The Lord Answers Habakkuk Again
1 While standing guard
on the watchtower,
I waited for the Lord's answer,
before explaining the reason
for my complaint.
2 Then the Lord told me:
“I will give you my message
in the form of a vision.
Write it clearly enough
to be read at a glance.
3 At the time I have decided,
my words will come true.
You can trust what I say
about the future.
It may take a long time,
but keep on waiting—
it will happen!

4 “I, the Lord, refuse to accept
anyone who is proud.
Only those who live by faith
are acceptable to me.”
Trouble for Evil People
5 Wine is treacherous,
and arrogant people
are never satisfied.
They are no less greedy
than death itself—
they open their mouths as wide
as the world of the dead
and swallow everyone.

6 But they will be mocked
with these words:
You're doomed!
You stored up stolen goods
and cheated others
of what belonged to them.
7 But without warning,
those you owe
will demand payment.
Then you will become
a frightened victim.
8 You robbed cities and nations
everywhere on earth
and murdered their people.
Now those who survived
will be as cruel to you.

9 You're doomed!
You made your family rich
at the expense of others.
You even said to yourself,
“I'm above the law.”
10 But you will bring shame
on your family
and ruin to yourself
for what you did to others.
11 The very stones and wood
in your home
will testify against you.

12 You're doomed! You built a city
on crime and violence.
13 But the Lord All-Powerful
sends up in flames
what nations and people
work so hard to gain.

14 Just as water fills the sea,
the land will be filled
with people who know
and honor the Lord.

15 You're doomed!
You get your friends drunk,
just to see them naked.
16 Now you will be disgraced
instead of praised.
The Lord will make you drunk,
and when others see you naked,
you will lose their respect.
17 You destroyed trees and animals
on Mount Lebanon;
you were ruthless to towns
and people everywhere.
Now you will be terrorized.
Idolatry Is Foolish
18 What is an idol worth?
It's merely a false god.
Why trust a speechless image
made from wood or metal
by human hands?
19 What can you learn from idols
covered with silver or gold?
They can't even breathe.
Pity anyone who says to an idol
of wood or stone,
“Get up and do something!”

20 Let all the world be silent—
the Lord is present
in his holy temple.
Tadrioza OPI ro Abakuku ri
1 Medrena 'da vookwane, ago mätuna 'da zowiṛa dri ago marina 'da voondrene tase OPI ka oyebe atane märi ndi tase nda ka oyebe driovi maro tadrina ozane sina ta.
2 OPI zatadri maro te nonye ekye: “Nyegyi ta rulofo se ono ro kuni kalakparo dri, kalandre ro ŋbelero tana äni robe uzine ndriŋwa. 3 Mi'ba taegyi ya, tana tuse anyari a'doza sina drigba. Oko tu kate ezi esa; ago ka oye esane endaro. Landrebe oso ka ezi ikyi liaro, oko nyokote, ka oye ndi a'done ago unina ko leyene. 4 Ono ni orivoya lazo yi ekye: ‘Ànya se orivoya undiro kwoi adrine i'do, oko ànya se orivoya taŋgye'bai ro iyi orinayi 'da lidriidriro ta'diri ànyaro Lu ri si.’ ”
Kandrakozi Taŋgyeako'bai ro
5 Ŋgadriamba orivoya ŋgaodo yi. Lidri se orivoya driuŋgyi be loliko ko. Yagäru ndaro 'desi oso 'bu avoro ronye, oso odra ronye ŋga ojo ànya ko alona. Ànya kayi tu'dei uru azivo azivo andivo ànyaro ri. 6 Lidri se apete ṛe yana osona 'da ànya ope'bai ṛe lomvo ago ka'danayi ŋgamawo ànyaro ànya ope'bai ṛe ri 'da atasi ekye: “Ami se nyàbe ŋgase ko andivo amiro ro uruna, ono ami orivoya kandrakozi be! Oko uguna a'do tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya? Nyà a'do ŋgadriamba be ugu yuŋgu'bai amiro o'ba si ŋga ozone mbara si.”
7 Ànya se yuŋgu ànyaro amirigye 'do, oŋganayi 'da ätruku'du ago o'banayi ami 'da drinju'du ozone, 'dooko nyälä'bina 'da. Ànya topanayi ŋga amiro 'da! 8 Nyòtopa ŋga tu'dei amba rote, oko yauono ànya se ke'bebe lidriidriro iyi topanayi ŋga amiro 'da, ta lidri se nyùtufube rota ago ta siomba se miyebe 'bädri ri ndi 'bakicii ànyaro be ri rota.
9 Ami te kandrakozi be! Ami se nyìliti ŋgate katidri amiro ri liti kozi yasi, ago nyòjote 'ba modo amiro ro o'bane kadoro teinye ŋgakozi ndi rriti be ri a'do ako kigye! 10 Oko taora undiro amiro ezi driupi te katidri amiro dri; ugu lidri amba tufu si. Nyèzi rueza te andivo amiro dri. 11 Ca kuni tiṛi ro ka liyi ami lomvo, ago jocei ka tadri liyina ro ojona.
12 Ami te kandrakozi be! Ami se nyà 'bakici obe 'ditufu si ago nyèto kotopana te takozi si ono. 13 Inye'do OPI Mbaraekye so asi ro koni losi se tu'dei koyebe ono dri ago tu'dei yeyi losi te takaci ako ya? 14 Oko 'bädri a'dona 'da twi tauni a'do 'desi OPI ro robe, oso gyi kabe oga lwi gyi'desi ya ronye.
15 Ami te kandrakozi be! Ami se nyà oriazii amiro o'bana ŋga umvune se 'ba ànya te parapara ro; tana ànya kondreyi a'do bägyulu ro oriazii ànyaro ro robe. 16 A'bana ami 'da driupi ro ago ko orooro ro. Mìmvuna ŋga 'da ago nyà'dona 'da parapararo. OPI o'bana ami 'da kofo rueza andivo amiro ro umvune, ago ta ami oro ro tozaruna 'da driupiro. 17 Mìye siomba te Lebanona ya oko yauono ayena ami 'da siomba si. Nyùtufu koronyai ànyaro te, oko yauono koronyai osona turi 'da ami ya. Tase ono a'dona ndi inye ta lidri se nyùtufube rota ago ta kyila oyero amiro lidri 'bädri robe ndi 'bakicii ànyaro be rota.
18 Takado lu edeedero ro e'diya? Anya toto beti ŋgase lidri kedebe ni ro yi, ago logo edeedero yi ago se ka koweoga ayani. Ede'ba lu edeedero ro ka taoyi lu edeedero se ni ata ko ono ya! 19 Ami te kandrakozi be! Nyà ata ŋgase ice ro ri mìkye: “Mipi mi!” Kode kuni se ata ko ko ono ri mìkye: “Miŋga!” Inye'do ŋga anya inye 'do lofona ta aza gi'da ämiri ya? Ändruna lomvona ca undru logo läguläguro ndi mo'di be si, oko adri i'do kigye alona.
20 OPI orivoya Yekalu alokado ndaro ya; mì'ba 'dicini 'bädri ya ka'do titiitiro nda kandra.