Gog Invades Israel
1 The Lord said:
2 Ezekiel, son of man, condemn Gog, that wicked ruler of the kingdoms of Meshech and Tubal in the land of Magog. Tell him:
3 I, the Lord God, am your enemy, 4 and I will make you powerless! I will put a hook in your jaw and drag away both you and your large army. You command cavalry troops that wear heavy armor and carry shields and swords. 5 Your army includes soldiers from Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya, 6 as well as from Gomer and Beth-Togarmah in the north. Your army is enormous!
7 So keep your troops prepared to fight, 8 because in a few years, I will command you to invade Israel, a country that was ruined by war. It was deserted for a long time, but its people have returned from the foreign nations where they once lived. The Israelites now live in peace in the mountains of their own land. 9 But you and your army will attack them like a fierce thunderstorm and surround them like a cloud.
10 When that day comes, I know that you will have an evil plan 11 to take advantage of Israel, that weak and peaceful country where people live safely inside towns that have no walls or gates or locks. 12 You will rob the people in towns that were once a pile of rubble. These people lived as prisoners in foreign nations, but they have returned to Israel, the most important place in the world, and they own livestock and property. 13 The people of Sheba and Dedan, along with merchants from villages in southern Spain, will be your allies. They will want some of the silver and gold, as well as the livestock and property that your army takes from Israel.
14 I, the Lord God, know that when you see my people Israel living in peace, 15 you will lead your powerful cavalry from your kingdom in the north. 16 You will attack my people like a storm-cloud that covers their land. I will let you invade my country Israel, so that every nation on earth will know that I, the Lord, am holy.
Judgment on Gog
17 The Lord said to Gog:
Long ago, I ordered my prophets to warn the people of Israel that someday I would send an enemy to attack them. You, Gog, are that enemy, and that day is coming. 18 When you invade Israel, I will become furious, 19 and in my anger I will send a terrible earthquake to shake Israel. 20 Every living thing on earth will tremble in fear of me—every fish and bird, every wild animal and reptile, and every human. Mountains will crumble, cliffs will fall, and cities will collapse. 21 I, the Lord, will make the mountains of Israel turn against you. Your troops will be so terrified that they will attack each other. 22 I will strike you with diseases and punish you with death. You and your army will be pounded with rainstorms, hailstones, and burning sulfur. 23 I will do these things to show the world that I, the Lord, am holy.
Goga Ŋga Losi Oyero Lu ro
1 OPI atate märi ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mindrevo Goga miri'ba 'desi tu'dei Mesaka ndi Tubala be se wari Magoga roya ana dri ro ago nyäŋgu ta koziro nda lomvo, 3 ago nyitita ndäri mikye ma, OPI Mbarapara, ma orivoya kyilaro nda be. 4 Motozana nda 'da gbikyi, mayina moŋgo 'da käŋbä ndaro yasi. Mesena nda ndi kyila'bai ndaro be 'da lozo, farasii ndi lämu'ba nai sina iyi be, cini orivoya ŋga kyilaro be, ago ànya orivoya otiako, ago vo kyila'ba cini ro kayi ŋga ruotaro uruna ago orivoya bando kyila oyero be. 5 Lidri ni Peresia, Kusa, ndi Libiya be yasi orivoya ànya yibe, ago vona cini orivoya ŋga ruotaro be ago tagyia logoro be. 6 Lidri cini kyila oyero wari Gomera ndi Beta Togarema ro se mä'dudrisi ana ro orivoya nda be, ago lidri kpa ni tu'dei amba azaka yasi. 7 Nyitita Goga ri a'done nja ndi kyila'bai cini ndaro se nda be 'do be, ago ndäri a'done dri'ba ànyaro. 8 Tana ndroa amba vosi ma oye ota ozone ndäri. Ndroa mileya ya ndäri ukyine kyila oyene 'bädri aza be se ologo lidri na ni tu'dei amba lakosi ni 'bereŋwai Yisaraele ro se rite ndroa amba tandro ro 'do drisi. Yisaraele'bai se ologote ni tu'dei lakosi iyi orinayi 'da londro ro. 9 Nda ndi kyila'bai ndaro be ndi tu'dei se amba nda be iyi be ikyinayi 'da oso oli gbiriṛibe ronye ago takona yi wari ana 'da oso 'dikolo ronye.”
10 Ono ni tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana Goga ri owo ekye: “Ondro tuse ana kesate oko, nyetona ta tavoora koziro ro tana usuna 'da. 11 Nyusuna ta 'da mikye: ‘Moyina 'da kyila oyene 'bereŋwai tiṛii ako lomvoigyesi iyi be. Motona lidri na se ka ori tokpero londroro 'ba'desii se tiṛii ako gboloi ako ago dereŋwai ako iyi 'da.’ 12 Nyotopana ago mitana ŋga lidri se kayibe ori 'bakicii se kyenona orivoya tandro ro iyi yasi iyi ro 'da. Otokala ànyaro teni tu'dei yasi, ago yauono ànya orivoya koronyai 'ba robe ago lakazà be ago kayi ori kitoriya 'bädri roya 'do. 13 Lidri Seba ro ago Dedana ro ndi ŋgalogye'bai Sepaina ro ndi lidri 'baŋwai na robe ejinayi mi 'da, ekye: ‘Inye'do nyikyi ono ŋgatopane ago miṛikala kyila'bai miro rote ŋgase otopa be ono uŋgyine ya? Inye'do mile mo'di ndi logo läguläguro be, ti ndi lakazà cini be urune ya?’ ”
14 Ta'dota ŋgwa lidri ro, nyäŋguta ago nyata Goga ri mikye OPI Mbarapara ekye: “Tuse ondro lidri maro Yisaraele ro kayite ori tokpero oko minina tana 'da. 15 Miri efone ni vo miro se lozo mä'dudrisi ana yasi, mi ndi kyila'bai amba be vona cini lämune farasii si, kyila'bai se mbaraekye iyi ri orine farasii drisi. 16 Nyogotana lidri maro Yisaraele ro 'da oso 'dikolo kabe wari tako 'do ronye. Ondro Tu ana kesate oko, mazona mi 'da kyila oyene lidri wari maro ro be tana tu'dei kuniyi ma robe ondro maka'da a'do alokado maro te Goga si ànyari owo. 17 Mi ni 'dise mata tana beṛo kyeno, ruindu'bai maro, nebii Yisaraele rosi owo. Tu kai si ànya äŋguyi ta te ndroa na amba anjioko ma oyi mi ezine Yisaraele gotane.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
Taezaro Lu ro Goga ri
18 OPI Mbarapara ekye: “Tuse Goga ka oyebe kyila oyene Yisaraele be ana si, ma'dona 'da kyilaro kozipara ndra. 19 Ma taayo anjioko eme kyila maro rosi, tu gi ana si ägbigbi kozipara a'dona 'da wari Yisaraele roya. 20 Ti'bi cini ndi ari cini be, koronya cini vocowa ro, ŋgacini tegategaŋwai ro, ndi lidri cini se orivoya 'bädri ya ono be a'donayi 'da lä'bilä'biro ro ni märi. 'Bereŋwai lo'dena 'da, luutui lifuna 'da, ago tiṛi cini lasona 'da vuru. 21 Ma'bana Goga 'da a'done turiro liti amba yasi. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani. Lidri ndaro toganayi iyi 'da iyivoya bandoi ànyaro si. 22 Mezana nda 'da adravo kozi si ago 'ditufu si, ma'bana koloŋwa 'bu ro ndi 'busi be, asi ndi bäruti be, layina 'da nda ndi kyila'bai ndaro be dri ago tu'dei amba se ko'debe nda vosi iyi be dri. 23 Liti ono yasi maka'dana 'desi maro ago a'do alokado maro be 'da tu'dei cini ri. 'Dooko ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”