King Zedekiah Asks Jeremiah To Pray
1 King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia had removed Jehoiachin son of Jehoiakim from being the king of Judah and had made Josiah's son Zedekiah king instead. 2 But Zedekiah, his officials, and everyone else in Judah ignored everything the Lord had told me.
3-5 Later, the Babylonian army attacked Jerusalem, but they left after learning that the Egyptian army was headed in this direction.
One day, Zedekiah sent Jehucal and the priest Zephaniah to talk with me. At that time, I was free to go wherever I wanted, because I had not yet been put in prison. Jehucal and Zephaniah said, “Jeremiah, please pray to the Lord our God for us.”
6-7 Then the Lord told me to send them back to Zedekiah with this message:
Zedekiah, you wanted Jeremiah to ask me, the Lord God of Israel, what is going to happen. So I will tell you. The king of Egypt and his army came to your rescue, but soon they will go back to Egypt. 8 Then the Babylonians will return and attack Jerusalem, and this time they will capture the city and set it on fire. 9 Don't fool yourselves into thinking that the Babylonians will leave as they did before. 10 Even if you could defeat their entire army, their wounded survivors would still be able to leave their tents and set Jerusalem on fire.
Jeremiah Is Put in Prison
11 The Babylonian army had left because the Egyptian army was on its way to help us. 12 So I decided to leave Jerusalem and go to the territory of the Benjamin tribe to claim my share of my family's land. 13 I was leaving Jerusalem through Benjamin Gate, when I was stopped by Irijah, the officer in charge of the soldiers at the gate. He said, “Jeremiah, you're under arrest for trying to join the Babylonians.”
14 “I'm not trying to join them!” I answered. But Irijah wouldn't listen, and he took me to the king's officials. 15-16 They were angry and ordered the soldiers to beat me. Then I was taken to the house that belonged to Jonathan, one of the king's officials. It had been turned into a prison, and I was kept in a basement room.
After I had spent a long time there, 17 King Zedekiah secretly had me brought to his palace, where he asked, “Is there any message for us from the Lord?”
“Yes, there is, Your Majesty,” I replied. “The Lord is going to let the king of Babylonia capture you.”
18 Then I continued, “Your Majesty, why have you put me in prison? Have I committed a crime against you or your officials or the nation? 19 Have you locked up the prophets who lied to you and said that the king of Babylonia would never attack Jerusalem? 20 Please, don't send me back to that prison at Jonathan's house. If you do, I will die there.”
21 King Zedekiah had me taken to the prison cells in the courtyard of the palace guards. He told the soldiers to give me a loaf of bread from one of the bakeries every day until the city ran out of grain.
Zedekia ka Yeremaya Eji
1 Zedekia ŋgwa Josia ro se Nebukadenezara 'bädri'ba Babelona ro 'ba be 'bädri'ba ro Yuda ya ana mirivote Jehoiakina ŋgwa vo Jehoiakima ro roya. 2 Oko ca Zedekia ca dri'bai ndaro losi ro ca lidri royi lazo se OPI kozobe märi itine ono kote.
3 'Bädri'ba Zedekia ezo Jehukala ŋgwa Selemaya ro ndi kohani Zefanaya ŋgwa Maseya robe te ma Yeremaya ejine mätu oyene OPI Lu amaro ri ta ama rota. 4 'Dooko madri aba dritairo lidri lakosi tana a'ba ma dri ko kamba ya. 5 Ondro kyila'bai Babelona'bai ro se kayibe drî Yerusalema ro umu ana keriyitate ekye kyila'bai Ezipeto'bai ro ezayi drî kishwe Ezipeto'bai be rote oko, ànya tayidrite kovole.
6 'Dooko OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro, ititate ma nebi Yeremaya ri atane 7 Zedekia se zo ma be OPI ejine 'do ri ekye: “Aba kyila'bai Ezipeto'bai ro kayite eziikyi liti ya ami opane, caoko ànya ogonayi 'da kovole wari modo ànyaro ya. 8 'Dooko Babelona'bai ogo egonayi 'da, gotanayi 'bakici ono 'da, urunayi 'da, ago ozanayi 'da riya asi si. 9 Ma, OPI, ma miomba ozo miri nyòdo andivo amiro ko mìma ko mìkye Babelona'bai uninayi kote egone, tana ànya kayi oye egone. 10 Aba ondro ka'do mipe kyila'bai Babelona'bai ro se kabe kyila oye ami be ca kpeye ṛe, ago ke'be ca toto lidri se ä'bobe laza be iyi ayani, lidri na gi iyi ogo oŋganayi 'da kpa to'di ni gawa yasi ago ozanayi 'bakici ono 'da riya vuru.”
Äru Yeremaya te ago Avote Kamba ya
11 Kyila'bai Babelona'bai ro tayidrite kovole ni Yerusalema yasi tana kyila'bai Ezipeto'bai ro esayite lototi. 12 Ta'dota ma Yeremaya meto oyite ni Yerusalema yasi oyine wari Benjamina roya drimbi katidri maro ro urune. 13 Oko ondro masate Dereŋwa Benjamina roya oko, dri'ba 'desi kyila'bai ro se lau, se äzibe Irija, ŋgwa Selemaya ro kwozo Anania ro ana, ru mate ago atate ekye: “Nya umu Babelona'bai lako!”
14 Mazatadrite makye: “Ko inye! Ma ko umu Babelona'bai lako.” Caoko Irija eri ta maro kote. Nda ru mate, ago ugu mate dri'bai re. 15 Ànya a'doyite kyilaro ndra mabe ago ozoyitate ma o'bine ago drî maro osene zo Jonatana, egyi'ba goko ro roya, se a'ba zo na te a'done kamba ro. 16 Oloci mate 'bu se gyini zele ana ya ago marite lau tuna amba.
17 Äduro oko 'Bädri'ba Zedekia zo lazo te mavo, ago ezi ma te. Nda eji mate iṛero zo'desi miri ro nda roya ekye: “Inye'do lazo aza go ikyi gi'da ni OPI resi ya?”
Mazatadrite makye: “Orivoya,” Ndi 'bädri'ba Zedekia ekye: “Ozona mi 'da 'bädri'ba Babelona ro rigye.” 18 'Dooko mejitate makye: “Tase mayebe koziro miri kode dri'bai losi ro miro ri kode lidri ono ri, ma o'baza ovone kamba ya e'diya? 19 Nebii miro se kitiyi ta be miri ekye: ‘Babelona'bai ri mi gotane i'do ago 'bädri ono gotane i'do iyi gaŋwaroya?’ 20 Ago yauono, mi 'desi, 'bädri'ba maro molo'baru miri ta maro erine, migo mizo ma kote kovole kamba ya zo Jonatana egyi'ba roya, ukyi madra 'da lau.”
21 Ta'dota 'Bädri'ba Zedekia ozotate drî maro osene goko zo'desi miri roya; ago tu cini si ambata ozone märi alodi ni vo o'bena ro yasi madale ambata kye lutu kpeye ni 'bakici yasi. Ta'dota marite goko ya lau.