Sarah's Death and Burial
1-2 When Sarah was 127 years old, she died in Kiriath-Arba, better known as Hebron, in the land of Canaan. After Abraham had mourned for her, 3 he went to the Hittites and said, 4 “I live as a foreigner in your land, and I don't own any property where I can bury my wife. Please let me buy a piece of land.”
5-6 “Sir,” they answered, “you are an important man. Choose the best place to bury your wife. None of us would refuse you a resting place for your dead.”
7 Abraham bowed down 8 and replied, “If you are willing to let me bury my wife here, please ask Zohar's son Ephron 9 to sell me Machpelah Cave at the end of his field. I'll pay what it's worth, and all of you can be witnesses.”
10 Ephron was sitting there near the city gate, when Abraham made this request, and he answered, 11 “Sir, the whole field, including the cave, is yours. With my own people as witnesses, I freely give it to you as a burial place for your dead.”
12 Once again, Abraham bowed down 13 and said to Ephron, “In front of these witnesses, I offer you the full price, so I can bury my wife. Please accept my offer.”
14-15 “But sir,” the man replied, “the property is worth only 400 pieces of silver. Why should we haggle over such a small amount? Take the land. It's yours.”
16-18 Abraham accepted Ephron's offer and paid him the 400 pieces of silver in front of everyone at the city gate. That's how Abraham came to own Ephron's property east of Mamre, which included the field with all of its trees, as well as Machpelah Cave at the end of the field. 19 So Abraham buried his wife Sarah in Machpelah Cave that was in the field 20 he had bought from the Hittites.
Odra Sara ro
1 Sara rite ndroa na kama alo 'buteritu fonjidrieri (127). 2 Anya drate Eberona ya wari Kanana roya, ago Abarayama a'dote tusuro liyi be lu'be o'be si Sara ta.
3 Nda ŋgate ni avo drisi, ago atate Ete'bai ri ekye: 4 “Ma orivoya 'diatra yi, ago ma ori ami yibe; nyòzo vo aza magye robe avo osero märi, tana mase avo toko maro robe kigye.”
5 Ete'bai zayitadri Abarayama rote ekye: 6 “'Desi, nyeri ta amaro. Mi mano 'desi mbaraekye yi ama lako, vose mànjibe kadopara avo amaro osero 'do mìse avo miro kigye. Alo aza amaro ni ko 'bu iro lagane miri, oko ndi miri avo miro osene.”
7 'Dooko Abarayama ŋgate edi drî te Ete'bai se ni lidri wari ana ro ana ri. 8 Ago nda atate ànyari ekye: “Ondro ka'do gi ole amiro märi toko maro osene noŋwa oko, rägu nyeji Eferona ŋgwa Zohara ro. 9 Tana nda kozo magye kugyi Makepela ro se orivoya drile ämvu ndaro roya ana robe märi, ndäri ozone märi lagyena se nda kolebe si, ṛo mile amiro yasi, a'done te ṛo vo maro avo osero.”
10 Eferona modo ṛo orivoya Ete'bai azi be taäyi ana ya dereŋwa 'bakici ro kala lau, nda zatadrite lidri cini lau kai milesi ekye: 11 “'Desi, nyeri ta maro, mozona ämvu maro ndi miri, ndi kugyi na se kigye ana be, ṛo mile lidri modo maro ro yasi. Mozote miri, mise toko miro ri.”
12 Oko Abarayama edi drî iro te kpa to'di lidri wari ana ro kandra. 13 Ago nda atate Eferona ri, lidri wari ana ro milesi ekye: “Ma mi eji ta maro erine, mozona lagye ämvu ro ndi miri, ago miru ni märigyesi, 'dooko masena toko maro ndi lau.”
14 Ago Eferona zatadri Abarayama rote ekye: 15 “'Desi, nyeri ta maro, gyini gburuŋwa 'do lagyena toto tonyo mo'di ro kama su (400), oko 'do gi ta amba yi lakole amaro ya mibe ya? Mise toko miro ayani.” 16 Abarayama letadrite Eferona be. Ago nda ojo tonyo mo'di rote Eferona ri, oso se nda koti otina be Ete'bai milesi ana ronye, tonyo mo'di ro kama su (400) se ṛoni lagye parata ro se ŋgalogye'bai kayibe losi oye sina iyivoyasi ro owo.
17 Ono vosi ämvu Eferona ro, se Makepela ya ana, se kogobe 'buzele Mamere ro yasi ana, ämvu ndi kugyi na se kigye ana be, ndi ice se cini kigye, ago se sidri na yasi ŋgulu ana be, 18 aka'date ŋgyero Abarayama ri te ŋga ndaro ro, mile Ete'bai se cini dereŋwa 'bakici roya kai ro yasi.
19 'Dooko Abarayama se Sara toko ndaro te kugyi se ämvu Makepela roya ana ya, wari Kanana roya. 20 Ta'dota ämvu ndi kugyi se ana be, a'dote ŋga Abarayama ro ro, vo avo osero ro.