A Message of Hope
The Lord said:

1 You leaders of my people are like shepherds that kill and scatter the sheep. 2 You were supposed to take care of my people, but instead you chased them away. So now I'll punish you severely and make you pay for your crimes!
3 I will bring the rest of my people home from the lands where I have scattered them, and they will grow into a mighty nation. 4 I promise to choose leaders who will care for them like real shepherds. All of my people will be there, and they will never again be frightened.

5 Someday I will appoint
an honest king
from the family of David,
a king who will be wise
and rule with justice.
6 As long as he is king,
Israel will have peace,
and Judah will be safe.
The name of this king will be
“The Lord Gives Justice.”

7 A time will come when you will again worship me. But you will no longer call me the Living God who rescued Israel from Egypt. 8 Instead, you will call me the Living God who rescued you from the land in the north and from all the other countries where I had forced you to go. And you will once again live in your own land.
Jeremiah Thinks about Unfaithful Prophets
9 When I think of the prophets,
I am shocked, and I tremble
like someone drunk,
because of the Lord
and his sacred words.
10 Those unfaithful prophets
misuse their power
all over the country.
So God turned the pasturelands
into scorching deserts.
The Lord Will Punish Unfaithful Prophets
11 The Lord told me to say:

You prophets and priests
think so little of me, the Lord,
that you even sin
in my own temple!
12 Now I will punish you
with disaster,
and you will slip and fall
in the darkness.
I, the Lord, have spoken.

13 The prophets in Samaria
were repulsive to me,
because they preached
in the name of Baal
and led my people astray.
14 And you prophets in Jerusalem
are even worse.
You're unfaithful in marriage
and never tell the truth.
You even lead others to sin
instead of helping them
turn back to me.
You and the people of Jerusalem
are evil like Sodom
and Gomorrah.
15 You prophets in Jerusalem
have spread evil everywhere.
That's why I, the Lord, promise
to give you bitter poison
to eat and drink.
The Lord Gives a Warning
The Lord said:

16 Don't listen to the lies
of these false prophets,
you people of Judah!
The message they preach
is something they imagined;
it did not come from me,
the Lord All-Powerful.
17 These prophets go to people
who refuse to respect me
and who are stubborn
and do whatever they please.
The prophets tell them,
“The Lord has promised
everything will be fine.”

18 But I, the Lord, tell you
that these prophets
have never attended a meeting
of my council in heaven
or heard me speak.
19 They are evil! So in my anger
I will strike them
like a violent storm.
20 I won't calm down,
until I have finished
what I have decided to do.
Someday you will understand
exactly what I mean.
21 I did not send these prophets
or speak to them,
but they ran to find you
and to preach their message.
22 If they had been in a meeting
of my council in heaven,
they would have told
you people of Judah
to give up your sins
and come back to me.

23 I am everywhere—
both near and far,
24 in heaven and on earth.
There are no secret places
where you can hide from me.

25 These unfaithful prophets claim that I have given them a dream or a vision, and then they tell lies in my name. 26 But everything they say comes from their own twisted minds. How long can this go on? 27 They tell each other their dreams and try to get my people to reject me, just as their ancestors left me and worshiped Baal. 28 Their dreams and my truth are as different as straw and wheat. But when prophets speak for me, they must say only what I have told them. 29 My words are a powerful fire; they are a hammer that shatters rocks.
30-32 These unfaithful prophets claim I give them their dreams, but it isn't true. I didn't choose them to be my prophets, and yet they babble on and on, speaking in my name, while stealing words from each other. And when my people hear these liars, they are led astray instead of being helped. So I warn you that I am now the enemy of these prophets. I, the Lord, have spoken.
News and Nuisance
The Lord said to me:
33 Jeremiah, when a prophet or a priest or anyone else comes to you and asks, “Does the Lord have news for us?” tell them, “You people are a nuisance to the Lord, and he will get rid of you.”
34 If any of you say, “Here is news from the Lord,” I will punish you and your families, even if you are a prophet or a priest. 35 Instead, you must ask your friends and relatives, “What answer did the Lord give?” or “What has the Lord said?” 36 It seems that you each have your own news! So if you say, “Here is news from the Lord,” you are twisting my words into a lie. Remember that I am your God, the Lord All-Powerful.
37 If you go to a prophet, it's all right to ask, “What answer did the Lord give to my question?” or “What has the Lord said?” 38 But if you disobey me and say, “Here is news from the Lord,” 39 I will pick you up and throw you far away. And I will abandon this city of Jerusalem that I gave to your ancestors. 40 You will never be free from your shame and disgrace.
Mio'ba ta Mileya ta
1 Kyila OPI ro ka oye a'done kozipara dri'bai se kabe lidri ndaro tufuna ago perena 'do lomvo! 2 Ono ni tase OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro kabe atana dri'bai se aba ni ànyari ta lidri ndaro ro otine iyi ri owo ekye: “Nyèpere lidri maro ro ago nyòro ànya te di; ago mìtita ànyaro kote. Ka'do inye ma oye ami ezane ta tase koziro mìyebe ono rota. 3 Motona anjoko lidri maro ro 'da ni 'bädrii se mepere ànya be kigyesi iyi yasi, ago mago mezina ànya 'da kovole 'ba ànyaro yasi wari ànyaro ya. Ànya a'donayi 'da ŋgàga be amba ago litinayi 'da nyalakpa. 4 Maka'dana dri'bai 'da vo ànyaro ondrene. Lidri maro uninayi kote a'done turiro ago lä'bilä'biro, ago ca mänina kote ànya ezane kpa to'dina. Ma, OPI, matani.”
5 OPI ka ata ekye: “Tu aza ka oye esane se manjina taŋgye'ba aza 'da 'bädri'ba ro ni zelevo Dawidi ro yasi. 'Bädri'ba se ana mirina 'di 'da tavouni si ago oyena taŋgye ndi ta'diri be 'da wari ono yasi gbikyi. 6 Ondro nda ka'dote 'bädri'ba ro oko, apana lidri Yuda ro 'da ago lidri Yisaraele ro orinayi 'da tokpero. Äzina nda 'da OPI taŋgye'ba amaro owo.”
7 OPI ekye: “Tu ka oye esane, se lidri unina kote ruäṛune ma Lu lidriidriro se molofo lidri Yisaraele ro be ni wari Ezipeto ro yasi ono si. 8 Oko ànya ogo äṛuruna te ma Lu lidriidriro se molofo lidri Yisaraele ro be ago melepe ànya te ni wari mä'dudrisi yasi ago ni 'bädri azaka se mepere ànya be kigyesi iyi yasi ono si. 'Dooko ànya orinayi 'da wari modo ànyaro roya.”
Lazo Yeremaya ro ta Nebii rota
9 Ta Nebii rota; Ya maro lesite,
ago lomvo cini maro lä'bi te,
ma'dote oso mano se wa fute 'do ronye
oso mano se mvu vino te amba ndra 'do ronye,
tana ta OPI rota,
ago ta ata alokado ndaro rota.
10 Wari te orivoya twi lidri se ta'diriako OPI ri ono be;
ta'dota wari kate ruṛuo'be ni latri OPI ro ri
ago lowoi wite,
ànya kayi ori kozi lori ago kayi mbara ànyaro enjina liti koziro yasi.

11 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Kohanii ndi nebii be te orivoya lu ako;
tana musu ànya te takozi oyevoya Yekalu modo maro roya.
12 Ta'dota liti ànyaro a'dona 'da toretorero ago ŋgätini ro;
ago o'bana ànya 'da lapane ago o'dene.
Ma oye rriti ezine ànya dri;
tu taezaro ànyaro rosi.
Ma, OPI, matani.
13 Mandre takozi nebii Samaria ro rote;
ànya atayitate ävuru Bala rosi
ago 'bayi lidri maro Yisaraele rote vujene.
14 Oko mandre nebii se Yerusalema ya taoyena teni kozipara ndra:
ànya kayi ronyi oye toko kode ago drisi ago kayi koweoga;
ànya kayi lidri o'ba takozi oyene,
ta'doro cu 'diaza e'be takozi oye kote.
Märi, ànya cini orivoya koziro oso lidri
Sodomo ro ndi lidri Gomora robe ronye.”

15 Tana ta'doro, ono ni tase, OPI Mbaraekye, kabe atana ta nebii Yerusalema ro rota owo ekye:
“Mozona ice osoro 'da ànyari onyane
ndi äṛi be ànyari umvune,
tana nebii kwoi lariyi ta a'do luako ro tana te wari ono yasi gbikyi.”
16 OPI mbaraekye atate lidri Yerusalema ro ri ekye: “Nyèri tase nebii kayibe atana 'do ko; ànya kayi ami odo. Ànya kayi tase ànya kusuyibe drî ànyaro si 'do atana ayani ago ko tase matabe owo. 17 Ànya kayi ugu 'du ata lidri se kogayi bezo ata maro erine iyi ri ekye, ‘Ta cini a'dona ndi kadoro ämiri.’ Ago ànya kayi ata 'dicini se taeriako iyi ri ekye: ‘Rriti unina ko cu ami odone.’ ”
18 Matate makye: “Alo aza nebii kwoi ro ni tavousu ndrwi OPI ro ko'de. Ago aza ànyaro eri ago ni tazevo lazo ndaro ro ko alona, kode gayi bi kote tase nda kabe atana ya. 19 Kyila ndaro orivoya oli gbiriṛibe ronye, olina 'da mbarasi ago usina 'da lidri se koziro iyi drisi; 20 kyila OPI ro unina ko okyene madale ondena tase cini nda kolebe oyene lutu. Tuse ka oyebe ikyine ana ya lidri unina ta ono zevona 'da ŋbelero.”
21 OPI atate ekye: “Mazo nebii kwoi kote ni, caoko ànya oyiyite. Mata ta aza kote ànyari, caoko ànya kayi ata ävuru maro si. 22 Aba ondro ka'do ànya kuniyi tavousu ndrwi maro gwo, 'dooko aba ànya openayi lazo maro ndi lidri maro ri ago aba nonye ono 'ba ànya te ori se undiro ago taoye se koziro ànya kayibe loyena ono e'bene.
23 “Ma orivoya Lu se orivoya loto ti ono owo ago ma ko Lu se orivoya lozo owo. 24 Inye'do 'diaza unina gi'da ruda'done vo aza se mänina ko nda ondrene 'do ya ya? Inye'do ma ṛoko vo cini yasi vo'buyakuru ya ago 'bädri ya ya? 25 Mäni tase nebii kai katayibe ono te se kayi koweoga ävuru maro si ago kayi ata ekye mozo lazo maro ni iyi ri tori se kabe taezi ànya dri ana si. 26 Nebii se kayibe kowe oga ävuru maro si iyi ugunayi oyena inye tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya? 27 Ànya kusuyi iro be ekye tori se ànya kayibe tana itina ana o'bana lidri maro gwo ta maro ijene, oso zutui ànyaro kijeyi ta maro be ago kosoyibe Bala vo ana ronye. 28 Mi'ba nebi se tori kezitate drigye, kata ekye 'do toto tori yi, oko nebi se keri lazo maro be 'do kope lazo maro 'do 'diriro. Ojo kyekyepa yi be kyifo be eŋwani ni kado ya? 29 Lazo maro orivoya oso asi ronye, ago oso kyidi se kabe luutu tufu jinyijinyi 'do ronye. 30 Ma orivoya kyilaro nebii se kuruyi ata azii ro gwo ago riyi gwo opene oso lazo maro ronye iyi be. 31 Ma kpa orivoya kyilaro nebii se kayibe ata modo ànyaro ro atana ayani ago kayi ata ekye ata 'do ikyi ni maresi iyi be. 32 Nyeri, tase ma, OPI, mabe atana ono! Ma orivoya kyilaro nebii se kayibe tori se kowero iyi tana itina ayani iyi be. Ànya itiyi tori kwoi gwo ndi 'bayi lidri maro gwo vujene wayiro koweoga ànyaro ndi driuŋgyi ànyaro 'do be si. Mazo ànya koni ago mozo ota koni ànyari oyine, ànya yeyi ŋgaopa aza ko lidri ri alona. Ma, OPI, matani.”
Ŋgaläŋgyi OPI ro
33 OPI atate märi ekye: “Yeremaya, ondro alo aza lidri ono ro kode nebi aza kode kohani aza keji mite ekye: ‘Lazo OPI ro ekye e'diya?’ 'Dooko nyitita ndäri mikye: ‘Mi orivoya ŋgaläŋgyi yi OPI ri, ago nda ka oye mi ezane.’ 34 Ondro ka'do alo aza nebi kode kohani aza kode lidri aza kata ta gi ekye ‘Ŋgaläŋgyi OPI ro’ ono te, mezana nda 'da ndi katidri ndaro be. 35 Oko, 'dicini ri bereazi ndaro ago 'didirii ndaro ejine ekye: Tadrioza OPI ro ekye e'diya? Kode OPI ata ekye e'diya? 36 Ta'doro beṛo ko ànyari ata gi ekye ‘Ŋgaläŋgyi OPI ro’ ono atane tona, tana ata 'dialo ro orivoya ŋgaläŋgyi modo ndaro ro. Ago lidri toza ata Lu amaro, Lu se lidriidriro, OPI Mbaraekye rote to. 37 Yeremaya, nyeji nebii mikye: ‘Tadrioza OPI ro ämiri ekye e'diya? OPI ata ekye e'diya?’ 38 Ago ondro ka'do ànya koroyi ota maro kote ago katayi ta gi ekye ‘Ŋgaläŋgyi Opi ro’ se makye ànya katayi ko 'do te, 39 'dooko nyitita ànyari mikye endaro märuna ànya 'da ago mavona ànya ndi lozo di ni maresi, ànya ndi 'bakici se mozobe ànyari ago zelevoi ànyaro ri 'do be. 40 Mezina driupi äduako ndi ànya dri ndi ŋga mawo se änina ko tana ijene alona 'do be.”