Disaster Is Near
1 The Lord God said:
2 Ezekiel, son of man, tell the people of Israel that I am saying:
Israel will soon come to an end! Your whole country is about to be destroyed 3 as punishment for your disgusting sins. I, the Lord, am so angry 4 that I will show no pity. I will punish you for the evil you've done, and you will know that I am the Lord.
5 There's never been anything like the coming disaster. 6 And when it comes, your life will be over. 7 You people of Israel are doomed! Soon there will be panic on the mountaintops instead of celebration. 8 I will let loose my anger and punish you for the evil things you've done. You'll get what you deserve. 9 Your sins are so terrible, that you'll get no mercy from me. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have punished you.
10 Disaster is near! Injustice and arrogance are everywhere, 11 and violent criminals run free. None of you will survive the disaster, and everything you own and value will be shattered. 12 The time is coming when everyone will be ruined. Buying and selling will stop, 13 and people who sell property will never get it back, because all of you must be punished for your sins. And I won't change my mind!
14 A signal has been blown on the trumpet, and weapons are prepared for battle. But no one goes to war, because in my anger I will strike down everyone in Israel.
Israel Is Surrounded
The Lord said to the people of Israel:
15 War, disease, and starvation are everywhere! People who live in the countryside will be killed in battle, and those who live in towns will die from starvation or deadly diseases. 16 Anyone who survives will escape into the hills, like doves who leave the valleys to find safety.
All of you will moan because of your sins. 17 Your hands will tremble, and your knees go limp. 18 You will put on sackcloth to show your sorrow, but terror will overpower you. Shame will be written all over your faces, and you will shave your heads in despair. 19 Your silver and gold will be thrown into the streets like garbage, because those are the two things that led you into sin, and now they cannot save you from my anger. They are not even worth enough to buy food. 20 You took great pride in using your beautiful jewelry to make disgusting idols of foreign gods. So I will make your jewelry worthless.
21 Wicked foreigners will rob and disgrace you. 22 They will break into my temple and leave it unfit as a place to worship me, but I will look away and let it happen.
23 Your whole country is in confusion! Murder and violence are everywhere in Israel, 24 so I will tell the most wicked nations to come and take over your homes. They will put an end to the pride you have in your strong army, and they will make your places of worship unfit to use. 25 You will be terrified and will desperately look for peace—but there will be no peace. 26 One tragedy will follow another, and you'll hear only bad news. People will beg prophets to give them a message from me. Priests will stop teaching my Law, and wise leaders won't be able to give advice. 27 Even your king and his officials will lose hope and cry in despair. Your hands will tremble with fear.
I will punish you for your sins and treat you the same way you have treated others. Then you will know that I am the Lord.
Ädu Yisaraele ro te orivoya Lototi
1 OPI atate ma Ezekiele ri ekye: 2 “Mi gi ŋgwa lidri ro,” ono ni tase ma, OPI Mbarapara, mabe atana wari Yisaraele ro ri owo makye: Ono teni ädu wari ro owo! Tu ädu kate ikyi wari dri cuku cini yasi.
3 “Yisaraele, tu ädu miro kate esa. Nyätämbina kyila maro 'da, ago mapena vure miro 'da taoye miro voro. Mezana mi 'da ta tase cini konjiekye miyebe iyi rota. 4 Märi mi e'bene teinye ago a'done yauni be miri i'do. Ma oye mi ezane ta taoye miro rota ago tase cini konjiekye miyebe ono rota, 'dooko mini robe anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
5 Ono ni tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana owo ekye: “Kandrakozi ka oye ikyine azivo azivo midri. 6 Ta ädu esate, ta ädu esate, esate midri. Ta miro kyete. 7 Kandrakozi esate ämidri ami se mìribe wari ono ya ono. Tu kate esa, esate lototi tu a'doro wiriwiriro se totre riyä ro a'dona i'do 'bereŋwai drisi.
8 “Nyätämbina mbara kyila maro ro 'da ga ndri yauro ago mayena kyila 'da ami be. Mapena vure amiro 'da taoye amiro voro, ago mezana ami 'da ta tase cini konjiekye mìyebe iyi rota. 9 Märi ami e'bene i'do kode a'done yauni be ämiri i'do. Ma oye ami ezane a'do taoye amiro ro voro ago ta tase cini konjiekye nyoloyebe iyi rota, 'dooko mini robe anjioko ma ni OPI owo, ago anjioko meza ami ni.”
10 Tu kandrakozi ro kate esa Yisaraele ri. Siomba kate ezi voesi. Driuŋgyi ŋgate cu kuru. 11 Siomba tozarute dofo takozi ro ro. Alo aza ànyaro e'bene i'do, ca ŋga aza ànyaro, ŋgadriamba ànyaro azana, liŋgyi ànyaro, kode ŋga 'desi ànyaro aza e'bene i'do.
12 Tu kate ezi esa. U'du te orivoya lototi. Se ŋgaogye'ba ka'do ko riyä ro ago ŋgalogye'ba kiliyi ko, tana taezaro Lu ro ka oye o'dene 'dicini dri ba ojoojoro. 13 Ŋgalogye'ba ogo unina ko ŋgase nda kogyebe tesi usune ori ndaro ya, tana kyila OPI ro ṛo orivoya 'dicini dri. Ànya se koziro iyi uninayi ko orine lidriidriro. 14 Avo cekuṛe te, ago 'dicini te orivoya nja. Caoko 'diaza oyi kote kyila ya, tana kyila Lu ro ka oye ṛo o'dene 'dicini dri.
Taezaro ta takozi Yisaraele ro rota
15 Kyila te orivoya tesi 'bädri ya, ago adravo kozi ndi täbiri be te orivoya zoi yasi. 'Dise orivoya tesi 'bädri ya odrana 'da kyila ya ago 'dise orivoya 'bakici ya odrana 'da ni adravo kozi ndi täbiri be ri. 16 Oko Rukäna se kayibe voopa iyi orinayi 'da 'bereŋwai drisi oso tu'bui se vodelero yasi iyi ronye. Vo ànya cini ro o'benayi kuku 'da ta takozi ànyaro rota. 17 Drí 'dicini ro a'dona 'da mbaraako, ago kaya ànyaro lä'bina 'da. 18 Ànya osonayi boŋgo guniya ro 'da ago ànya a'donayi 'da lä'bilä'biro. Ànya cini a'donayi 'da driupiro, ago ävuna drì ànyaro 'da kuṛä. 19 Ànya lovonayi logo läguläguro ndi mo'di ànyaro be 'da litiŋwai drisi oso ŋgase undiro 'do ronye, tana mo'di ca logo läguläguro ànyaro unina ko ànya opane tu kyila kozipara OPI ro rosi. Ànya uninayi kote ŋgase ànya kolebe kode ya ànyaro o'bane ogane sina usune. Tana logo läguläguro ndi mo'di be 'ba ànya ni takozi oyene. 20 Ànya a'doyite driuŋgyi awi be ta 'bela liŋgyiekye ànyaro rota, ago ànya edeyite lui edeedero konjiekye ànyaro iyi te sina. 'Doni tase OPI ko'debe ŋgadriamba ànyaro o'bane a'done koziro ànyari owo.
21 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ma'bana atrai 'da ŋga ànyaro topane, ago lidri kozipara urunayi ŋga cini ànyaro 'da ago enjinayi 'da. 22 Enji lakazà Yekalu maro ro gica, ago ŋgatopa'bai koŋgoyivo ca kigye ago ko'bayi gica undiro, märi ocine tana ya i'do.
23 “Ŋgacini te orivoya gburugburu ro, tana wari te twi ŋgatufu be ago 'bakicii te orivoya twi siomba be. 24 Mezina tu'dei se kozipara ndra iyi 'da noŋwa ago ma'bana ànya 'da 'bai amiro urune. Lidri se mbaraekye amiro iyi a'donayi 'da agoago ako ondro tu'de iyi kàyite vose cini nyàbe mätu kigyesi iyi enjine owo. 25 Ondro rriti kate eziikyi oko mìṛina vo 'da taliatokpe ta caoko mìnina ko usune. 26 Kandrakozi esona 'da azivo azivo, ago ta ŋgana ŋgana esona 'da azivo azivo. Nyòlo'baruna 'da nebii ri tase ànya käŋguyibe iyi lofone. Kohanii a'donayi teinye ta aza ako embane, ago di 'desii a'donayi teinye tavoata aza ako atane. 27 'Bädri'ba o'bena kuku 'da, ŋgwa 'bädri'ba ro a'dona 'da teinye mio'ba ako, ago lidri cini lä'bina 'da ni turi ri. Mezana ami 'da taoye amiro voro, ago mapena vure amiro kpa oso se mìpe vure azii robe ana ronye, ago mìnina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”