Sin and Shame
1 The Lord said to the people of Israel:

If a divorced woman marries,
can her first husband
ever marry her again?
No, because this
would pollute the land.
But you have more gods
than a prostitute has lovers.
Why should I take you back?
2 Just try to find one hilltop
where you haven't gone
to worship other gods
by having sex.
You sat beside the road
like a robber in ambush,
except you offered yourself
to every passerby.
Your sins of unfaithfulness
have polluted the land.
3 So I, the Lord, refused
to let the spring rains fall.
But just like a prostitute,
you still have no shame
for what you have done.
4 You call me your father
or your long-lost friend;
5 you beg me to stop being angry,
but you won't stop sinning.
The Lord Asks Israel To Come Back to Him
6 When Josiah was king, the Lord said:
Jeremiah, the kingdom of Israel was like an unfaithful wife who became a prostitute on the hilltops and in the shade of large trees. 7-8 I knew that the kingdom of Israel had been unfaithful and committed many sins, yet I still hoped she might come back to me. But she didn't, so I divorced her and sent her away.
Her sister, the kingdom of Judah, saw what happened, but she wasn't worried in the least, and I watched her become unfaithful like her sister. 9 The kingdom of Judah wasn't sorry for being a prostitute, and she didn't care that she had made both herself and the land unclean by worshiping idols of stone and wood. 10 And worst of all, the people of Judah pretended to come back to me. 11 Even the people of Israel were honest enough not to pretend.
12 Jeremiah, shout toward the north:

Israel, I am your Lord
come back to me!
You were unfaithful
and made me furious,
but I am merciful,
and so I will forgive you.
13 Just admit that you rebelled
and worshiped foreign gods
under large trees everywhere.
14 You are unfaithful children,
but you belong to me.
Come home!
I'll take one or two of you
from each town and clan
and bring you to Zion.
15 Then I'll appoint wise rulers
who will obey me,
and they will care for you
like shepherds.

16 You will increase in numbers,
and there will be no need
to remember the sacred chest
or to make a new one.
17 The whole city of Jerusalem
will be my throne.
All nations will come here
to worship me,
and they will no longer follow
their stubborn, evil hearts.
18 Then, in countries to the north,
you people of Judah and Israel
will be reunited,
and you will return to the land
I gave your ancestors.
19 I have always wanted
to treat you as my children
and give you the best land,
the most beautiful on earth.
I wanted you to call me “Father”
and not turn from me.
20 But instead, you are like a wife
who broke her wedding vows.
You have been unfaithful to me.
I, the Lord, have spoken.
The People Confess Their Sins
The Lord said:

21 Listen to the noise
on the hilltops!
It's the people of Israel,
weeping and begging me
to answer their prayers.
They forgot about me
and chose the wrong path.
22 I will tell them, “Come back,
and I will cure you
of your unfaithfulness.”

They will answer,
“We will come back, because you
are the Lord our God.
23 On hilltops, we worshiped idols
and made loud noises,
but it was all for nothing—
only you can save us.
24 Since the days of our ancestors
when our nation was young,
that shameful god Baal has taken
our crops and livestock,
our sons and daughters.
25 We have rebelled against you
just like our ancestors,
and we are ashamed of our sins.”
Yisaraele Ta'diriako
1 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ondro ka'do manoaza konji toko ndaro te, ago ondro ka'do toko 'do kukyi ka'dote toko ro mano to aza ri oko, inye'do ago käti 'do ego uruna anya ndi kovole kpa to'dina ya? Ta inye 'do enjina wari ṛo kpeye koziro. Mi Yisaraele, mi orivoya 'dise kulu mibe iyi be amba, ago inye'do mile kpate egone mare ya? 2 Mindrevo te lutui drisi. Inye'do vo aza ta gi'da lau se miye ronyi kote kigye ya? Mirite 'dise kuluyi mibe iyi kwotevoya litibiṛi yasi, oso Arabi kabe 'di kwote vocowa siŋgwa ro ya ronye. Nyenji wari ono te undiro ronyi oye miro ono si. 3 'Doni tase 'bu ko'de beko u'dine, ago 'bu durudri ro ko'de beko otine owo. Nyalandrete oso ronyi'ba ronye; mi te orivoya teinye driupiako.
4 “Ago yauono nya ata märi mikye: ‘Mi orivoya täpi maro, ago yulu ma teṛo kyeno ma dri ṛo ŋgaga ro. 5 Ondoalo nya'do kote kyilaro; mini kote ozionyane malomvo äduako.’ Yisaraele, 'doni tase nyatabe owo, oko miye tase cini undiro ono te oso minibe ronye.”
Beṛo Yisaraele ndi Yuda be ri Drietane
6 Tuse Josia be 'bädri'ba ro ana si, OPI atate märi ekye: “Inye'do mindre tase, toko se ta'diriako Yisaraele ono, koyebe ono ndiya? Anya oyite ago yetate oso ronyi'ba ronye lutu cini toŋgoro drisi ago ice cini kundruro zelesi. 7 Musutate makye: ‘Ondro anya konde tase cini kwoi loyena te oko, endaro anya egona 'da mare.’ Oko anya ego kote, ago endreŋwa anyaro Yuda se ta'diriako ono, ndre tase cini ono te. 8 Yuda ndre kpate monji Yisaraele te ago mazo anya te lozo ta ronyi rota, caoko Yuda turi kote anya oyi kpate ago a'dote ronyi'ba ro, 9 Anya enji wari ono te, tana ronyi a'dote taawi ro anyari, ago anya ye ronyi te kunii ndi ice yibe mätuna si. 10 Caoko ta cini kwoi vosi, Yuda, endreŋwa se Yisaraele ro ta'diriako ono, ego kote mare ya ŋgye si, oko miomba si. Ma, OPI, matani.”
11 'Dooko OPI ititate märi ekye, Yisaraele se ta'diriako ono anya orivoya fere kadopara ni Yuda se ta'diriako ono ri. 12 Nda atate märi oyine atane Yisaraele ri ekye: “Mi Yisaraele gi ta'diriako ono, nyego mare. Mänina ko a'done kyilaro mibe; tana ma orivoya yauni amba be. Mänina ko a'done kyilaro mibe äduako. 13 Oko toto miri taenji miro tadrina olene anjioko nyogbote OPI, Lu miro be, ago nyozo ŋgalu miro te lui atrai ro ri ice cini kundruro zelesi ago miro ota maro kote. Ma, OPI, matani.
14 “Lidri se ta'diriako ono, nyègo kovole; tana ma orivoya 'desi amiro. Märuna ami 'da ba alo alo ni 'ba'desi alo alo yasi ago ritu ritu ni katidri alo alo yasi, ago mezina ami 'da kovole 'Bereŋwa Zaiona ya. 15 Mozona 'dimiri'bai se kayibe ma oro iyi 'da ämiri, ago ànya lepena ami 'da tavouni ndi tauni be si. 16 'Dooko ondro nyìlitite nyalakpa wari ana ya oko, lidri unina kote ta Sänduku Tao'baro maro ro tana usune ago tana oyine; ànya uninayi kpa kote anya olene, ago uninayi kpa kote azana edene tona. 17 Ondro tu ana kesate oko, äzina Yerusalema 'da ‘Gyiti OPI ro,’ ago tu'dei cini otonayi kala 'da Yerusalema ya lau ma OPI mätune. Ànya uninayi kote tase ànyaro biakosi ago tase ya undiro ànyaro kolebe iyi oyene tona. 18 Yisaraele dro'beruna 'da Yuda be, ànya ikyinayi 'da troalo ni 'bädri midiro se mä'dudrisi ana yasi ago egonayi 'da wari se mozobe zutui ànyaro ri drimbiro ana ya.”
Lu Awi Mätu Lidri Lu ro ro
19 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Yisaraele, male mi oyene oso ŋgwa maro ronye,
ago wari se kado ono ozone miri,
wari se liŋgyiekye parandra 'bädri cini drisi
Male miri ma uzine, ‘täpi maro,’
ago kote ogone ruonane ni maresi kpa to'di.
20 Caoko nya'do kote 'diri märi,
oso toko se ta'diriako ke'be ago be 'do ronye.
Ma, OPI, matani.”

21 Eri kporo aza teni lutui drisi;
lidri Yisaraele ro kani ugu liyi ndi rulo'ba be,
tana ànya riyite ori se takozi ro 'do ayani
ago ijeyi ta OPI Lu ànyaro rote.
22 Nyègo, ami se cini ta'diriako ono;
nda edena ami 'da ago o'bana ami 'da 'diri.

Nyà ata mikye: “Owo, mà oye ikyine OPI re, tana nda orivoya OPI Lu amaro. 23 Endaro mätu se lu awi ro màbe oyena lutui drisi ago 'bereŋwai drisi ono pa ama kote. Ŋgaopa Yisaraele ro ka ikyi toto ni OPI Lu amaro resi. 24 Oko ṛo ombato'di amaro si, lu se driupi ro ono, mätu na 'ba ŋga cini se zutui amaro koyeyi losi be tana ro kyeno ana te okyene; gboko timele ndi ti amaro be, ago ŋgwàagoro ndi ndiriŋwa amaro be. 25 Mù'duna te vuru driupi si ago ma'bana driupi uruna ama teni, tana màye takozi te OPI Lu amaro ri ama ndi zutui amaro be; ṛoni ombato'di amaro si le ondro, màro ota OPI Lu amaro ro kote alona.”