The Lord Talks about Idols
1-2 The Lord said:

Listen to me,
you people of Israel.
Don't follow the customs
of those nations
who become frightened
when they see something strange
happen in the sky.
3 Their religion is worthless!
They chop down a tree,
carve the wood into an idol,
4 cover it with silver and gold,
and then nail it down
so it won't fall over.

5 An idol is no better
than a scarecrow.
It can't speak,
and it has to be carried,
because it can't walk.
Why worship an idol
that can't help or harm you?
Jeremiah Praises the Lord
6 Our Lord, great and powerful,
you alone are God.
7 You are King of the nations.
Everyone should worship you.
No human anywhere on earth
is wiser than you.
8 Idols are worthless,
and anyone who worships them
is a fool!
9 Idols are made by humans.
A carver shapes the wood.
A metalworker hammers out
a covering of gold from Uphaz
or of silver from Tarshish.
Then the idol is dressed
in blue and purple clothes.

10 You, Lord, are the only true
and living God.
You will rule for all time.
When you are angry
the earth shakes,
and nations are destroyed.

11 You told me to say
that idols did not create
the heavens and the earth,
and that you, the Lord,
will destroy every idol.

12 With your wisdom and power
you created the earth
and spread out the heavens.
13 The waters in the heavens roar
at your command.
You make clouds appear—
you send the winds
from your storehouse
and make lightning flash
in the rain.

14 People who make idols
are so stupid!
They will be disappointed,
because their false gods
are not alive.
15 Idols are merely a joke,
and when the time is right,
they will be destroyed.

16 But you, Israel's God,
created all things,
and you chose Israel
to be your very own.
Your name is the Lord
Judah Will Be Thrown from Its Land
17 I said to the people of Judah,
“Gather your things;
you are surrounded.
18 The Lord said these troubles
will lead to your capture,
and he will throw you
from this land
like a rock from a sling.”

19 The people answered,
“We are wounded
and doomed to die.
Why did we say
we could stand the pain?
20 Our homes are destroyed;
our children are dead.
No one is left
to help us find shelter.”

21 But I told them,
“Our leaders were stupid failures,
because they refused
to listen to the Lord.
And so we've been scattered
like sheep.

22 “Sounds of destruction
rumble from the north
like distant thunder.
Soon our towns will be ruins
where only jackals live.”
Jeremiah Prays
23 I know, Lord, that we humans
are not in control
of our own lives.
24 Correct me, as I deserve,
but not in your anger,
or I will be dead.
25 Our enemies refuse
to admit that you are God
or to worship you.
They have wiped out our people
and left our nation
lying in ruins.
So get angry
and sweep them away!
Lui Edeedero Mätu ndi Mätu Ŋgye be
1 Ami lidri Yisaraele ro, nyeri ata se OPI kabe atana ono.
2 OPI ka atani nonye ekye:
“Mìso ko taoye tu'dei azaka ro voro;
nyà'do ko wiriwiriro ta taka'daro se kabe a'do vokuru ya iyi rota,
tu'dei azaka ka'doyi ca turiro ni ànyari owo.
3 Tana mätu lidri kwoi ro orivoya kowero.
Aga ce aza gwo vuru vocowa ya;
ago ice opa'bai payi lomvona gwo coloŋwa si,
4 itirate mo'di ndi logo läguläguro be si.
Otote voaloya ŋbaṛa si ukyi epere 'da.
5 Lui edeedero nonye kwoi laba oso ŋgase edebe ari onjaza
ni ämvu kurunju ro yasi iyi ronye;
ànya niyi ata ko;
be ànya luŋgyine luŋgyi
tana ànya niyi aba ko.
Nyà'do ko turiro ni ànyari;
ànya uninayi ko ami oyene koziro,
ago ànya uninayi kpa ko takado aza oyene ämiri.”

6 OPI, 'diaza i'do oso mi ronye;
tana mi orivoya mbaraekye,
ago ävuru miro orivoya 'desipara ago mbara be.
7 A'di orina ni mi oroako ya, mi 'bädri'ba tu'dei cini ro ono?
Tana sindi mi orone.
'Diaza i'do oso mi ronye
lidri se cini tavouni be tu'dei iyi lako
kode 'bädri'bai ànyaro lako.
8 Vo ànya cini ro orivoya tauniako ago amaamaro.
Ŋgaemba ànyaro ka ikyi ni lui awi edeedero resi.
9 Lui edeedero ànyaro a'bi lomvona te mo'di se ezibe ni Sepaina yasi,
ago logo läguläguro se ezibe ni Ufaza yasi ana si,
iyi cini orivoya losi ŋgaede'bai ro ago toka'bai ro;
Boŋgo ànyaro orivoya walawalaro ago lärimiro.
Se a'dite tauni ŋgao'di'bai rosi.
10 Oko mi, OPI, mi ni Lu ŋgye yi,
mi ni Lu se lidriidriro
ago 'bädri'ba äduako ono owo.
Ondro nya'dote kyilaro, ägbigbi ka a'do;
ago tu'dei unina ko yaiŋgyine ni kyila miro ri.

11 (Ka'do inye nyìtita kwoi ànyari mìkye eperena lui se ko'ba 'bädri ndi vo'buyakuru be koni kwoi 'da ni vo'buyakuru ya ago 'bädri ya noŋwa.)
Loŋgo Lu Räṛu ro
12 OPI 'ba 'bädri te mbara ndaro si;
nda nju 'bädri te tavouni ndaro si
ago eŋga vokuru ni a'dwi kuru tauni ndaro si.
13 Uhwe ndaro si gyi se vokuru ya 'do ka kporo oye;
nda kani 'dikolo ezi ni sidri ädu 'bädri ro yasi.
Nda ka 'bu o'ba ni si onyine
ago kani oli ezi ni zo ndaro ŋgaodroro yasi.
14 Ta ono ondrena si, lidri a'do ṛo tauniako ago amaamaro;
ànya se kayibe lui awi edena iyi a'doyite driupiro,
ta lui awi ànyaro rota tana lui edeedero ànyaro orivoya kowe ro ago adri ako.
15 Ànya orivoya takado ako ago amawona 'da;
tu ànya ezaro si oko utufuna ànya cini 'da.
16 Tana Lu Yakoba ro a'do ko oso ànya ronye;
tana nda ni se ko'ba ŋga cini be owo,
ago nda nji Yisaraele ni a'done lidri modo ndaro ro.
Ävuru ndaro ni OPI Mbaraekye.
Ikyi 'Diuru ro Midiro
17 Nyòtokala ŋga cini amiro ro, ami lidri Yerusalema ro, ämudri amiro te! 18 OPI atani nonye ekye ya oyete ami lovone tesi ni wari ono yasi tu ono si; nda ka oye rueza ezine ämidri madale mìnina lutu.
19 Lidri Yerusalema ro kayite totre ekye:
“Ama te kandrakozi ya tana aga ama te laza be!
Laza amaro ozwane te i'do.
Mùsutate màkye amaro ono rriti se mä̀nina ndi iŋgyine ono owo!
20 Epere zo boŋgoro amaro te;
otokye iba otona ro cini te.
Ŋgàga amaro vona cini oyite lozo ni ama resi;
'diaza te i'do ogone zo boŋgoro amaro eŋgane kpa to'dina kuru;
ago boŋgo toyitoyiro amaro toyine aree.”

21 Mazatadrite makye: “Dri'bai amaro orivoya tauniako;
tana ànya ejiyi OPI kote iyi lepene.
Ta 'doro ta pe ànya te ṛe.
Ago lidri ànyaro pererute.
22 Nyeri dri! Lazo esate!
Amo orivoya amba tu'dei se mä'dudrisi ana lako;
ànya tozana 'bakicii Yuda ro 'da tandro ro,
vo oriro kobai ro.”

23 OPI, mänite 'diaza ko 'desi andivo modo ndaro ro;
'diaza i'do ori modo ndaro ritane.
24 OPI, nyoloto lidri miro, oko taŋgye miro si;
ko kyila miro si;
ukyi ta amaro okye 'da.
25 Miza kyila miro kalana tu'dei se kuniyi mi ko iyi dri
ago lidri se kämätuyi mi ko iyi dri.
Tana ànya tufuyi lidri miro te;
ànya pereyi ama te kpeye
ago e'beyi 'bädri amaro te tandroro.