Deborah and Barak Sing for the Lord
1 After the battle was over that day, Deborah and Barak sang this song:

2 We praise you, Lord!
Our soldiers volunteered,
ready to follow you.
3 Listen, kings and rulers,
while I sing for the Lord,
the God of Israel.

4 Our Lord, God of Israel,
when you came from Seir,
where the Edomites live,
5 rain poured from the sky,
the earth trembled,
and mountains shook.

6 In the time of Shamgar
son of Anath,
and now again in Jael's time,
roads were too dangerous
for caravans.
Travelers had to take
the back roads,
7 and villagers couldn't work
in their fields.
Then Deborah took command,
protecting Israel as a mother
protects her children.

8 The Israelites worshiped
other gods,
and the gates of their towns
were then attacked.
But they had no shields
or spears to fight with.
9 I praise you, Lord,
and I am grateful
for those leaders and soldiers
who volunteered.
10 Listen, everyone!
Whether you ride a donkey
with a padded saddle
or have to walk.
11 Even those who carry water
to the animals will tell you,
“The Lord has won victories,
and so has Israel.”

Then the Lord's people marched
down to the town gates
12 and said, “Deborah, let's go!
Let's sing as we march.
Barak, capture our enemies.”

13 The Lord's people who were left
joined with their leaders
and fought at my side.
14 Troops came from Ephraim,
where Amalekites once lived.
Others came from Benjamin;
officers and leaders came
from Machir and Zebulun.
15 The rulers of Issachar
came along with Deborah,
and Issachar followed Barak
into the valley.

But the tribe of Reuben
was no help at all!
16 Reuben, why did you stay
among your sheep pens?
Was it to listen to shepherds
whistling for their sheep?
No one could figure out
why Reuben wouldn't come.
17 The people of Gilead stayed
across the Jordan.
Why did the tribe of Dan
remain on their ships
and the tribe of Asher
stay along the coast
near the harbors?

18 But soldiers of Zebulun
and Naphtali
risked their lives
to attack the enemy.
19 Canaanite kings fought us
at Taanach by the stream
near Megiddo
but they couldn't rob us
of our silver.
20 From their pathways in the sky
the stars fought Sisera,
21 and his soldiers were swept away
by the ancient Kishon River.

I will march on and be brave.

22 Sisera's horses galloped off,
their hoofs thundering
in retreat.

23 The Lord's angel said,
“Put a curse on Meroz Town!
Its people refused
to help the Lord fight
his powerful enemies.”

24 But honor Jael,
the wife of Heber
from the Kenite clan.
Give more honor to her
than to any other woman
who lives in tents.
Yes, give more honor to her
than to any other woman.
25 Sisera asked for water,
but Jael gave him milk—
cream in a fancy cup.
26 She reached for a tent-peg
and held a hammer
in her right hand.
And with a blow to the head,
she crushed his skull.
27 Sisera sank to his knees
and fell dead at her feet.

28 Sisera's mother looked out
through her window.
“Why is he taking so long?”
she asked.
“Why haven't we heard
his chariots coming?”
29 She and her wisest women
gave the same answer:
30 “Sisera and his troops
are finding treasures
to bring back—
a woman, or maybe two,
for each man,
and beautiful dresses
for those women to wear.”

31 Our Lord, we pray
that all your enemies
will die like Sisera.
But let everyone who loves you
shine brightly like the sun
at dawn.
Midian Steals Everything from Israel
There was peace in Israel for about 40 years.
Loŋgo Debora ndi Baraka be ro
1 'Dooko Debora ndi Baraka ŋgwa Abinoma robe ŋgoyi loŋgo ono te tu ana si ekye:

2 Nyäräṛu OPI, 'dri'bai 'dete Yisaraele'bai ri mileya;
lidri ozo andivo ànyaro te kyila oyene ya cini si.
3 Ami nyäräṛu Opi 'bädri'bai, nyeri dri!
Ami 'dimiri'bai miga bi!
Maŋgona loŋgo, ago ma'bina loŋgo ndi ŋga loŋgo oŋgoro si
OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro ri.
4 OPI, ondro nyefote ni 'Bereŋwai Seira yasi,
ondro nyikyite ni wari Edoma ro yasi oko,
'bädri lä'bite, ago 'bu 'dite ni kurusi.
Owo, gyi ladate ni 'dikolo yasi.
5 'Bereŋwai kandarute OPI Sinai ro mile,
OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro mile.

6 Tu Samegara ŋgwa Anata ro rosi,
tu Jaela rosi,
lidri aba kote wari ana yasi arabia si,
ago aba'bai abayite liti kundu ya si.
7 Kyila oye'bai kyete ni Yisaraele yasi,
madale eŋga ma Debora te
eŋgate oso endre ronye Yisaraele ri.
8 Ondro Yisaraele'bai konjiyi lui to'diro te oko
kyila a'dote dereŋwai 'bakici ro kala.
Inye'do kyila'bai kutu 'butesu (40,000) se Yisaraele ya kai
azana ru ŋga 'digagaro kode äzu gindi ya?
9 Ya maro orivoya otaozo'bai Yisaraele robe,
se ozoyi andivo ànyaro te ole cini si lidri lakosi 'do be.
Nyäräṛu OPI!
10 Nyiti tana ami se nyàbe lämu doŋgyii onjero si,
ami se nyàbe ori vooriro se doŋgyi drisi dri ono,
ago ami se nyàbe aba vo cini yasi kwoi.
11 Nyeri! Kporo loŋgooŋgo'bai ro koroi lomvosi
lau ànya kayi ŋgaopeṛe OPI ro tana itina,
ŋgaopeṛe lidri ndaro Yisaraele ro ro.
'Dooko lidri OPI ro oyiyite ni dereŋwai ànyaro kala.

12 Mipi mi Debora, mipi mi ri!
Mipi mi ri, mipi mi ago miŋgo loŋgo!
Miŋga ri Barako ago nyoro kamba'bai miro!
Mi ŋgwaagoro Abinoma ro.
13 'Dooko 'dise ke'bebe 'do ikyite dri'bai ànyaro re;
lidri OPI ro ikyiyite ndare nja kyila oyene.
14 Ànya ikyiyite ni Eperaima yasi le vodelero ya,
ago lidri 'bakala Benjamina ro soyite ànya vo.
Otaozo'bai ikyiyite ni Makira yasi,
dri'bai efoyite ni Zebuluna yasi.
15 Dri'bai Yisakara ro ikyiyite Debora be;
lidri Yisakara ro a'doyite 'diri Baraka ri;
ago ànya soyite nda vo le vodelero ya.
Oko 'bakala Rubena ro lako;
ànya niyi kote tausune tase oyene ta.
16 Tana e'di ànya riyi gwo kovole gyolo timele roya ni ya?
Ta lekye'bai se kayibe loŋgo oŋgo gboko timele ro ri ana erine ya?
Oko, 'bakala Rubena ro lako;
ànya niyi kote tausune tase oyene ta.
17 'Bakala Gada ro rite 'buzele Golo Yaradene ro yasi,
ago 'bakala Dana ro rite toŋboi yibe.
'Bakala Asera ro rite 'du gyi'desi kala;
ànya riyite 'du kototisi.
18 Oko lidri Zebuluna ro ozoyi andivo ànyaro te odrane
lidri Nafatali ro kpa inye vo kyilaro yasi.

19 'Bädri'bai ikyiyite yeyi kyila te,
ndi 'bädri'bai Kanana ro yeyi kyila te,
Tanaka ya, gyi Megido ro kala
caoko ànya ruyi mo'di kote.
20 'Bi'bii yeyi kyila te ni vokuru yasi;
ni vo ànyaro yasi,
ànya yeyi kyila te Sisera be.
21 Oga Golo Kisona ro ŋgyi ànya te kpeye,
udi ärru Golo Kisona ro.
Muguna ndi oyi, moyina ndi mbarasi!
22 'Dooko kporo pavo farasi ro ezi uwite,
uguyi loŋgate mbarasi.

23 Malaika OPI ro atate ekye: “Mi'ba latri ka'do Meroza dri,
latri, rriti ro ka'do ànya se kayibe ori lau ana dri.
Tana ànya ikyiyi kote ŋgaopa oyene OPI ri,
ànya ikyiyi kote kyila oyene kyila'baazi Opi robe.”

24 Toko se äṛube ndrani 'ditoko azii ri ni Jaela,
toko Ebera Kena'ba ro,
äṛu be ndrani 'ditoko se cini kayibe ori zo boŋgoro ya drisi.
25 Sisera ejitate gyi ta, oko anya ozote leyi ayani ndäri;
anya ozo muruṛu te ndäri deŋbele liŋgyiekye si.
26 Anya ru losomari zo boŋgoro otoro te drigaṛi si,
ago ru lori te drigwo anyaro si;
anya oto Sisera te ago oto drî ndaro te ätrufu;
anya ṛo drî ndaro te äbi.
27 Nda 'dete ädruku kaya si,
'dete vuru ago u'dute 'du Jaela pa.
Nda 'dete ädruku kaya si Jaela pa ago 'dete vuru;
nda 'dete vuru gyini dri, ago drate.

28 Endre Sisera ro äwuvote vouŋbo zo ro yasi;
anya ndrevote vogbete gbetero zo ro yasi.
Ago anya ejitate ekye: “Arabia kyila ro ndaro rigwo madaro egoako etaya?
Tana e'di farasii ndaro leyegwo egoako niya?”
29 'Ditoko tauniekye anyaro zatadrite,
ago anya zatadri andivo anyaro rote kpekpe ekye:
30 “A'dona ànya kayi dri ŋga uṛi topane ago lonyine,
ŋguti alodi, kode ritu kyila'ba alodi ri,
boŋgo lagye amba be Sisera ri,
boŋgo loselosero ritu,
ŋga 'diegaro loselosero boŋgo wuräwuräro loselosero ritu be o'bane kyembe maro ya.”

31 Äye OPI, ka'do inye mi'ba kyila'baazii cini miro kotodrayi oso inye,
oko mi'ba bereazii miro keyivo oso kitu kabe itu ronye!

Ago taliatokpe a'dote wari ya ndroa na 'butesu.