The Earth Will Be Punished
1 The Lord is going to twist the earth out of shape and turn it into a desert. Everyone will be scattered, 2 including ordinary people and priests, slaves and slave owners, buyers and sellers, lenders and borrowers, the rich and the poor. 3 The earth will be stripped bare and left that way. This is what the Lord has promised.

4 The earth wilts away;
its mighty leaders melt
to nothing.
5 The earth is polluted
because its people
disobeyed the laws of God,
breaking their agreement
that was to last forever.

6 The earth is under a curse;
its people are dying out
because of their sins.
7 Grapevines have dried up:
wine is almost gone—
mournful sounds are heard
instead of joyful shouts.

8 No one plays tambourines
or stringed instruments;
all noisy celebrating
has come to an end.
9 They no longer sing
as they drink their wine,
and it tastes sour.

10 Towns are crushed and in chaos;
houses are locked tight.
11 Happy times have disappeared
from the earth,
and people shout in the streets,
“We're out of wine!”
12 Cities are destroyed;
their gates are torn down.
13 Nations will be stripped bare,
like olive trees or vineyards
after the harvest season.
Praise the God of Justice
14 People in the west shout;
they joyfully praise
the majesty of the Lord.
15 And so, everyone in the east
and those on the islands
should praise the Lord,
the God of Israel.
16 From all over the world
songs of praise are heard
for the God of justice.
But I feel awful,
terribly miserable.
Can anyone be trusted?
So many are treacherous!
There's No Escape
17 Terror, traps, and pits
are waiting for everyone.
18 If you are terrified and run,
you will fall into a pit;
if you crawl out of the pit,
you will get caught in a trap.

The sky has split apart
like a window thrown open.
The foundations of the earth
have been shaken;
19 the earth is shattered,
ripped to pieces.
20 It staggers and shakes
like a drunkard
or a hut in a windstorm.
It is burdened down with sin;
the earth will fall,
never again to get up.

21 On that day the Lord
will punish the powers
in the heavens
and the kings of the earth.
22 He will put them in a pit
and keep them prisoner.
Then later on,
he will punish them.
23 Both the moon and sun will
be embarrassed and ashamed.
The Lord All-Powerful will rule
on Mount Zion in Jerusalem,
where he will show its rulers
his wonderful glory.
OPI Ezana 'Bädri 'da
1 OPI ka oye 'bädri enjine ago e'bena 'da tandro ro. Nda mocina dri gyini ro 'da ago perena lidri na 'da iṛeiṛe. 2 'Dicini o'bena drî 'da kandrakozi gi alona ono be, kohanii ndi lidri be, iyeäṛi ndi 'desi ndaro be, ruendu'ba ndi 'desi ndaro be, ŋgaogye'ba ndi ŋgalogye'ba be, yuŋguozo'ba ndi yuŋguuru'ba be, ŋgaamba'ba ndi ŋgaako'ba be. 3 Eperena 'bädri ndi riya tandro ro ago enjina ŋga cini na ndi, OPI atani inye ago ayena ndi inye.
4 Gyini kate owi ago ŋgana kate lunyi; 'bädri kate a'do mbaraako ago ruenji, gyini ndi vokuru be kate toka. 5 Lidri enji 'bädri te tana ànya pereyi ota te ago fuyi tase arabe te tao'baro se Lu ko'babe orine äduako ono enjina si. 6 Ta'dota latri a'dote 'bädri ya. Lidri 'bädri ya ka rueza ta taenji se ànya koloyeyibe rota. Lidri e'bete toto fereŋwa lidriidriro. 7 Doŋgo kono ro pitote, ago vino kate okye. 'Dicini se ka'dobe riyä ro te tusuro, 8 ago kporo lekyembe rote tii ago kporo riyä oyero kyete kporo läri ro te i'do. 9 Loŋgo riyä ro aza te i'do vino umvuvoya; tana wa a'dona ro koziro ànya se kabe umvuna ri. 10 Ŋgacini se 'Bakici se ana ya te tandroro, ago lidri sedri andivo ànyaro rote zoi ànyaro yasi a'doza londroro. 11 Lidri kate totre litiŋwai drisi tana vino aza te i'do. Riyä kyete tiṛi; ana riyä te zwi ni wari ana yasi. 12 'Bakici te tandroro, ago dereŋwà na pererute riya vuru. 13 Ono ni tase ka oyebe a'done tu'dei se vo 'bädri cini ro yasi ri owo. A'dona 'da oso abe doŋgo ice ido ro ro o'bina ronye ago oso otopi doŋgo ädu kono rote ronye.
14 Lidri oŋgona loŋgo 'da riyä si, ago ànya itinayi ta a'do 'desi OPI ro ro 'da ni aŋgoya si. 15 Ta'dota ànya se koriyibe 'buzelesi iyi räṛunayi OPI 'da. Lidri se koriyibe gyi'desi kalasi iyi räṛunayi OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro 'da. 16 Mèrina loŋgo azaka 'da ni sidri ädu 'bädri ro yasi se abe Lu Alokado räṛu sina ono.
Caoko ma te mio'ba aza ako! Mate ezi okyeokye! Ma te kandrakozi ya Driozo'bai kayi gi 'du ugu driozo, ago taoye kozi ànyaro ugu a'dogwo pari ndra koziro. 17 Turi, 'bu ndi abari be orivoya ka ami kwote ami lidri cini 'bädri ya ono. 18 'Dise kabe umu ni turi ri o'dena ṛo 'bu ya, ago 'dise kabe umu ni 'bu ri, o'dena ṛo abari ya. 'Bu siombaekye u'dina 'da ni vokuru yasi, ago kotopa 'bädri ro kandaruna 'da. 19 Gyini togana 'da aŋbeŋbe ago tupiruna 'da iṛeiṛe ago gyini kandaruna 'da ägbigbi. 20 Gyini a'dona 'da parapararo oso mano se kumvu wa be 'do ronye ago a'dona 'da meŋgyelero oso zo se oli gbiriṛibe kubi be 'do ronye. Takozi teri 'bädri te vuru; ago o'dena 'da ago unina ko oŋgane kpa to'dina alona.
21 Tu kabe esa ana si OPI ezana mbara se cini vokuru ya 'da ago ezana miri'bai 'bädri ya 'da. 22 OPI oṛina kala lowa 'bädri'bai ro ro 'da oso kamba'bai se 'bu ya 'do ronye. Nda osena drî ànyaro 'da kamba ya, ago tu amba vosi oko ezana ànya 'da. 23 Imba a'dona 'da fuyifuyiro, ago kitu eyina vo ko tona, tana OPI Mbaraekye mirina vo 'da ni Yerusalema yasi 'Bereŋwa Zaiona dri, ago dri'bai lidri ro ondrenayi 'desi ndaro 'da.