The Lord's People Speak
1 Let's return to the Lord.
He has torn us to shreds,
but he will bandage our wounds
and make us well.
2 In two or three days
he will heal us
and restore our strength
that we may live with him.
3 Let's do our best
to know the Lord.
His coming is as certain
as the morning sun;
he will refresh us like rain
renewing the earth
in the springtime.
The Lord Speaks to Israel and Judah
4 People of Israel and Judah,
what can I do with you?
Your love for me disappears
more quickly than mist
or dew at sunrise.
5 That's why I slaughtered you
with the words
of my prophets.
That's why my judgments blazed
like the dawning sun.
6 I'd rather for you to be faithful
and to know me
than to offer sacrifices.

7 At a place named Adam,
you betrayed me
by breaking our agreement.
8 Everyone in Gilead is evil;
your hands are stained
with the blood of victims.
9 You priests are like a gang
of robbers in ambush.
On the road to Shechem
you murder and commit
other horrible crimes.
10 I have seen a terrible thing
in Israel—
you are unfaithful
and unfit to worship me.
11 People of Judah,
your time is coming too.
The Lord Wants To Help Israel
I, the Lord, would like to make
my nation prosper again
Drieta Lidri ro se Ko Ŋgye
1 Lidri ka ata ekye: “Nyìkyi mì'de màgo OPI re! Nda ga ama te äträ, oko nda ogo edena ama 'da; nda 'di ama te laza be, oko nda uvuna laza amaro 'da. 2 U'du ritu vosi nda adrina ama 'da ago u'du nina si oko nda eŋgana ama 'da; ago marina 'da nda kandra. 3 Mì'de mäni OPI, mi'de mòjo nda unine. Endaro nda ikyina 'da amare oso 'buzevo kabe osi voiwivoya ronye; endaro nda ikyina 'da amare oso 'bu kabe u'di ago kabe gyini dri udu 'do ronye.”
4 Oko OPI ka ata ekye: “Yisaraele mayena ta miro eŋwanyeya? Yuda mayena ta miro eŋwanyeya? Ŋgalu amiro märi ka ruona ndriŋwa oso lätutu kyenoŋbo ro ronye, oso nduruṛi, se kabe laya ŋboci 'do ronye. 5 Tana ta'doro mazo miomba te ämiri nebii si, makye mutufuna ami 'da, vure maro orivoya ŋbelero oso ŋgaeyi ronye. 6 Male ŋgalu 'duro amiro ayani ago ko toriolo amiro ayani. Male lidri maro ri ma Lu unine ayani ndrani ŋgapäṛi ozaro märi drisi.”
7 Oso Adama ronye ànya enjiyi tao'ba se ma'babe ànya yibe te, ànya a'doyite ta'diriako märi lau. 8 Gilada orivoya 'bakici lidri taundi oye'bai ro ago ta 'ditufu robe amba owo. 9 Kohanii labayi oso ŋgatopa'bai se kuvuyibe vuru 'di gotane ronye. Ànya tufuyi lidri kpate liti se kabe oyi Sekeme ya dri, ago ànya loyeyi taundiro cini te! 10 Mandre ŋga koziro te Yisaraele ya: lidri ka lui edeedero mätu ago enji Yisaraele te.
11 “Ago ami, lidri Yuda ro, mara tu te kpa ami ezaza ondro mate kandrakado lidri maro ro logo owo.