1 Next we went into the main room of the temple. The man measured the doorway of this room: It was 3 meters wide, 2 five meters long, and the distance from the doorway to the wall on either side was two and a half meters. The main room itself was 20 meters by 10 meters.
3-4 Then the man walked to the far end of the temple's main room and said, “Beyond this doorway is the most holy place.” He first measured the doorway: It was one meter wide, 3 meters long, and the distance from the doorway to the wall on either side was 3.5 meters. Then he measured the most holy place, and it was 10 meters square.
The Storage Rooms of the Temple
5 The man measured the wall of the temple, and it was three meters thick. Storage rooms two meters wide were built against the outside of the wall. 6 There were three levels of rooms, with 30 rooms on each level, and they rested on ledges that were attached to the temple walls, so that nothing was built into the walls. 7 The walls of the temple were thicker at the bottom than at the top, which meant that the storage rooms on the top level were wider than those on the bottom level. Steps led from the bottom level, through the middle level, and into the top level.
8 The temple rested on a stone base three meters high, which also served as the foundation for the storage rooms. 9 The outside walls of the storage rooms were two and a half meters thick; there was nothing between these walls 10 and the nearest buildings ten meters away. 11 One door led into the storage rooms on the north side of the temple, and another door led to those on the south side. The stone base extended two and a half meters beyond the outside wall of the storage rooms.
The West Building and the Measurements of the Temple
12 I noticed another building: It faced the west end of the temple and was 35 meters wide, 45 meters long, and had walls over 2.5 meters thick.
13 The man measured the length of the temple, and it was 50 meters. He then measured from the back wall of the temple, across the open space behind the temple, to the back wall of the west building; it was 50 meters. 14 The distance across the front of the temple, including the open space on either side, was also 50 meters.
15 Finally, the man measured the length of the west building, including the side rooms on each end, and it was also 50 meters.
The Inside of the Temple
The inside walls of the temple's porch and main room 16 were paneled with wood all the way from the floor to the windows, while the doorways, the small windows, and the three side rooms were trimmed in wood. 17 The paneling stopped just above the doorway. These walls were decorated 18-20 with carvings of winged creatures and had a carving of a palm tree between the creatures. Each winged creature had two faces: A human face looking at the palm tree on one side, and a lion's face looking at the palm tree on the other side. These designs were carved into the paneling all the way around the two rooms.
21 The doorframe to the temple's main room was in the shape of a rectangle.
The Wooden Altar
In front of the doorway to the most holy place was something that looked like 22 a wooden altar. It was one and a half meters high and one meter square, and its corners, its base, and its sides were made of wood. The man said, “This is a reminder that the Lord is constantly watching over his temple.”
The Doors in the Temple
23 Both the doorway to the main room of the temple and the doorway to the most holy place had two doors, 24 and each door had two sections that could fold open. 25 The doors to the main room were decorated with carvings of winged creatures and palm trees just like those on the walls, and there was a wooden covering over the porch just outside these doors. 26 The walls on each side of this porch had small windows and were also decorated with carvings of palm trees.
1 'Do vosi, mano ana ugu mate kitoriya zoya roya, Vo Alokado ya. Nda ojo ocivo se kabe oci kigye ana te: ocona orivoya kadrakadra na nätu 2 ago käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na nji, tiṛii be se uŋgyina orivoya kadrakadra na ritu kpäkyi lamadrina cini yasi. Nda ojo kitoriya zoya andivo kpate: ocana orivoya kadrakadra na 'buteritu, ago käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo.
3 'Dooko nda oyite zoya se kitori ana ya. Nda ojo sibai ocivoya kai te: ocona orivoya kadra na alodi, käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na nätu, tiṛii be lamadrina yasi se uŋgyina orivoya kadrakadra na nätu kpäkyi. 4 Nda ojo zoya andivona te, ago orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo cukudri su be. Zoya ono orivoya zoya se kitori ana kundusi. 'Dooko nda atate märi ekye: “Ono ni Vo Alokado Parandra owo.”
Zoyai se Abebe Tiṛii Yekalu ro lomvosi
5 Mano ana ojo uŋgyi tiṛii yasi si zo Yekalu ro rote, ago orivoya kadrakadra na nätu. Tiṛi ono lomvosi gbikyi Yekalu lomvosi, ara zoya giṛiŋwà ro te käkpuna orivoya kadrakadra na ba ritu ritu. 6 Zoyai kwoi abete orivoya nätu azidri, zoyai be 'butenätu kotopa alo dri. Tiṛi aza orivoya tesisi gbikyi Yekalu lomvosi, tana zoyai kätiru robe drigye teinye ruätiako tiṛi Yekalu ro lomvo. 7 Zoyai se kai, andrebe ni tesisi, kalandrebe oso uŋgyina kaugu a'do ndra ni vurusi le kuru. Tiṛi Yekalu ro tesisi lomvo, abe kotopai ritu uturo te, ta'doro a'dote rritiako oyine ni zoya vuru yasi, zoya kitori kurusi ya ago zoya se le kurusi ana ya. 8 Mandre votoŋgo aza kpate gbikyi Yekalu lomvosi ago sidri na ni kotopa zoyai kai ro, käkpa na orivoya kadrakadra na nätu. 9 Uŋgyi tiṛi tesisi zoyai se kai ro orivoya kadrakadra na ritu kpäkyi. Ago anjioko votoŋgo ro se e'bebe awi 'do orivoya kadrakadra na ritu kpäkyi. Lakole votoŋgo ro Yekalu ro, 10 ndi zoyai goko robe ocana orivoya kadrakadra na 'butealo ŋgulu Yekalu lomvosi. 11 Käläsi zoyai se lamadri yasi ro ka ruupi votoŋgo se e'bebe awi 'do driro. Käläsi aza ogone mä'dudriro ago äzirina ŋgäṛiŋwa driro, ago käkpu vose e'bebe awi ana ro orivoya kadrakadra na ritu kpäkyi.
Zo se aŋgoyasi
12 Zo aza orivoya ojomi goko Yekalu robe ogone aŋgoyasi ya ocana kadrakadra na 'butesu fonji ago käkpuna kadrakadra na 'butenätu fonji; uŋgyi tiṛi nai ro orivoya kadrakadra na ritu kpäkyi gbikyi.
Ojo Zo Yekalu ro ro Kpeye
13 Mano ana ojo Yekalu te, ago ocana orivoya kadrakadra na 'butenji. Ago goko ndi tiṛi Yekalu robe ya ocana kpa orivoya kadrakadra na 'butenji. 14 Ozwana ni mile Yekalu ro yasi, tro goko se lama telesina yasi ana be, orivoya kadrakadra na 'butenji. 15 Nda ojo oca zo ro se zamite goko se aŋgoya ana driro te, lamadri na riti yasi 'do be, ago kadrakadra na kpa orivoya 'butenji.
A'do Zo Yekalu ro ro
Zoya ocivoyasi Yekalu ro, Vo Alokado, ndi Vo Alokado Parandra be 16 arate kpeye nätu ice si etoni gyini drisi le piṛi nai yasi. Piṛi na kwoi änina ndi osene. 17 Tiṛii yasi si Yekalu ro, uwuräte wurä, lekuru dri käläsii roya 18 ice itu rosi ndi malaikai vookwaro be si. Atasa ice itu rote tasa malaikai vookwaro be, ba alo alo lakole azi be yasi, gbikyi zoya yasi. Malaika vookwaro alo orivoya militi be ritu: 19 militi lidri ro zamite ice itu ro driro lama telesi aza ya, ago militi ibi ombato'di ro zamite ice itu ro se lama telesi ya 'do driro. A'dote oso inye gbikyi tiṛi lomvosi, 20 uwurä beti malaika vookwaro te ndi ice itu robe etoni gyini drisi lekuru drî käläsii roya. 21 Ice käläsi kala Vo Alokado ro orivoya cuku be su.
Vo Tori Oloro Ce ro
Mile ocivo Vo Alokado Parandra roya ŋga aza orivoya laba oso 22 vo tori oloro ice ro ronye. Ogwana orivoya kadra na alodi kpäkyi ago käkpuna orivoya kadra alodi. Jocei anyaro, kotopa anyaro, ndi lamadrina cini be edete ice si. Mano ana atate märi ekye: “Ono ni tara'biza se kabe edre OPI mile owo.”
23 Kitoriya Vo Alokado ro ndi Vo Alokado parandra be orivoya käläsi be ba ritu ritu. 24 Käläsi cini orivoya a'bovo be ritu se ka ori uŋbo. 25 Ice itu ro ndi malaikai vookwaro be uwuräte käläsii Vo Alokado ro drisi, kpa oso se tiṛii lomvosi iyi ronye. Ago ice käläsi osero orivoya käläsi kala tesisi ocivo zo ana roya. 26 Piṛii orivoya lamadri cini zoya ana ro yasi, ago uwurä tiṛi nai te ice itu rosi.