1 On that day, Leviathan,
the sea monster,
will squirm and try to escape,
but the Lord will kill him
with a cruel, sharp sword.
Protection and Forgiveness
The Lord said:

2 At that time you must sing
about a fruitful vineyard.
3 I, the Lord, will protect it
and always keep it watered.
I will guard it day and night
to keep it from harm.
4 I am no longer angry.
But if it produces thorns,
I will go to war against it
and burn it to the ground.
5 Yet if the vineyard depends
on me for protection,
it will become my friend
and be at peace with me.

6 Someday Israel will take root
like a vine.
It will blossom and bear fruit
that covers the earth.

7 I, the Lord, didn't punish and kill
the people of Israel
as fiercely as I punished
and killed their enemies.
8 I carefully measured out
Israel's punishment
and sent the scorching heat
to chase them far away.

9 There's only one way
that Israel's sin and guilt
can be completely forgiven:
They must crush the stones
of every pagan altar
and place of worship.
The Lord Will Bring His People Together
10 Fortress cities are left
like a desert
where no one lives.
Cattle walk through the ruins,
stripping the trees bare.
11 When broken branches
fall to the ground,
women pick them up
to feed the fire.
But these people are so stupid
that the God who created them
will show them no mercy.

12 The time is coming when the Lord will shake the land between the Euphrates River and the border of Egypt, and one by one he will bring all of his people together. 13 A loud trumpet will be heard. Then the people of Israel who were dragged away to Assyria and Egypt will return to worship the Lord on his holy mountain in Jerusalem.
1 Tu gi ana si OPI oyena losi 'da bando ṛatararo, 'desi ago kozipara ndaro si äkpuruku ezaza, ndilo se rubaṛibaṛiro, ruopaoparo ana, ago igyi'daŋgo se kabe ori gyi'desi ya ana ufuzana.
2 Tu gi ana si OPI atana ta ämvu kono ro se kadopara ana ro 'da ekye: 3 “Ma OPI ma vona ondrena ago ma gyi loda driigye 'duro. Ma lomvona okwana ŋgäkyi si ago kitu si ukyi 'diaza oye 'da koziro. 4 Ma ko kyilaro ämvu kono ro ono be. Aba ondro ka'do kukyi ndi ŋgäṛiŋgofo be ka'dogwo kyila oyene mabe, mayena kyila ndi ànya be ago mazana ànya ndi kpeye. 5 Oko ondro ka'do kyila'baazii lidri maro ro koleyite ŋgagaga maro, 'dooko mi'ba ànya ko'bayi taliatokpe mabe. Owo mi'ba ànya ko'bayi taliatokpe mabe.”
6 Tuse kabe ikyi kai ya lidri Yisaraele ro, zelevoi Yakoba ro, oranayi paji 'da, ànya o'donayi 'da ago oronayi 'da, ago doŋgo se ànya kabe owana ondena 'bädri ndi kpeye.
7 OPI eza Yisaraele kote pari oso kyila'baazii anyaro ronye, ca tufu anya kote oso lidri se kolebe ànya tufune ronye. 8 OPI eza lidri ndaro te ànya ozo si midiro. Nda ŋgyi ànya te oli se siombaekye ni 'buzelesi ana si. 9 Oko e'bena Yisaraele 'da ta takozi rota, ago e'bena ànya 'da ta takozi ànyaro rota oso nonye: ondro kado ànya kuyiyi kuri vo tori oloro lu awi ri te foda oso piri ronye, ago vo ŋga ŋgutruro ozaro kode beti lu tokoro Asera ro ka'dote i'do owo.
10 'Bakici se tiṛi ṛatararo be ono te tandro ro. E'be vose oriro te awi oso vocowa ronye. Tii kate käyi onya lau, a'dote vo loliro ago ŋgaonya ro ànyaro. 11 Ondro gwoṛii ice na ro kowite ago kalaŋgote oko, ago 'ditoko ka otona tiza ro. Tana lidri ono ni ta aza ko cu, ta'doro Lu O'ba'ba ànyaro unina ko a'done tusuro ta ànyaro ta ndase ko'ba ànya ni ono unina ko a'done yauni be ànyari.
12 Tu gi ana si, OPI otona kala lidri ndaro Yisaraele ro'da ba alo alo, ni Eferata yasi le kishwedri Ezipeto be ya, oso 'dise kabe kyifo kyeye ni kurumu na yasi 'do ronye.
13 Ondro tu ana kesate oko, avona cekuṛe 'desi 'da Yisaraele'bai se cini midiro Asaria ndi Ezipeto be ya kai uzizana kovole. Ànya ikyinayi 'da ago mätunayi OPI 'da Yerusalema ya, lutu alokado ndaro dri.