Slaves of Nebuchadnezzar
1-2 Not long after Zedekiah became king of Judah, the Lord told me:
Jeremiah, make a wooden yoke with leather straps, and place it on your neck. 3 Then send a message to the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, and Sidon. Some officials from these countries are in Jerusalem, meeting with Zedekiah. 4 So have them tell their kings that I have said:
I am the All-Powerful Lord God of Israel, 5 and with my power I created the earth, its people, and all animals. I decide who will rule the earth, 6-7 and I have chosen my servant King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia to rule all nations, including yours. I will even let him rule the wild animals. All nations will be slaves of Nebuchadnezzar, his son, and his grandson. Then many nations will join together, and their kings will make slaves of the Babylonians.
8 This yoke stands for the power of King Nebuchadnezzar, and I will destroy any nation that refuses to obey him. Nebuchadnezzar will attack, and many will die in battle or from hunger and disease. 9 You might have people in your kingdom who claim they can tell the future by magic or by talking with the dead or by dreams or messages from a god. But don't pay attention if any of them tell you not to obey Nebuchadnezzar. 10 If you listen to such lies, I will have you dragged far from your country and killed. 11 But if you and your nation are willing to obey Nebuchadnezzar, I will let you stay in your country, and your people will continue to live and work on their farms.
12 After I had spoken to the officials from the nearby kingdoms, I went to King Zedekiah and told him the same thing. Then I said:
Zedekiah, if you and the people of Judah want to stay alive, you must obey Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians. 13 But if you refuse, then you and your people will die from war, hunger, and disease, just as the Lord has warned. 14 Your prophets have told you that you don't need to obey Nebuchadnezzar, but don't listen to their lies. 15 Those prophets claim to be speaking for the Lord, but he didn't send them. They are lying! If you do what they say, he will have both you and them dragged off to another country and killed. The Lord has spoken.
16 When I finished talking to the king, I told the priests and everyone else that the Lord had said:
Don't listen to the prophets when they say that very soon the Babylonians will return the things they took from my temple. Those prophets are lying! 17 If you choose to obey the king of Babylonia, you will live. But if you listen to those prophets, this whole city will be nothing but a pile of rubble.
18 If I really had spoken to those prophets, they would know what I am going to do. Then they would be begging me not to let everything else be taken from the temple and the king's palace and the rest of Jerusalem. 19-21 After all, when Nebuchadnezzar took King Jehoiachin to Babylonia as a prisoner, he didn't take everything of value from Jerusalem. He left the bronze pillars, the huge bronze bowl called the Sea, and the movable bronze stands in the temple, and he left a lot of other valuable things in the palace and in the rest of Jerusalem.
But now I, the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, say that all these things 22 will be taken to Babylonia, where they will remain until I decide to bring them back to Jerusalem. I, the Lord, have spoken.
Yeremaya ka Juṛu 'Daŋgo ro Embe
1 Ondro Zedekia ŋgwa Josia ro keto 'dimirite 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ro oko, OPI atate ma Yeremaya ri, 2 juṛu edene andivo maro ri loro na lalalalaro iyi embene kyini biṛibiṛiro si ago o'bane kyembe maro ya. 3 'Dooko OPI atate märi lazo ozone 'bädri'bai Edoma, Moaba, Amona, Tura ndi Sidona robe ri lazo'bai ànyaro se kikyiyibe Yerusalema ya 'Bädri'ba Zedekia ondrene kai be. 4 OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, atate märi ota ozone ànyari tase OPI katabe ana tana itine 'bädri'bai ànyaro ri ekye: 5 “Ma'ba 'bädri ono te mbara para maro ndi aṛi be si, lidri ndi koronyai se cini kayibe ori 'bädri ya ono be; ago ma ni anya ozo 'dise mendrebe kado ri. 6 Yauono ma ni 'dise ko'ba tu'dei se cini kwoi te mbara ruindu'ba maro Nebukadenezara 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro zele, ago ma'ba ca koronyai vocowa ro te ruindune ndäri. 7 Tu'dei cini indurunayi 'da ndäri, ago anya indurunayi 'da ŋgwa ndaro ri ago kwozo ndaro ri madale tu esana lutu tu'de ndaro ri o'deza. 'Dooko tu'de ndaro a'dona 'da iyeäṛi ro tu'dei ndi 'bädri'bai 'desi azaka be ri.
8 “Oko ondro ka'do tu'de aza kode 'bädri'ba aza kole kote a'done ota Nebukadenezara 'bädri'ba Babelona ro zele, 'dooko mezana tu'de na 'do 'da kyila, mä'bu, ndi adravo kozipara be si madale ma'bana Nebukadenezara tufuna ànya lutu kpeye. 9 Ka'do inye nyèri ta nebii ro kode 'dise azaka kabe ata ekye ya ni tase mileya äŋguna iyi ro ko, kode 'dise tori kabe taezi ànya drî kode kayi tori avo ro ejina kode kayi oyena tetedri si iyi roko. Vo ànya cini ro kayi ata ämiri ko ruindune 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ri. 10 Ànya kayi ami odo tana äru ami robe lozo di ni 'bädri amiro yasi. Mäsina ami 'da tesi, ago utufuna ami 'da. 11 Oko ondro ka'do tu'de se korite ota 'bädri'ba Babelona ro zele ago kindurute ndäri, 'dooko me'bena tu'de na 'do 'da orine wari modo ànyaro ya, ämvu osone kigye ago orine kigye lau. Ma, OPI, matani.”
12 Matate ta gi ono modona ayani Zedekia 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro ri makye: “Nya'do 'bädri'ba Babelona ro zele. Nyinduru ndäri ago lidri ndaro ri, 'dooko mirina ndi lidriidriro. 13 Lidri miro ndi mi modo be nyòtodrana gwo kyila ya kode ni mä'bu ri kode ni adravo kozi ri oso tase OPI katabe ka oyebe a'done tu'de se aza kole ko a'done 'bädri'ba Babelona ro zele 'do ri ronye etaya? 14 Nyeri ta nebii se kayibe ata miri ko mi ozone 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ri iyi ro ko. Ànya kayi mi odo. 15 OPI andivona atate ekye yizo ànya koni oko ànya kayi koweoga ämiri ävuru yiro si. Ago ta'doro nda usina ami 'da tesi, ago utufuna ami 'da, mi ndi nebii se kayibe koweoga miri kwoi be.”
16 'Dooko mititate kohanii ndi lidri be ri makye OPI atate ekye: “Nyèri ta nebii amiro se kayibe ata ekye oye lakaza Yekalu ro logone kovole ndri yauro ni Babelona yasi iyi ro ko. Anya kayi koweoga ämiri. 17 Nyèri ta ànyaro ko! Nyà'do 'bädri'ba Babelona ro zele 'dooko mìrina ndi lidriidriro! 'Bakici ono a'dona gwo tandro ro etaya? 18 Ondro ka'do endaro ànya ka'do gite nebii ago ondro ka'do endaro ànya ka'do gite lazo maro be oko, mì'ba ànya kejiyi ma, OPI Mbaraekye ono, ko lakazà anjoko se ke'bebe Yekalu ya ono o'bane uŋgyine Babelona ya.”
19 (OPI Mbaraekye atate tuse 'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara kuru 'bädri'ba Yuda ro, Jehoiakina ŋgwa Jehoiakima robe ndi dri'bai Yuda ro ndi Yerusalema robe midiro Babelona ya ana si, 20 ta e'be läŋgyirii, karaṛi atala ro, arabia oseosero, ndi rukä lakazà yekalu ro azaka se nda ke'bebe ta.)
21 “Nyèri ta ma, OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro ro, se mabe atana ta lakazà se e'bebe Yekalu ya ago zo'desi miri ro 'bädri'ba roya Yerusalema ya ono ro: 22 Äŋgyina ànya 'da Babelona ya ago orina 'da lau madale mago musuna tana lutu. 'Dooko ma'dena gwo ànya logone kovole ogone logone vo ono ya. Ma, OPI, matani.”