Samaria Will Be Punished
1 The city of Samaria
above a fertile valley
is in for trouble!
Its leaders are drunkards,
who stuff themselves
with food and wine.
But they will be like flowers
that dry up and wilt.
2 Only the Lord is strong
and powerful!
His mighty hand
will strike them down
with the force of a hailstorm
or a mighty whirlwind
or an overwhelming flood.

3 Every drunkard in Ephraim
takes pride in Samaria,
but it will be crushed.
4 Samaria above a fertile valley
will quickly lose its glory.
It will be gobbled up
like the first ripe fig
at harvest season.

5 When this time comes,
the Lord All-Powerful
will be a glorious crown
for his people who survive.
6 He will see that justice rules
and that his people are able
to defend their cities.
Corrupt Leaders Will Be Punished
7 Priests and prophets stumble
because they are drunk.
Their minds are too confused
to receive God's messages
or give honest decisions.
8 Their tables are covered,
completely covered,
with their stinking vomit.

9 You drunken leaders
are like babies!
How can you possibly understand
or teach the Lord's message?
10 You don't even listen—
all you hear is senseless sound
after senseless sound.

11 So, the Lord will speak
to his people
in strange sounds
and foreign languages.
12 He promised you
perfect peace and rest,
but you refused to listen.
13 Now his message to you
will be senseless sound
after senseless sound.
Then you will fall backwards,
injured and trapped.
False Security Is Fatal
14 You rulers of Jerusalem
do nothing but sneer;
now you must listen
to what the Lord says.
15 Do you think you have
an agreement with death
and the world of the dead?
Why do you trust in your lies
to keep you safe from danger
and the mighty flood?

16 And so the Lord says,
“I'm laying a firm foundation
for the city of Zion.
It's a valuable cornerstone
proven to be trustworthy;
no one who trusts it
will ever be disappointed.
17 Justice and fairness
will be the measuring lines
that help me build.”

Hailstones and floods
will destroy and wash away
your shelter of lies.
18 Your agreement with death
and the world of the dead
will be broken.
Then angry, roaring waves
will sweep over you.
19 Morning, noon, and night
an overwhelming flood
will wash you away.
The terrible things that happen
will teach you this lesson:
20 Your bed is too short,
your blanket too skimpy.

21 The Lord will fiercely attack
as he did at Mount Perazim
and in Gibeon Valley.
But this time the Lord
will do something surprising,
not what you expect.
22 So you had better stop sneering
or you will be in worse shape
than ever before.
I heard the Lord All-Powerful
threaten the whole country
with destruction.
All Wisdom Comes from the Lord
23 Pay close attention
to what I am saying.
24 Farmers don't just plow
and break up the ground.
25 When a field is ready,
they scatter the seeds
of dill and cumin;
they plant the seeds
of wheat and barley
in the proper places
and sow other grains
around the edges.
26 They learn this from their God.

27 After dill and cumin
have been harvested,
the stalks are pounded,
not run over with a wagon.
28 Wheat and barley are pounded,
but not beaten to pulp;
they are run over with a wagon,
but not ground to dust.
29 This wonderful knowledge comes
from the Lord All-Powerful,
who has such great wisdom.
Miomba Ozo Miri 'Bädri'ba ro Mä'dudrisi ri
1 Driuŋgyi'bai miri 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro se waumvuekye'ba kayi rote kandrakozi be ndi foce na se liŋgyiekye kabe lunyi ana be, se asote drî ànya se wa kabe ufuna kai roya. 2 OPI orivoya 'diaza be mbararo ago mbaraekye, se ka oye ikyine oso oli gbiriṛibe oli ŋgatufu ro ronye, oso wärigbägbä 'bu ro se ka gyi o'ba ogane ronye, nda lubina ŋgase cini wari ana ya 'da vuru mbara si. 3 Atona driuŋgyi dri'bai Yisaraele ro se wa umvuekye kai ro 'da pà si vuru. 4 Liŋgyi foce na se kabe lunyi se asote drî na ya ana okyena 'da oso doŋgo käti kyi'du durudrî ro ronye se ondro 'diaza kondrete oko ka dori opina ago onyana.
5 Tu gi ana si OPI Mbaraekye a'dona 'da oso tagyia liŋgyiekye ro ago tagyia liŋgyiekye foce ro ronye lidri ndaro se ke'bebe lidriidriro iyi ri. 6 Nda ozona tavousu ŋgye 'da ànya se vureope'bai ro iyi ri, ago ozona agoago 'da ànya se kayibe dereŋwai 'bakici ro gagana ni gotavoya kai ri.
Yesaya ndi Nebii se Wa Umvuèkye Yuda ro kai be
7 Ca nebii ndi kohanii be kayi iyi tufu wa si, wa osoekye ka ànya o'ba a'done parapararo. Wa ṛatara ka kohanii ndi nebii be tufuna, vino ka ànya o'ba a'done wiriwiriro. Wa ka ànya o'ba a'done parapara ro, Nebii niyi kote rulofo se Lu kabe ezina ana tana unine, ago kohanii niyi kote vure se abe ezina ànyare 'do oyene kadoro. 8 Tara'bizai se ànya kayibe ori lomvoigyesi iyi drina te kpeye u'dwe ro, vo awi na aza te i'do.
9 Ànya kayi driovi ekye: “Manona ana koma iro be yembana a'di ya? A'di le lazo ndaro niya? Kadona toto ŋgwa luruŋwà se akye kalana be ago ana be ni ba sisi iyi ri. 10 Tana nda ka ojo ama embane beti to to taegyi rosi, ba oraora ro, unine sirosiro ago fere fere.”
11 Ta'doro Lu ezina atrai 'da atane kala to aza si ami lidri ono ri. 12 Nda ozo vo loli rote ämiri ago ozo taliatokpe te, ämiri oko migatezo ta ndaro erine. 13 'Do ni tase OPI ka oyebe ami embane beti to to taegyi rosi, ba oraora ro, unine sirosiro ago fere fere owo. 'Dooko nyòlo'dena 'da parapara, agana ami 'da äträ laza be, abari uruna ami 'da, ago äruna ami 'da kamba'bai ro.
Kuni Goŋgodri ro Zaiona ri
14 Ka'do inye nyèri tase OPI kabe atana ono ami lidri mä̀wu'ba se nyàbe lidri miri Yerusalema ya noŋwa ono. 15 Nyà ata mìkye yì'ba taliatokpe te odra be ago mìletadrite 'bädri avo robe, ondro ka'do rueza aza kikyi ca odona iyi ko, tana nyà mio'ba kowe ndi ŋgaodo be dri ami ätiza londro ro. 16 Ka'do inye ono ni tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana owo ekye: “Mate kotopa unju Zaiona ya ni kuni se ṛatara ro yasi. Ma oye kuni goŋgodri ro ŋgyiri o'bane kigye. ‘Ndase ka taoyi kigye a'dona ko turi ro.’ 17 Mà'bana taŋgye a'dona 'da ni iba kotopa na ojoro, ago ta'diri a'dona 'da ni ŋga embe ro si iba ŋgaojoro roya.”
'Bu siya togana koweoga se mì'ba mi be driigye 'do 'da, ago oga gyi ro perena ruda'dovo amiro 'da. 18 Tao'ba se mi'ba be odra be 'do eperena 'da, ago tadriole amiro se 'bädri avo robe 'do asena sina 'da. Ondro rueza kesate oko, ronyona ami 'da. 19 Ondro rueza kate ikyi ondoalo oko teŋgwana ami 'da kyenoŋbo cini si. Nyìŋgyina rritina 'da kitu si ago ŋgäkyi si. Ànya se kabe ta lazo ono ro unina ezina turi ndi ànyari! 20 Nyà'dona 'da oso mano se ka ojo u'dune kitapara se juṛuŋwa nda ni ko yi ozone a'dwi driigye ana dri, ago ka ojo drî takone boŋgo drî takoro se ndrilaŋwa ni ko lomvo ndaro takone kpeye ana si. 21 OPI oyena kyila 'da oso nda koyebe 'Bereŋwa Perazima ya ronye, nda a'dona 'da kyila ro oso nda ka'dobe vodelero Gibeona roya ana ronye, nda oyena tase nda kolebe oyene ndi, taoye ndaro a'dona cu to. Nda ondena losi ndaro 'da, losi ndaro se vona temoako ana.
22 Ka'do inye mìgu ta ono ko, ukyi iba ami kundu 'do embe 'da anda; tana meri ta tavoora ro OPI Mbaraekye rote se 'bädri ono perero kpeye ono.
Tavouni Lu ro
23 Mìga bi tase mabe itina ämiri ono ya, nyèri tase mabe atana ämiri ono. 24 Ämvuoso'ba ugu ko toto rri ämvu oso ayani ndana ugu ko toto ri gyini 'bule ayani. 25 Oko ondro nda ku'bule gyini te oko, nda ri kwari agba lawi ro ndi rere rote kigye. Nda ri kaaza ndi kyifo be te vona azaka yasi, ago nda ri inya te sidri ämvu ro yasi kishwe ro. 26 Nda ni ta losi ndaro oyena rote ŋgyero, tana Lu emba nda te. 27 Nda 'bi keci lawi ndi rere be ro kote dofo läŋgyiekye si, ago si keci rere ro kote arabia si oko nda ka o'bina pärile se läŋgyiako 'do si. 28 Nda enji kaaza ndaro kote usivoya madamada, ago nda ni ta rere usiro arabia si kpate teinye kecina usiako foda. 29 Tavouni se cini kwoi ikyi kpa ni OPI Mbaraekye resi. Tavoora ndaro orivoya kadoro ago tavouni ndaro orivoya kadopara.