Ezekiel Encourages the People To Turn Back to the Lord
1 One day, some of Israel's leaders came to me and asked for a message from the Lord. 2 While they were there, the Lord said:
3 Ezekiel, son of man, these men have started worshiping idols, though they know it will cause them to sin even more. So I refuse to give them a message!
4 Tell the people of Israel that if they sin by worshiping idols and then go to a prophet to find out what I say, I will give them the answer their sins deserve. 5 When they hear my message, maybe they will see that they need to turn back to me and stop worshiping those idols.
6 Now, Ezekiel, tell everyone in Israel:
I am the Lord God. Stop worshiping those idols I hate so much and come back to me.
7 Suppose one of you Israelites or a foreigner living in Israel rejects me and starts worshiping idols. If you then go to a prophet to find out what I say, I will answer 8 by turning against you. I will make you a warning to anyone who might think of doing the same thing, and you will no longer belong to my people. Then you will know that I am the Lord and that you have sinned against me.
9 If a prophet gives a false message, I am the one who caused that prophet to lie. But I will still reject him and cut him off from my people, 10 and anyone who goes to that prophet for a message will be punished in the same way. 11 I will do this, so that you will come back to me and stop destroying yourselves with these disgusting sins. So turn back to me! Then I will be your God, and you will be my people. I, the Lord God, make this promise.
Judgment on a Sinful Nation
12 The Lord God said:
13 Ezekiel, son of man, suppose an entire nation sins against me, and I punish it by destroying the crops and letting its people and livestock starve to death. 14 Even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were living in that nation, their faithfulness would not save anyone but themselves.
15 Or suppose I punish a nation by sending wild animals to eat people and scare away every passerby, so that the land becomes a barren desert. 16 As surely as I live, I promise that even if these three men lived in that nation, their own children would not be spared. The three men would live, but the land would be an empty desert.
17 Or suppose I send an enemy to attack a sinful nation and kill its people and livestock. 18 If these three men were in that nation when I punished it, not even their children would be spared. Only the three men would live.
19 And suppose I am so angry that I send a deadly disease to wipe out the people and livestock of a sinful nation. 20 Again, even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were living there, I, the Lord, promise that the children of these faithful men would also die. Only the three of them would be spared.
21 I am the Lord God, and I promise to punish Jerusalem severely. I will send war, starvation, wild animals, and deadly disease to slaughter its people and livestock. 22 And those who survive will be taken from their country and led here to Babylonia. Ezekiel, when you see how sinful they are, you will know why I did all these things to Jerusalem. 23 You will be convinced that I, the Lord God, was right in doing what I did.
Lu ka Mätu Lui Edeedero ro Kozina
1 Rukä dri'bai Yisaraele'bai ro ikyiyite ago riyite ma kandra. 2 'Dooko OPI atate märi ekye: 3 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, lidri gi kwoi ozoyi ya ànyaro te lui edeedero ri ago 'bayi mi te ŋgase ka ànya o'ba takozi oyene 'do dri. Inye'do ma'bana ànya gi 'da ma mätune ya?
4 “Ka'do inye nyata ànyari ago nyiti tase ma, OPI Mbarapara, mabe atana ono ànyari mikye: Yisaraele'ba se cini kozo ya ndaro be lui edeedero ri ago ko'ba mi te ŋgase ko'ba nda be takozi oyene 'do dri 'dooko kikyi gwo nebi ejine 'do, ma OPI ma oye ni tadrina ozane, tadrioza se si be logone lui edeedero amba ndaro ri 'do! 5 Ma oye Yisaraele'bai se e'beyi ma te ta lui edeedero ànyaro rosi iyi logone mare.
6 “Ka'do inye, nyiti tase ma, OPI Mbarapara, mabe atana ono Yisaraele'bai ri mikye: Nyètadri ago nyè'be lui edeedero amiro se ya maro osoro lomvoigye iyi.
7 “Ondro ka'do alo aza Yisaraele'bai ro kode alo aza atrai se Yisaraele'bai lako iyi ro konaru teni maresi ago kozo ya ndaro te lui edeedero ri, ago ko'ba mi te ŋgase kabe ndana o'ba takozi oyene 'do dri, 'dooko koyi gwo nebi ejine, ma, OPI, mazanatadri ndaro ni! 8 Magana nda 'da zo. Maka'dana taka'daro 'da nda si. Manana nda 'da ni gboko lidri maro ro yasi, 'dooko mìni robe anjioko ma ni OPI owo.
9 “Ondro ka'do odo nebi aza te tadri ozane kowe si, anjioko ma, OPI, modo nda ni. Maka'dana mbara maro 'da ago mafuna nda 'da ni lidri maro Yisaraele ro lakosi. 10 Nebi na 'do ndi riti 'dise kejitabe 'do be usunayi taezaro beti alodi ayani. 11 Ma oye ta ono oyene ukyi Yisaraele'bai e'beyi ma 'da ago enjiyi andivo ànyaro 'da ndra takozi ànyaro si. Tana ànya ka'do robe lidri maro, ago ma'do robe Lu ànyaro.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
Noa, Daniele, ndi Eyobo be
12 OPI atate märi ekye: 13 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, ondro ka'do 'bädri aza koye takozi te märi ta'diri oyeakosi, meŋgana drî maro 'da ago menjina ŋgaonya anyaro 'da. Mezina mä'bu 'da ago tufuna lidri ndi koronyai be 'da. 14 Ondro ka'do lidri nätu kwoi, Noa, Daniele, ndi Eyobo be koriyi gica lau, takado ànyaro opana toto adri modo ànyaro ro ayani. OPI Mbarapara atani inye.
15 “Mazona koronyai vocowaro ayani abane kigyesi ago lidri tufune, ma'bana 'bädri na 'do 'da a'done rritiro amba se 'diaza unina ko abane kigyesi, 16 ago ondro ka'do lidri nätu kwoi koriyi gica lau, oso endaro mabe, OPI Mbarapara, Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye, ànya uninayi ko a'done mbara be ca ŋgàagoro kode ŋgwàtokoro modo ànyaro ro opane. Ànya opanayi toto adri modo ànyaro ro ayani, ago wari ana a'dona 'da vocowa ro.
17 “Kode mezina kyila 'da 'bädri ana ya ago matana 'da kyila oyene wari ana ya ago mutufuna lidri ndi koronyai be 'da waṛi, 18 ago ondro ka'do lidri se nätu iyi koriyi gica lau, endaro oso ma, OPI Mbarapara, beni Lu yi ono ronye, ànya uninayi ko ca ŋgwàagoro kode ŋgwàtokoro ànyaro opane, oko toto adri modo ànyaro ayani.
19 “Ondro ka'do mezi adravo kozi bete 'bädri ana dri ago märu adri lidri amba rote kyila maro si, ago mutufu lidri ndi koronyai be gwo, 20 ondro ka'do Noa, Daniele, ndi Eyobo be koriyi gica lau, endaro oso ma, OPI Mbarapara, ma beni Lu yi ono ronye, ànya uninayi ko ca ŋgwàagoro kode ŋgwàtokoro ànyaro opane. Takado ànyaro opane toto adri modo ànyaro ayani.”
21 Ono ni tase OPI Mbarapara kabe atana owo ekye: “Mezina taezaro kozipara su maro 'da Yerusalema dri, kyila, mä'bu, koronyai vocowa ro, ndi adravo kozi be, lidri ndi koronyai be tufune. 22 Ondro ka'do 'diaza kopavote lidriidriro ago kopa ŋgàga ndaro te, ondro ànya kikyiyite mire ago mindre lori ago taoye kozi ànyaro te oko, nya'dona yai'dwesi anjioko taezaro se mabe ezina Yerusalema dri ono orivoya taŋgye si; 23 'dooko minina 'da anjioko ŋgase cini mayebe iyi orivoya takaci si.” OPI Mbarapara atani inye.