A Funeral Song for the King of Egypt
1 Twelve years after King Jehoiachin and the rest of us had been led away as prisoners to Babylonia, the Lord spoke to me on the first day of the twelfth month. He said:
2 Ezekiel, son of man, condemn the king of Egypt and tell him I am saying:

You act like a lion
roaming the earth;
but you are nothing more than
a crocodile in a river,
churning up muddy water
with your feet.

3 King of Egypt, listen to me. I, the Lord God, will catch you in my net and let a crowd of foreigners drag you to shore. 4 I will throw you into an open field, where birds and animals will come to feed on your flesh. 5 I will spread your rotting flesh over the mountains and in the valleys, 6 and your blood will flow throughout the land and fill up the streams. 7 I will cover the whole sky and every star with thick clouds, so that the sun and moon will stop shining. 8 The heavens will become black, leaving your country in total darkness. I, the Lord God, have spoken.
9 Foreign nations you have never heard of will be shocked when I tell them how I destroyed you. 10 They will be horrified, and when I flash my sword in victory on the day of your death, their kings will tremble in the fear of what could happen to them.
11 The king of Babylonia is coming to attack you, king of Egypt! 12 Your soldiers will be killed by the cruelest army in the world, and everything you take pride in will be crushed. 13 I will slaughter your cattle that graze by the river, and no people or livestock will be left to muddy its water. 14 The water will be clear, and streams will be calm. I, the Lord God, have spoken.
15 Egypt will become a barren wasteland, and no living thing will ever survive there. Then you and your people will know that I am the Lord.
16 This is your warning, and it will be used as a funeral song by foreign women to mourn the death of your people. I, the Lord God, have spoken.
A Sad Ending for Egypt
17 On the fifteenth day of that same month, the Lord said:
18 Ezekiel, son of man, mourn for the Egyptians and condemn them to the world of the dead, where they will be buried alongside the people of other powerful nations. 19 Say to them:

You may be more beautiful
than the people
of other nations,
but you will also die
and join the godless
in the world below.

20 You cannot escape! The enemy's sword is ready to slaughter every one of you. 21 Brave military leaders killed in battle will gladly welcome you and your allies into the world of the dead.
22-23 The graves of soldiers from Assyria are there. They once terrified people, but they were killed in battle and now lie deep in the world of the dead.
24-25 The graves of soldiers from Elam are there. The very sight of those godless soldiers once terrified their enemies and made them panic. But now they are disgraced and ashamed as they lie in the world of the dead, alongside others who were killed in battle.
26 The graves of soldiers from Meshech and Tubal are there. These godless soldiers who terrified people were all killed in battle. 27 They were not given a proper burial like the heroes of long ago, who were buried with their swords under their heads and with their shields over their bodies. These were the heroes who made their enemies panic.
28 You Egyptians will be cruelly defeated, and you will be buried alongside these other godless soldiers who died in battle.
29 The graves of kings and leaders from Edom are there. They were powerful at one time. Now they are buried in the world of the dead with other godless soldiers killed in battle.
30 The graves of the rulers of the north are there, as well as those of the Sidonians. Their powerful armies once terrified enemies. Now they lie buried in the world of the dead, where they are disgraced like other soldiers killed in battle.
31 The Lord God says:
When your king of Egypt sees all of these graves, he and his soldiers will be glad they are not the only ones suffering. 32 I sent him to terrify people all over the earth. But he and his army will be killed and buried alongside other godless soldiers in the world of the dead. I, the Lord God, have spoken.
Ojo 'Bädri'ba Ezipeto rote Kyiyi aza be
1 U'du käti imba 'butealo foritu ndroa 'butealo foritu oyi amaro vomidiro ya rosi oko, OPI atate märi ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, miŋgo loŋgo liyi ro 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro lomvo ekye: Miye rriti oso ibi ronye tu'dei lako, oko mi orivoya oso kyiyi se golo ya 'do ronye. Mi'bi gyi te milomvosi, nyugburu gyi te koro ro pa miro si ago nyenji golo te undiro. 3 Ondro tu'dei amba kotoyikalate oko, märuna mi 'da kyimba maro si ago ma'bana ànya osenayi mi 'da kototi. 4 Mavona mi 'da tesi gyini dri vose rriro ya ago ma'bana arii cini ndi koronyai cini 'bädri robe 'da mi onyane. 5 Malarina aŋgwa avo miro ro 'da 'bereŋwai drisi ago ma'bana vodelero 'da ogane twi sina. 6 Medana kari miro 'da wari yasi madale ondena dri 'bereŋwai ro gwo kpeye ago ogana gwo twi goloŋwai yasi. 7 Ondro mäfu mite oko matakona vokuru 'da ago mizwena mi 'bi'bii ro 'da. Mada'dona kitu 'da 'dikolo si, ago imba unina ko voeyine. 8 Ma'bana ŋgaeyi cini vo'buyakuru ro 'da ŋgätini ro midri ago matakona 'bädri miro 'da äkpu ŋgätini si. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani.
9 “Tu'dei a'donayi 'da wiriwiriro ondro mugu mite kamba'ba ro 'bädrii se mini kätina ko iyi yasi owo. 10 Tu'dei amba lä'binayi 'da ndi 'bädri'bai yibe ta tase mabe oyena miri ono rota. Ondro mikyiwi bando maro te tu o'dero miro si oko, vo ànya cini ro lä'binayi 'da turi si ta adri modo ànyaro rota.”
11 OPI Mbarapara ka ata 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ri ekye: “'Bädri'ba Babelona ro gotana mi 'da. 12 Ma'bana kyila'bai ni tu'dei se siomba be iyi yasi 'da lidri cini miro tufune. Ànya terinayi driuŋgyi Ezipeto ro 'da vuru ago tufunayi lidri cini na 'da. 13 Motolona tii miro 'da gyi cini kalasi. Lidri ndi ti be a'dona i'do gyi otone 'bodro koro ro tona. 14 'Dooko ma'bana gyi cini miro 'da torine wäṛi ago goloi cini miro udina 'da liyaro. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani. 15 Ondro ma'ba Ezipeto te a'done awi tandro ro ago äru ŋgase kigye iyi te ago mutufu ŋgase cini lau iyi te oko, ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo. 16 Ono ni loŋgo liyiro se oŋgona owo. 'Ditoko tu'dei ro oŋgonayi 'da Ezipeto ndi lidri cini anyaro be liyiza. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani.”
'Bädri Avo ro
17 U'du 'butealo fonji imba käti ndroa 'butealo foritu oyi amaro vomidiro ya rosi oko, OPI atate märi ekye: 18 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, mi'be kuku ta lidri se cini amba Ezipeto ro ono ta. Mizo ànya ndi lidri tu'dei se mbaraekye iyi robe 'bädri avo roya, ànya se koyiyibe lau 'do re. 19 Nyata ànyari mikye:
“Nyìliŋgyi ndrani a'di drisi ya?
Nyòyi 'bädri avo roya
ago nyù'du na 'da lau luako'bai yibe.
20 “Lidri Ezipeto ro o'denayi 'da ànya se utufube kyila ya iyi be. Utufuna ànya cini 'da. 21 Opii se 'desiro ndra ndi ànya se koyeyi kyila be ta Ezipeto rota iyi be atanayi 'da ànyari 'bädri avo roya lau ekye: ‘Ànya se luako'bai ago se utufube kyila ya kwoi ikyiyite noŋwa, ago ànya u'duyi begi ti ono!’
22 “Asaria orivoya lau, 'budrii kyila'bai anyaro robe gbikyi vo ànyaro cini utufu kyila ya. 23 Ago 'budrii ànyaro orivoya vo se gyuru 'bädri avo ro ya ana ya. Kyila'bai cini anyaro orivoya gbikyi 'budri anyaro lomvosi. Utufu ànya cini te kyila ya, oko sedri ànya 'bayi wari 'di lidriidriro roni turiro.
24 “Elema orivoya lau, 'budrii kyila'bai anyaro robe gbikyi. Utufu ànya cini te kyila ya, ago ànya oyiyite teinye oloako ŋbiṛiro, 'bädri avo roya. Ànya bedri lidriidriro ànya lariyi ta turi ro ni 'bädri ya, oko yauono ànya u'duyite avo ro ago driupiro. 25 Elema u'dute ànya se utufube kyila ya iyi lako, ago 'budrii kyila'bai anyaro ro orivoya gbikyi anya lomvosi. Vo ànya cini ro orivoya oloako ŋbiṛiro, tana utufu vona cini te kyila ya. Ànya bedri lidriidriro ànya lariyi turi ni, oko yauono ànya u'duyite avo ro ago driupiro, vo ànyaro te lidri se utufube kyila ya iyi lako.
26 “Mesaka ndi Tubala be orivoya lau, 'budrii kyila'bai ànyaro robe gbikyi. Vo ànya cini ro orivoya oloako ŋbiṛiro, utufu vona cini te kyila ya; tana sedri ànya 'bayi 'dise lidriidriro iyi te turiro. 27 Ase ànya kote oso kyila'bai se tu kyeno kai si iyi ronye, se oyiyite ŋga kyila robe amba 'bädri avo roya, ädri drìi ànyaro te bandoi si ago a'ba ŋga ruotaro ànyaro te avo ànyaro drisi. Sedri kyila'bai kwoi soyi turi te amba lidri ya 'bädri ya.
28 “Oye 'bädri Ezipeto ro ronyone u'dune ànya se utufube kyila ya oloako ŋbiṛiro iyi lako oso inye.
29 “Edoma orivoya lau 'bädri'bai anyaro ndi 'dimiri'bai anyaro yibe. Ànya ka'doyi gica kyila'bai mbaraekye ro, oko yauono ànya u'duyite 'bädri avo roya 'dise oloako ŋbiṛiro utufube kyila ya iyi be.
30 “Dri'bai se cini mä'dudrisi iyi orivoya lau, ago Sidona'bai kpa inye. Ànya kosoyi turi gica lidri ya mbara ànyaro si oko, yauono ànya ciyite driupi si ànya se utufube kyila ya iyi be ago u'duyite 'budri ya oloako ŋbiṛiro; ago driupiro oso ànya se kociyibe 'bädri avo roya 'do ro ronye.
31 “Ondro 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro kondre 'dise cini utufube kyila ya iyi te oko, tana i'dwena nda 'da ndi kyila'bai cini ndaro iyi be,” OPI Mbarapara atani.
32 “Sedri 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro 'ba 'dise lidriidriro iyi te turiro, caoko nda ndi kyila'bai cini ndaro yibe u'dunayi 'da avo ro tro 'dise cini oloako ŋbiṛiro kodrayibe kyila ya iyi be.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.