Job's Reply to Zophar
You Think You Are So Great
* 1 Job said to his friends:
2 You think you are so great,
with all the answers.
3 But I know as much as you do,
and so does everyone else.
4 I have always lived right,
and God answered my prayers;
now friends make fun of me.
5 It's easy to condemn
those who are suffering,
when you have no troubles.
6 Robbers and other godless people
live safely at home and say,
“God is in our hands!”
If You Want To Learn
7 If you want to learn,
then go and ask
the wild animals and the birds,
8 the flowers and the fish.
9 Any of them can tell you
what the Lord has done.
10 Every living creature
is in the hands of God.

11 We hear with our ears,
taste with our tongues,
12 and gain some wisdom from those
who have lived a long time.
13 But God is the real source
of wisdom and strength.
14 No one can rebuild
what he destroys, or release
those he has imprisoned.
15 God can hold back the rain
or send a flood,
16 just as he rules over liars
and those they lie to.

17 God shames counselors,
turns judges into fools,
18 and makes slaves of kings.
19 God removes priests and others
who have great power—
20 he confuses wise,
experienced advisors,
21 puts mighty kings to shame,
and takes away their power.
22 God turns darkness to light;
23 he makes nations strong,
then shatters their strength.
24 God strikes their rulers senseless,
then leaves them to roam
through barren deserts,
25 lost in the dark, staggering
like someone drunk.
Tadrioza Eyobo ro: Lu Orivoya Siomba'ba yi
1 'Dooko Eyobo zatadri te ekye:
2 Owo, endaro mi orivoya ata'ba yi vo lidri roya.
Ondro midrate tavouni odrana kpa.
3 Oko ma kpa tauni be oso nya'dobe sina 'do ronye;
ma ko 'di menyeŋwa yi miri.
A'di ni ŋgase cini kwoi ko niya?
4 Ma'dote ŋga uguro ro bereazii maro ri;
ma mätu Lu te ago nda zatadri maro te
ànya kayi ugu, ma gica orivoya taŋgye'ba yi ago koziako ono;
5 'Dise aza riyä ya ka 'dise orivoya rriti be uguna,
rriti orivoya nja lidri se kabe oye o'dene 'do ri.
6 Oko ŋgatopa'bai kayi ori 'bärusi liatokpero,
ago ànya se kayibe Lu mawo kayi ori londroro,
se lu ànyaro gica toto ni mbara modo ànyaro.

7 Oko nyèji koronyai vocowa ro, ago ànya embana ami ndi; ca arii itina tana ndi ämiri
8 Nyèji ŋgaloŋgaloŋgaŋwai gyini ro ago ànya embana ami ndi;
ago ti'bi gyi'desi ro itina tana ndi ämiri.
9 Vo ànyaro cini lakosi eŋwani ni koni ekye Lu ede ànya ni ya?
10 Adri ŋga cini lidriidriro ro,
ago lidri cini;
ro orivoya drì ndaro ya.
11 Oso taoni kata be ronye;
kpa oso ladra kabe ŋgaonya tembe 'do ronye,
bi ka kpa taeri inye.
12 Agoàmbago orivoya tavouni be,
ago ori mada ka tavouni ezi ni.
Tavouni ndi mbara be ni Lu ro,
13 Agoàmbago orivoya tauni tatenyi robe;
nda orivoya mbara tatenyi robe ago kpa mbara tavouni robe.

14 Ondro Lu kepere ŋga ni riya, 'diaza unina ko ogo obene,
ago nda kovo mano aza te kamba ya 'diaza unina ko onjine.
15 Ondro Lu kalaga 'bu te, vo wiṛo ṛa;
ondro nda kezo 'bu te u'dine, gyi gaṛo lwi.
16 Lu orivoya mbara be ago tavouni be;
'diodo'ba ndi 'dise abe odona iyi be riti orivoya mbara ndaro zele.
17 Nda kani tavouni 'dimiri'bai ro onana
ago kani dri'bai o'ba amama ro.
18 Nda kani 'bädri'bai ona gyiti drisi ago kani iba kunduro rueza ro embe kundu ànyaro yasi;
19 nda kani kohanii ona;
ago kani lidri mbaraekye logo vuru.
20 Nda kani lidri se ayitabe kigye iyi o'bana odrine ti,
ago kani tavouni agoàmbago ro onana.
21 Nda kani ànya se drikaca be o'ba driupi ro
ago kani mbara 'dimiri'bai ro okyena.
22 Nda kani ŋgase vouni ya ewana ago kani ŋgätini ezi ŋgaeyi ya.
23 Nda kani tu'dei o'ba a'done mbara ro,
ago ka kpani ànya tufu;
nda kani tu'dei o'ba litine, ago ka kpani ànya pere.
24 Nda kani tavouni dri'bai lidri ro ro ana
ago ka ànya o'ba abane wayiro wiriwiri ro;
25 ànya kayi täṛi vouni yasi ago nda ka ànya o'ba abane parapara oso 'dise wa kufube 'do ronye.