Isaac's Instructions to Jacob
1 Isaac called in Jacob, then gave him a blessing, and said:
Don't marry any of those Canaanite women. 2 Go at once to your mother's father Bethuel in northern Syria and choose a wife from one of the daughters of Laban, your mother's brother. 3 I pray that God All-Powerful will bless you with many descendants and let you become a great nation. 4 May he bless you with the land he promised Abraham, so that you will take over this land where we now live as foreigners.
5 Isaac then sent Jacob to stay with Rebekah's brother Laban, the son of Bethuel the Aramean.
Esau Marries the Daughter of Ishmael
6 Esau found out that his father Isaac had blessed Jacob and had warned him not to marry any of the Canaanite women. He also learned that Jacob had been sent to find a wife in northern Syria 7 and that he had obeyed his father and mother. 8 Esau already had several wives, but he now realized how much his father hated the Canaanite women. 9 So he married Ishmael's daughter Mahalath, who was the sister of Nebaioth and the granddaughter of Abraham.
Jacob's Dream at Bethel
10 Jacob left the town of Beersheba and started out for Haran. 11 At sunset he stopped for the night and went to sleep, resting his head on a large rock. 12 In a dream he saw a ladder that reached from earth to heaven, and God's angels were going up and down on it.
13 The Lord was standing beside the ladder and said:
I am the Lord God who was worshiped by Abraham and Isaac. I will give to you and your family the land on which you are now sleeping. 14 Your descendants will spread over the earth in all directions and will become as numerous as the specks of dust. Your family will be a blessing to all people. 15 Wherever you go, I will watch over you, then later I will bring you back to this land. I won't leave you—I will do all I have promised.
16 Jacob woke up suddenly and thought, “The Lord is in this place, and I didn't even know it.” 17 Then Jacob became frightened and said, “What a frightening place! It must be the house of God and the gateway to heaven.”
18 When Jacob got up early the next morning, he took the rock that he had used for a pillow and stood it up as a place of worship. Then he poured olive oil on the rock to dedicate it to God, 19 and he named the place Bethel. Before that it had been named Luz.
20 Jacob solemnly promised God, “If you go with me and watch over me as I travel, and if you give me food and clothes 21 and bring me safely home again, you will be my God. 22 This rock will be your house, and I will give back to you a tenth of everything you give me.”
1 'Dooko Yisika zi Yakoba te ndi ye mede te ndäri, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Ko miri toko ogyene ni Kanana'bai lakosi. 2 Miŋga, nyoyi Mesopotamia ya, 'ba Betuela täpi endre miro roya; migye toko ni miri lau, ni alo aza ndiriŋwà Labana ädrupi endre miro ro lakosi. 3 Lu se Mbarapara ono käṛu mi, ago ko'ba mi litine amba nyalakpa, tana nya'do robe ti'bi tu'dei lowa amba ro. 4 Nda käṛu mi ndi zelevoi miro be oso käṛu Abarayama be ronye, miru 'bädri se nyabe ori kigye ono robe se Lu ozo ṛote Abarayama ri.” 5 Ago Yisika zo Yakoba te Mesopotamia ya Labana ŋgwa Betuela Arama'ba ro, ädrupi Rebeka endre Yakoba ndi Esau be ro re.
Esau Gye Toko Aza te
6 Esau nite Yisika äṛu Yakoba te ago zo nda te Mesopotamia ya toko ogyene ni lau, ago nda ni kpate anjioko Yisika kabe nda äṛu ozotate ndäri ko toko ogyene ni ndiriŋwa Kanana'bai ro lakosi. 7 Nda usu vona te Yakoba ro ta täpi ndaro ndi endre ndaro robe te, ago oyite Mesopotamia ya. 8 'Dooko Esau nite anjioko ndiriŋwa Kanana'bai ro tana si Yisika täpi ndaro kote. 9 Ta'dota Esau oyite Isamaele ŋgwa Abarayama ro re ago gye ŋguti ndaro Malata endreŋwa Nebayota rote toko ro.
Tori Yakoba ro Betele ya
10 Yakoba e'be Beraseba te ago eto oyite Arana ya. 11 Ondro nda kosate vo aza ya oko, nda rite lau tana kitu cite ago vo ni kpate. Ndi nda u'dute vuru loline ago adroa drî te kuni alodi aza dri. 12 Ago lau tori ezitate nda dri, ago tori ndaro ana ya nda ndre päti uturo te etote ni gyini drisi sate le vo'buyakuru ya, ago nda ndre malaikai Lu rote utuvoya kuru ago efovoya vuru driigyesi. 13 Ago ndre OPI te edrevoya driigye ago atate ekye: “Ma ni OPI, Lu Abarayama ndi Yisika be ro owo; wari gi nyu'dube kigye ono mozona ndi miri ago kpa zelevoi miro ri. 14 Ago zelevoi miro a'donayi 'da oso durufu gyini ro ronye, ago lariruna 'da kakalakaro vo cini yasi; ago mäṛuna lidri cini 'da mi si ago zelevoi miro si. 15 Ago miyi ta ono drî miro ya, ma'dona ndi mibe ago magagana mi ndi vose cini nyabe aba kigyesi yasi, ago mologona mi'da kpa to'di wari se ono ya. Tana märi mi e'bene iṛe te i'do, madale mayena ŋgase mata tana be miri ono lutu.”
16 'Dooko Yakoba pi mite ni u'duvoya ago atate ekye: “Anjioko endaro OPI orivoya vo ono ya, oko mäni koni.” 17 Ndi dori nda a'dote turi turiro amba ago atate ekye: “Vo ono turine taoro si ago beṛo zo Lu ro ri a'done kigye; ago kpa orivoya dereŋwa vo'buyakuru ro yi.”
18 Ago ṛo kyenoŋboci oko Yakoba ŋgate ago ru kuni se nda kadroa drî ndaro be driigye ana te ndi edrete kuru vose nda ku'dube kigye ana ya taoyiro ro, ago ru ido te ndi sote driigye. 19 Ndi nda zi ävuru vose ana rote Betele (se kyeno ävuru 'bakici ana ro Luza). 20 'Dooko nda 'ba tao'baro te OPI ri ekye: “Ondro ka'do nya'do gite mabe ago mini gindi ma gagane liti se mabe ugu oyi driigyesi ono yasi le vose mabe oyi kigye ya, ago nyozo ŋgaonya te märi onyane ndi boŋgo osoro be, 21 ago migo nyologo ma kpate le zo täpi maro roya tokpero, 'dooko mi OPI nya'dona ndi Lu maro. 22 Ago kuni gi medrebe kuru taoyiro ro ono a'dona ndi vo mi mätu ro, ago ŋgase cini nyabe ozona märi mozona telesi alo 'bute na ro kpa miri.”