The Lord Will Not Let Baruch Be Killed
1 In the fourth year that Jehoiakim was king of Judah, Baruch wrote down everything I had told him. 2 Then later, the Lord God of Israel told me to say to Baruch:
3 You are moaning and blaming me, the Lord, for your troubles and sorrow, and for being so tired that you can't even rest. 4 But all over the earth I am tearing down what I built and pulling up what I planted. 5 I am bringing disaster everywhere, so don't even think about making any big plans for yourself. However, I promise that wherever you go, I will at least protect you from death. I, the Lord, have spoken.
Tao'ba OPI ro Baruka ri
1 Ndroa lisu 'dimiri Jehoiakima ŋgwa Josia ro 'bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi oko, Baruka egyi tase mitibe ndäri ana te vuru. 'Dooko matate ndäri 2 makye: “OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro, atate mi Baruka ri ekye; 3 nyatate mikye: ‘Ma te kandrakozi be. Tana OPI adro tusu te rriti maro dri. Mokwo tawi ni leri ri, ago musu loli aza kote!’
4 “Oko Ma, OPI, mani ŋgase mabebe ono ogana vuru ago mani ŋgase mikyi'dibe ono eŋgyena. Mayena ta ono ndi 'bädri cini ri. 5 Inye'do nya takado aza uṛina andivo miro riya? Miṛi ko. Ma oye kandrakozi ezine lidri cini dri, caoko mapana adri miro 'da, vose nya oyebe oyine kigye 'do ya. Ma, OPI, matani.”