Job Loses His Health
1 When the angels gathered around the Lord again, Satan was there with them, 2 and the Lord asked, “Satan, where have you been?”
Satan replied, “I have been going all over the earth.”
3 Then the Lord asked, “What do you think of my servant Job? No one on earth is like him—he is a truly good person, who respects me and refuses to do evil. And he hasn't changed, even though you persuaded me to destroy him for no reason.”
4 Satan answered, “There's no pain like your own. People will do anything to stay alive. 5 Try striking Job's own body with pain, and he will curse you to your face.”
6 “All right!” the Lord replied. “Make Job suffer as much as you want, but just don't kill him.” 7 Satan left and caused painful sores to break out all over Job's body—from head to toe.
8 Then Job sat on the ash-heap to show his sorrow. And while he was scraping his sores with a broken piece of pottery, 9 his wife asked, “Why do you still trust God? Why don't you curse him and die?”
10 Job replied, “Don't talk like a fool! If we accept blessings from God, we must accept trouble as well.” In all that happened, Job never once said anything against God.
Job's Three Friends
11 Eliphaz from Teman, Bildad from Shuah, and Zophar from Naamah were three of Job's friends, and they heard about his troubles. So they agreed to visit Job and comfort him. 12 When they came near enough to see Job, they could hardly recognize him. And in their great sorrow, they tore their clothes, then sprinkled dust on their heads and cried bitterly. 13 For seven days and nights, they sat silently on the ground beside him, because they realized what terrible pain he was in.
Satani ka ta Eyobo ro Ojona kpa To'di
1 Ondro tu kosate 'di vo'buyakuru ro ri ikyine kpa to'di OPI kandra oko, Satani ikyi kpate ànya lako. 2 OPI eji Satani te ekye: “Nya'do eŋwaroya?” Satani zatadri OPI rote ekye: “Ma'do abavoya nosi ago nasi, 'bädri cini yasi.” 3 OPI ejitate ekye: “Inye'do mindre ruindu'ba maro Eyobo gi'da ya? 'Diaza alona i'do ŋgye ago 'diri 'bädri ya oso nda ronye, nda ka ma mätu ago ye taundiro kote. Mi'ba maca mi o'bane nda gotane teinye ta aza ako, caoko Eyobo äti a'do 'diriro iro gi'du.”
4 Satani zatadri OPI rote ekye: “Lidri unina ndi ŋgase cini nda ka'dobe sina ozone ndäri oriza lidriidriro. 5 Oko aba ondro ka'do miye lomvo ndaro gwo koziro, nda o'dana mi ndi mi miro yasi!”
6 Ta'dota OPI atate Satani ri ekye: “Kadoyi, nda ṛo orivoya mbara miro zele, oko aba toto mifu nda ko.”
7 'Dooko Satani oyite ni OPI kandra si, ago 'ba laza koziro te Eyobo lomvo, eto ṛoni paya ndaro ya sagwo le driku'du'du ndaro ya. 8 Eyobo ru kagyiripe te laza ndaro okozana ago oyi rite torofo ya. 9 Toko ndaro atate ndäri ekye: “Mi dri gindi 'du ta'diri'ba ro ya? Mi'da Lu ago midra.”
10 Oko Eyobo zatadri anyaro te ekye: “Nya ta ata oso toko se amamaro kabe ta ata ronye. Ondro Lu kozo ŋga kado aza te ämäri oko mä̀ru gwo, ka'do inye ondro nda kozote rriti ämäri oko màgana gwozo ya?” Rueza cini ono lakosi Eyobo ata ta aza kote koziro Lu lomvo.
11 Bereazii nätu Eyobo ro eriyi rueza se cini ko'debe nda dri ana tana te, ànya ni Elipaza, ni 'bakici Temana ro yasi, Biledada, ni wari Sua ro yasi, ago Zofara, ni wari Naama ro yasi. Ànya rayitate troalo oyine tusu oyene nda be ago nda i'dwene. 12 Ondro ànya kondreyi Eyobo te lozo si oko, ànya niyi nda kote, ndi ànya 'beyi liyi te ndi kuku be; ago ànya towayi boŋgo ànyaro te ago tuyi durufu te ànya drisi. 13 'Dooko ànya riyite nda be lau gyini dri kituna njidrieri ago ŋgäkyina njidrieri, teinye 'diaza alo ri ta aza ata ako ndäri, tana ànya ndreyite rueza ndaro te orivoya parandra.