The Lord's Sacred Land
The Lord said:
1 When the land of Israel is divided among the twelve tribes, you must set aside an area that will belong to me. This sacred area will be 12.5 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide. 2 The temple will be on a piece of land 255 meters square, and the temple will be completely surrounded by an open space 25 meters wide.
3-4 I will give half of my sacred land, a section 12.5 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide, to the priests who serve in the temple. Their houses will be in this half, as well as my temple, which is the most sacred place of all.
5 I will give the other half of my land to the Levites who work in my temple, and the towns where they will live will be there.
6 Next to my sacred land will be an area 12.5 kilometers long and 3 kilometers wide. This will belong to the people of Israel and will include the city of Jerusalem.
Land for Israel's Ruler
The Lord said:
7-8 The regions west and east of my sacred land and the city of Jerusalem will belong to the ruler of Israel. He will be given the region between the western edge of my land and the Mediterranean Sea, and between the eastern edge of my land and the Jordan River. This will mean that the length of his property will be the same as the sections of land given to the tribes.
This property will belong to every ruler of Israel, so they will always be fair to my people and will let them live peacefully in the land given to their tribes.
Israel's Rulers Must Be Honest
9 The Lord God said:
You leaders of Israel have cheated and abused my people long enough! I want you to stop sinning and start doing what is right and fair. You must never again force my people off their own land. I, the Lord, have spoken.
10 So from now on, you must use honest weights and measures. 11 The ephah will be the standard dry measure, and the bath will be the standard liquid measure. Their size will be based on the homer , which will equal ten ephahs or ten baths .
12 The standard unit of weight will be the shekel . One shekel will equal 20 gerahs , and 60 shekels will equal one mina .
13 Leaders of Israel, the people must bring you one sixtieth of their grain harvests as offerings to me. 14 They will also bring one percent of their olive oil. These things will be measured according to the bath , and ten baths is the same as one homer or one cor . 15 Finally, they must bring one sheep out of every 200 from their flocks.
These offerings will be used as grain sacrifices, as well as sacrifices to please me and those to ask my blessing. I, the Lord, will be pleased with these sacrifices and will forgive the sins of my people.
16 The people of Israel will bring you these offerings. 17 But during New Moon Festivals, Sabbath celebrations, and other religious feasts, you leaders will be responsible for providing animals for the sacrifices, as well as the grain and wine. All these will be used for the sacrifices for sin, the grain sacrifices, the sacrifices to please me, and those to ask my blessing. I will be pleased and will forgive the sins of my people.
The Festivals
(Exodus 12.1-20Leviticus 23.33-43)
18 The Lord God said:
On the first day of the first month, a young bull that has nothing wrong with it must be offered as a sacrifice to purify the temple. 19 The priest will take some blood from this sacrifice and smear it on the doorposts of the temple, as well as on the four corners of the altar and on the doorposts of the gates that lead into the inner courtyard.
20 The same ceremony must also be done on the seventh day of the month, so that anyone who sins accidentally or without knowing it will be forgiven, and so that my temple will remain holy.
21 Beginning on the fourteenth day of the first month, and continuing for seven days, everyone will celebrate Passover and eat bread made without yeast. 22 On the first day, the ruler will bring a bull to offer as a sacrifice for his sins and for the sins of the people. 23 Each day of the festival he is to bring seven bulls and seven rams as sacrifices to please me, and he must bring a goat as a sacrifice for sin. These animals must have nothing wrong with them. 24 He will also provide nine kilograms of grain and three liters of olive oil to be offered with each bull and each ram.
25 The Festival of Shelters will begin on the fifteenth day of the seventh month and will continue for seven days. On each day of this festival, the ruler will provide the same number of animals that he did each day during Passover, as well as the same amount of grain and olive oil for the sacrifices.
OPI ka 'Bädri Lonyi
1 Ondro ate wari lonyi ozone 'bakalai Yisaraele ro ri oko, telesi alodi na odine to OPI ri kägyi alokado ro. Ocana ri a'done jä'dijä'di na 'butealo ago käkpu na ri a'done jä'dijä'di na njidriena. Vona cini 'do ri a'done alokado. 2 Vona gi ono ya gyini aza ri a'done cukudri be su Yekalu obeza, lamadrina cini ri a'done ba kpikpina kama njidriena 'butesu (840) kadrakadra na kama ritu 'butenji (250), vo awi ri a'done gbikyi lomvoigyesi käkpuna ri a'done kpikpi na 'butenjidriena fosu kadrakadra 'bute ritu fonji. 3 Telesi kägyi ono ro ojone, ocana ri a'done kadrakadra na 'butealo foritu kpäkyi käkpuna ri a'done kadrakadra na nji; Yekalu, vo alokado foparandra ono obezana kigye. 4 A'done rigye telesi 'bädri ana ro se alokado 'do ro, odine to kohanii se kayibe ruindu OPI ri Yekalu ndaro ya kai ri. Zoi ànyaro obene kigye ndi Yekalu be. 5 Telesi kpäkyi vo ana ro ocane 'butealo foritu kpäkyi ago kadrakadra na nji azana odine to a'done vo Lewe'bai, se kayibe losi oye Yekalu ya iyi ri. 'Ba'desii ri a'done lau ànyari orizana kigye.
6 Vo aza vo alokado ana lomvo, ocana ri a'done kadrakadra na 'butealo foritu kpäkyi ago käkpuna ri a'done kadrakadra ritu kpäkyi, odine to a'done 'bakici ro lidri cini Yisaraele ro ri oriza kigye.
Wari 'Dimiri'ba ri
7 Wari aza kpa odine 'dise kabe ni 'dimiri 'do ri. Gyini gyi lamadri ritu kägyi alokado ro yasi ago gyini gyi 'bakici lomvosi, etoni aŋgoyasi le 'buzele ocana ri a'done ojoojoro oca vose ozobe 'bakalai Yisaraele ro ri 'do be. 8 Vo 'do ri a'done 'dise kabe ni 'dimiri wari Yisaraele roya 'do ri, tana ukyi nda ogo eza lidri maro 'da, oko ke'be anjoko 'bädri ana ro robe 'bakalai Yisaraele ro ri.
Ota 'Dimiri'ba ri
9 OPI Mbarapara ka ata nonye ekye: “Ta'do ojote ami 'dimiri'bai Yisaraele ro! Nyè'be siomba ndi 'dieza amiro 'do be. Mìye tase ŋgye ago 'diri 'do ayani. Nyè'be ta lidri maro usi ro ni wari ànyaro yasi 'do. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani inye.
10 “Beṛo 'dicini ri oca ŋga ro ndi läŋgyi ŋga robe ojone 'diriro.
11 “Koma ŋgase awiro ojoro ri a'done ojoojoro 'boṛo ŋgase gyi ro ojoro be. Ŋgase 'desi ŋga ojoro anjioko ni lu'di. Ago ojo ŋga ro ri a'done oso nonye.
Lu'di alodi anjioko ya koma ro kigye orivoya 'butealo ago ya 'boṛo ro kigye kpa 'butealo.
12 “Läŋgyi ŋga amiro ro ojone oso nonye:
Gera 'buteritu anjioko sekele alodi, sekele 'butenjidrialo
anjioko mina alodi.
13 Ŋgapäṛi amiro ozone oso nonye:
Ni lu'di alodi kaaza ro yasi; alo telesi njidrialo ya koma ro ozone, ago ni lu'di alodi kyifo ro yasi; alo telesi njidrialo ya koma ro ozone.
14 “Ta ido ice ido ro rota, ämiri alo telesi 'bute ya 'boṛo ro ojone ni mora cini yasi (Ya boṛo ro 'bute anjioko mora ro alodi ago lu'di alodi.) 15 Ämiri timele alodi ozone ni gyolo timele ro se kama ritu (200) 'bakalai Yisaraele ro iyi yasi.
“Kwoi ni ŋgapäṛi inya ro, koronyai se ozaro tori ro, ndi koronyai se ŋgapäṛi ro ta rumora rota be owo, tana e'be ami robe ta takozi amiro rota. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani.
16 “Beṛo lidri cini se wari ono ro ri ŋgapäṛi kwoi ugune 'dimiri'ba se Yisaraele ya ono rigye. 17 'Do orivoya kama 'dimiri'ba ro ndäri ni koronyai se ozaro, ŋgapäṛi inya ro, ndi ŋgapäṛi vino robe ta tu'de cini Yisaraele ro rota tu Karamai Imba To'di rosi, tu Sabata rota, ndi tu karamai azaka robe ta iyi ro ozone. Ndäri ni ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota, ŋgapäṛi inya ro, ŋgapäṛi se ozaro, ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora robe ozone, takozi lidri Yisaraele ro ro onazana.”
(Ofo 12:1-20Lewe'bai 23:33-43)
18 OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “U'du käti imba käti rosi ämiri 'daŋgo ombato'di se teinye mämbiako 'do olone ago Yekalu wäṛine. 19 Kohani ri kari ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota ono aza urune o'bene ice käläsi kala ro Yekalu ro lomvosi, cukudri su vo tori oloro ro yasi, ago ice dereŋwa kala ro goko yasi si ro yasi. 20 U'du njidrieri imba na 'do rosi ämiri kpa oyene oso inye ta takozi se 'diaza koyebe ko lädruro kode tauniakosi 'do rota. 'Dooko 'do mì'bana Yekalu ndi a'done alokado.
21 “U'du 'butealo fosu imba käti rosi ämiri Karama Lävu Odra ro ro etone. 'Dicini ri ambata se a'bebe teinye loŋgaako 'do onyane ayani u'duna njidrieri. 22 U'du käti karama 'do rosi 'dise kabe ni 'dimiri 'do ri 'daŋgo alodi olone ta takozi ndaro rota ago ta takozi lidri cini wari ya rota. 23 U'du gi njidrieri kwoi ya ndäri 'daŋgoi ombato'di ro olone njidrieri OPI ri u'du alodi ya 'daŋgo alodi ndi timelegogoi njidrieri be se teinye mämbiako iyi ago ṛo ozane cu. Ago kpa ndäri tego alodi olone ondoalo ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota. 24 Ndäri koma alodi ŋgapäṛi inya ro ro ozone ta 'daŋgo alo rota ago koma alodi inye ro ta timele rota ago gyoloni alodi ozone ta koma alo alo rota.
25 “Tu Karama Dhodho ro rosi, se kabe eto u'du 'butealo fonji imba njidrieri rosi 'do, 'dimiri'ba ri ŋga ozone kpa oso inye u'duna njidrieri ta takozi rota, ŋgapäṛi ozaro rota kpa a'done ojoojoro, ago ŋgapäṛi inya ro ndi ido ice ido ro robe.”