lidri Kozi ro
1 'Dooko Zofara Naama'ba atate ekye:
2 Yaiŋgyiako maro 'ba mate tadri ozane.
3 Tase nyatabe iyi orivoya la'dao'da yi märi,
oko tavouni maro si mänina ndi tadrina logone miri.

4 Endaro mini ṛote ni tu kyeno ana si,
tuse käti a'ba lidri be 'bädri yasi,
5 mano takozi'ba a'do ṛoko yai'dwesi madaro;
ago riyä luako'ba ro ka okye ndri.
6 Nda ombana ca 'desi wiṛa le vokuru ya,
drî ndaro osana ca le 'dikolo ya,
7 caoko anjana nda 'da di oso durufu ronye.
Ànya se kuniyi nda be iyi atanayi 'da
ekye nda gaŋwaroya?
8 Nda ujena 'da oso tori kabe taezi 'di dri,
oko ago andre ko do ronye ago oso abe rulofo ondre ŋgäkyi si 'do ronye.
9 'Dise kondre nda be ogo ondrena nda ko tona,
Nda onaruna 'da ni vose nda koribe kigye yasi;
nda ni kpa kote ogo orine vo ndaro ya.

10 Ŋgwà ndaro oyenayi takado teni;
ago logonayi ŋgase nda kurube ni ati'bai rigyesi ana vona teni.
11 Lomvo ombato'diro ndaro orivoya mbararo,
caoko asena nda 'da sina gyini ya.

12 Takozi ndeṛi tawi ndäri, nda ka ebena ladra ndaro zele
13 Nda eta azakana te kala ndaro ya ago leko ewene.
14 Oko ŋgaonya ndaro tozaruna ndi osoro ya ndaro ya,
osoro oso äṛi ini ro ka'bobe ronye.
15 Mano se takozi'ba ro ka ŋgadriamba kugu ago u'dwena tesi;
Lu go ewete, ndi leni ya ndaro yasi.
16 Nda otona äri ini ro 'da;
ago äri ini ro ufuna nda 'da.
17 Nda unina ko orine ärrui ndi ŋgadriamba be ondrene
kode orodri leyi ndi epe be ro ondrene.
18 Nda logona ŋgase cini nda kurube iyi 'da teinye onya akona;
unina ko parata se nda kusube ŋgalogye si iyi njäkyine,
19 tana nda eza ati'bai te ago ti tana ko
ago nda ru zoi se nda kobe koni iyi te.
20 Tana yagäru ndaro 'ba ŋga ojo nda ko alona,
ŋga gyi nda kurube iyi ni ko pa otone.
21 Nda kabe ŋgaonya, e'be anjokona kote alona,
ta'dota ŋgadriamba ndaro ni ko orine madaro.
22 Nda ka'do ca ŋgabe nyalakpa rriti o'dena 'da nda dri
tusu 'desi ikyina 'da nda dri.
23 Ondro nda konya ŋgate ndi oko,
Lu ezana nda 'da rritiro kyila si,
ago kyila Lu ro a'dona 'da ndäri ŋgaonya ro.
24 Nda umuna 'da voopane ni bando logoro ri,
ätu atala ro u'bona nda 'da äŋbu vuru.
25 Eŋgyena ätu 'da kundu ndaro yasi;
sina kyaka'da 'do eŋgyena 'da ni ya ndaro yasi, ago turi ocina 'da ya ndaro ya.
26 Ŋgadriamba ndaro cini eperete;
asi se eleru kote drì lidri rosi 'do ujena nda 'da ago ŋgase
ke'bebe zo ndaro ya iyi ijena 'da katidri cini ndaro be.
27 Vo'buyakuru ka'dana takozi ndaro 'da,
ago gyini edrena tazevo 'da nda lomvo.
28 Eperena lakaza zo ndaro ya 'da
tu kyila Lu ro rosi.

29 'Do kandrakozi lidri se koziro ro,
drimbi se Lu kolebe ozone ànyari ni wo.