Pashhur Arrests Jeremiah
1 Pashhur son of Immer was a priest and the chief of temple security. He heard what I had said, 2 and so he hit me. Then he had me arrested and put in chains at the Benjamin Gate in the Lord's temple. 3 The next day, when Pashhur let me go free, I told him that the Lord had said:
No longer will I call you Pashhur. Instead, I will call you Afraid-of-Everything. 4 You will be afraid, and you will bring fear to your friends as well. You will see enemies kill them in battle. Then I will let the king of Babylonia take everyone in Judah prisoner, killing some and dragging the rest away to Babylonia. 5 He will clean out the royal treasury and take everything else of value from Jerusalem.
6 Pashhur, you are guilty of telling lies and claiming they were messages from me. That's why I will let the Babylonians take you, your family, and your friends as prisoners to Babylonia, where you will all die and be buried.
Jeremiah Complains to the Lord
7 You tricked me, Lord,
and I was really fooled.
You are stronger than I am,
and you have defeated me.
People never stop sneering
and insulting me.
8 You have let me announce
only injustice and death.
Your message has brought me
nothing but insults
and trouble.
9 Sometimes I tell myself
not to think about you, Lord,
or even mention your name.
But your message burns
in my heart and bones,
and I cannot keep silent.

10 I heard the crowds whisper,
“Everyone is afraid.
Now's our chance
to accuse Jeremiah!”
All of my so-called friends
are just waiting
for me to make a mistake.
They say, “Maybe Jeremiah
can be tricked.
Then we can overpower him
and get even at last.”

11 But you, Lord,
are a mighty soldier,
standing at my side.
Those troublemakers
will fall down and fail—
terribly embarrassed,
forever ashamed.

12 Lord All-Powerful,
you test those who do right,
and you know every heart
and mind.
I have told you my complaints,
so let me watch you
take revenge on my enemies.
13 I sing praises to you, Lord.
You rescue the oppressed
from the wicked.

14 Put a curse on the day I was born!
Don't bless that day.
15 Put a curse on the man
who told my father, “Good news!
You have a son.”
16 May that man be like the towns
you destroyed without pity.
Let him hear shouts of alarm
in the morning
and battle cries at noon.
17 He deserves to die
for not killing me
before I was born.
Then my mother's body
would have been my grave.
18 Why did I have to be born?
Was it just to suffer
and die in shame?
Kyila Yeremaya ro Kohani Pasura be
1 Ondro kohani Pasura, ŋgwa Imera ro, se ni dri'ba 'desi Yekalu ro ana, eri ma Yeremaya te ta kwoi opevoya oko, 2 nda ozotate ma o'bine ago embene nyori si loto Dereŋwa Benjamina ro Yekalu ya ana lomvo. 3 Kyenonosi oko, ondro Pasura konji nyori teni malomvosi oko, matate ndäri makye: “OPI zi ävuru miro ko Pasura. Ävuru se nda kozobe miri ni ‘Turi Vocini yasi.’ 4 OPI andivona atate ekye: ‘Ma oye turi osone miya ago kpa bereazii miro ya, ago mindrena kyila'baazii tufunayi ànya cini 'da bandoi si mi milesi. Mozona lidri cini Yuda 'da drì 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ro ya; nda uruna rukäna 'da kamba'bai ro Babelona ya ago tufuna azakana 'da bando si. 5 Ma'bana kyila'baazii ànyaro kpa 'da ŋgadriamba 'bakici ono ro topane ago ŋga na cini ndi drimbi na be, ca ŋgase 'bädri'bai Yuda ro kodroyibe iyi kpa, ago uŋgyinayi ŋga cini 'da le Babelona ya. 6 Oko ta miro ta, Pasura, mi ndi katidri miro be äruna ami 'da kamba'bai ro ago uguna 'da le Babelona ya. Midrana 'da ago asena mi 'da lau, tro beraazii miro se cini miga kowe amba be ànyari iyi be.’ ”
Driovi Yeremaya ro OPI ri
7 OPI, nyodo mate,
ago odo mate;
Mi orivoya mbara be ndrani märi,
ago mipe mate ṛe.
Ma'dote ŋga uguro ro kitu zwi;
'dicini ka ma ugu.
8 Ondro rri mate ata oko, ma liyi,
ma otre makye: “Siomba ni! Ŋgatufu ni!”
Tana mabe lazo mi OPI ro opena ono,
ate ma 'dolo ago mawo tu cini si.
9 Oko ondro matabe makye: “Male ta OPI ro ijene
kode male kote atane ävuru ndaro ya tona,”
'dooko lazo miro a'do ṛo oso asi
kabe uje 'do ronye ya maro ya.
Mojo ca mbara cini si drina o'bine,
caoko mäni kote.
10 Meri 'dicini kayi ugu tana atana kayayaro ekye:
“Turi te orivoya vo cini yasi!
Mìkicu nda, mì'de mikicu nda!”
Ca beraazii cini maro se uniuniro iyi kayi o'de maro kwotena.
Ànya kayi ata ekye: “Kode odona nda 'da;
'dooko mänina ndi nda urune ago votaro logone ndäri.”
11 Oko mi, OPI, mi orivoya maresi mbara amba be;
ta'dota ànya se kayibe ma eza iyi o'denayi 'da,
ànya uninayi ko ma opene ṛe.
Ànya a'donayi 'da driupiro ndra,
Driupi ànyaro änina ko tana ijene cu alona.
12 Oko, OPI Mbaraekye, mise nyani ta lidri se 'diri ro ojona;
mini tase ya ànyaro ya ago drî ànyaro ya 'do ni.
Mi'ba mandre mi votaro logovoya kyila'baazii maro ri,
tana me'be ta maro te mirigye.
13 Miŋgo loŋgo OPI ri!
Nyäṛäṛu OPI!
Tana nda kani 'dise ati'bai ro iyi opana ni
mbara lidri se koziro iyi ro yasi.
14 Mitri tuse äti ma be sina 'do!
Tuse endre maro kuti ma be sina 'do nyije tana!
15 Latri ka'do mano se kezi lazo be täpi maro ri,
se ekye: “Äti ŋgwaagoro te miri,”
se 'ba nda te a'done riyä si 'do.
16 Mi'ba nda ka'do oso 'bakicii se
OPI keperebe teinye yauniako kai ronye.
Mi'ba nda keri liyi kyenoŋbo si
ago totre kyila ro kitudiri si,
17 tana nda fu ma kote teinye dri ṛo ma utiako.
Aba 'dooko rovo endre maro ro a'dona ṛoni 'budri maro owo,
'budri ro märi äduako
18 Äti ma gi'de etaya?
Toto a'done rriti ya ago tusuro,
ago ori maro orine driupi si ya?