1 he said to Moses:
Go to the palace and tell the king of Egypt that I order him to let my people go, so they can worship me. 2 If he refuses, I will cover his entire country with frogs. 3 Warn the king that the Nile will be full of frogs, and from there they will spread into the royal palace, including the king's bedroom and even his bed. Frogs will enter the homes of his officials and will find their way into ovens and into the bowls of bread dough. 4 Frogs will be crawling on everyone—the king, his officials, and every citizen of Egypt.
5 Moses, now command Aaron to hold his stick over the water. Then frogs will come from all rivers, canals, and ponds in Egypt, and they will cover the land.
6 Aaron obeyed, and suddenly frogs were everywhere in Egypt. 7 But the magicians used their secret powers to do the same thing.
8 The king sent for Moses and Aaron and told them, “If you ask the Lord to take these frogs away from me and my people, I will let your people go and offer sacrifices to him.”
9 “All right,” Moses answered. “You choose the time when I am to pray for the frogs to stop bothering you, your officials, and your people, and for them to leave your houses and be found only in the river.”
10 “Do it tomorrow!” the king replied.
“As you wish,” Moses agreed. “Then everyone will discover that there is no god like the Lord, 11 and frogs will no longer be found anywhere, except in the Nile.”
12 After Moses and Aaron left the palace, Moses begged the Lord to do something about the frogs he had sent as punishment for the king. 13 The Lord listened to Moses, and the frogs died everywhere—in houses, yards, and fields. 14 The dead frogs were placed in piles, and the whole country began to stink. 15 But when the king saw that things were now better, he again did just as the Lord had said he would and stubbornly refused to listen to Moses and Aaron.
16 The Lord said to Moses, “Command Aaron to strike the ground with his walking stick, and everywhere in Egypt the dust will turn into gnats.” 17 They obeyed, and when Aaron struck the ground with the stick, gnats started swarming on people and animals. In fact, every speck of dust in Egypt turned into a gnat. 18 When the magicians tried to use their secret powers to do this, they failed, and gnats stayed on people and animals.
19 The magicians told the king, “God has done this.”
But, as the Lord had said, the king was too stubborn to listen.
20 The Lord said to Moses:
Early tomorrow morning, while the king is on his way to the river, go and say to him, “The Lord commands you to let his people go, so they can worship him. 21 If you don't, he will send swarms of flies to attack you, your officials, and every citizen of your country. Your houses will be full of flies, and the ground will crawl with them.
22-23 “The Lord's people in Goshen won't be bothered by flies, but your people in the rest of the country will be tormented by them. That's how you will know that the Lord is here in Egypt. This miracle will happen tomorrow.”
24 The Lord kept his promise—the palace and the homes of the royal officials swarmed with flies, and the rest of the country was infested with them as well. 25 Then the king sent for Moses and Aaron and told them, “Go ahead and sacrifice to your God, but stay here in Egypt.”
26 “That's impossible!” Moses replied. “Any sacrifices we offer to the Lord our God would disgust the Egyptians, and they would stone us to death. 27 No indeed! The Lord has ordered us to walk three days into the desert before offering sacrifices to him, and that's what we have to do.”
28 Then the king told him, “I'll let you go into the desert to offer sacrifices, if you don't go very far. But in the meantime, pray for me.”
29 “Your Majesty,” Moses replied, “I'll pray for you as soon as I leave, and by tomorrow the flies will stop bothering you, your officials, and the citizens of your country. Only make sure that you're telling the truth this time and that you really intend to let our people offer sacrifices to the Lord.”
30 After leaving the palace, Moses prayed, 31 and the Lord answered his prayer. Not a fly was left to pester the king, his officials, or anyone else in Egypt. 32 But the king turned stubborn again and would not let the people go.
Taezaro Tudru si
1 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyoyi 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro re ago nyata ndäri mikye OPI ekye: ‘Miba lidri maro koyi, tana ànya kämätuyi ma robe. 2 Oko ondro migatezo ànya o'bane oyine, mezana 'bädri miro ndi tudru si. 3 Naile ogana 'da twi tudru be se efonayi gwo ago locinayi 'da zo'desi miri ro miro yasi, u'duvo miro drisi, ago ocinayi 'da zoi dri'bai losi ro miro ro ndi lidri miro robe yasi, vo ŋgala'diro yasi lakazà ŋga o'bero yasi. 4 Tudru lutuna 'da midrisi ago lidri miro drisi, ago dri'bai losi ro cini miro drisi.’ ”
5 Ago OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyata Arona ri dofo ndaro eŋgane goloi dri, goloi se u'diu'diro ndi fofoi be drisi, ago mi'ba tudru robe ikyine 'bädri Ezipeto ro dri.” 6 Ndi Arona eŋga dofo te gyi cini Ezipeto ro dri, ago tudru efote nde wari cini Ezipeto rote. 7 Ago tetedri'bai yeyi kpate inye taläkä ànyaro si, ago lofoyi tudru te 'bädri Ezipeto ro dri.
8 'Dooko 'bädri'ba zi Musa ndi Arona be te ago atate ekye: “Nyä̀mätu OPI ri tudru kwoi onane ni mare si ndi lidri maro be, ago ma'bana lidri amiro ndi oyine tori olone OPI ri.”
9 Musa atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Ma'dona ndi yai'dwesi mätune ta miro ta. Minji toto tuse märi mätune mita, ta dri'bai losi ro miro ta ndi lidri miro be, tana utufu tudru robe kpeye ni miresi ago zo miro yasi, e'bena toto Naile ya ayani.”
10 Ago 'bädri'ba atate ekye: “Nyämätu ma ta ondo.”
Musa zatadrite ekye: “Mayena ndi oso nyatabe 'do ronye, 'dooko minina ndi anjioko 'diaza alona i'do oso OPI Lu amaro ronye. 11 Tudru kwoi oyina ndi ni miresi ago ni dri'bai losi ro miro ndi lidri miro be resi, ànya e'bena toto Naile ya ayani.” 12 'Dooko Musa ndi Arona be oyiyite ni 'bädri'ba resi, ago Musa mätute OPI ri ta tudru rota, se nda kezibe 'bädri'ba dri ana. 13 OPI yete oso se Musa keji ta be ta ro ronye, tudru todrate ni zoi yasi, gokoi yasi, ago ni vo awi tesi yasi. 14 Ago Ezipeto'bai lodroyi ànya te driro driro, ago 'bädri a'dote uŋguuŋguro. 15 Oko ondro 'bädri'ba kondrete tudru kotodrate oko, ya ndaro go a'do kpate to'di uŋgyiuŋgyi ro, ago lekote ta Musa ndi Arona be ro erine, ndi oso se OPI katabe ana ronye.
Taezaro Lago si
16 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyata Arona ri gyini o'bine dofo ndaro si, tana durufu kotozaru robe lago ro wari cini Ezipeto ro yasi.” 17 Ago Arona 'bi gyini te dofo ndaro si, ago lago efote lidri ndi koronyai be lomvosi, durufu cini gyini ro a'dote lago ro wari cini Ezipeto ro yasi. 18 Tetedri'bai ojoyite lago lofone taläkä ànyaro si oko ànya niyi kote lofone. Ndi lago a'dote vo cini yasi. 19 Ago tetedri'bai atayite 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Ono orivoya taoye Lu ro yi!” Caoko 'bädri'ba 'ba ya ndaro te 'du uŋgyiuŋgyiro, ago nda lekote ta Musa ndi Arona be ro erine, ndi oso se OPI katabe ana ronye.
Taezaro Kumu si
20 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Miŋga kyenoŋboci, miri 'bädri'ba kwotene, ondro nda kate oyi golo ya owo, ago nyata ndäri mikye, OPI ekye: ‘Mi'ba lidri maro oyine, tana ànya kämätuyi ma robe. 21 Ka'do ondro mile kote lidri maro o'bane oyine mezona lowa kumu ro ndi midri, dri'bai losi ro miro ndi lidri miro be dri, ago zoi miro yasi. Ago zoi Ezipeto'bai ro a'dona 'da lowa kumu robe twitwi ago a'dona kpa inye gyini se ànya kabe edre driigyesi drisi. 22 Oko tuse ana si madina wari Gosena ro 'da to, se lidri maro kayibe ori kigye ana, lowa kumu ro a'dona i'do lau. Mayena 'da inye tana mini robe anjioko ma OPI, ma orivoya losi oyevoya 'bädri ono ya. 23 Ma'bana ŋgalewe 'da lakole lidri maro roya lidri miro be. Rubä gi ono koye a'done ondo.’ ” 24 OPI ezo lowa kumu rote zo'desi miri ro 'bädri'ba roya ndi zoi dri'bai losi ro ndaro robe yasi. Ago kumu enji wari cini Ezipeto rote.
25 'Dooko 'bädri'ba zi Musa ndi Arona be te, ago atate ekye: “Nyòyi ago mìlo tori Lu amiro ri noŋwa, 'bädri ono ya.”
26 Oko Musa atate ekye: “A'do ko kado ämäri oyene oso inye, tana ya Ezipeto'bai ro orivoya osoro tori oloro se màbe olona OPI Lu amaro ri ono lomvo. Ondro ka'do ànya kondreyi ama bete tori oloro se ya ànyaro osoro lomvoigye 'do olovoya, inye'do ànya ovonayi ama ko kuni siya? 27 Beṛo ämäri oyine le vocowa ya ago abana ri u'du urune nätu màlo tori robe OPI Lu amaro ri ndi oso nda kota ama be ronye.” 28 'Bädri'ba atate ekye: “Ma'bana ami ndi oyine tori olone OPI Lu amiro ri vocowa ya, oko ko ämiri oyine le lozo. Nyä̀mätu ta maro ta.”
29 'Dooko Musa atate ekye: “Ondro mafo teni mire si oko, mämätuna OPI 'da tana ondo oko lowa kumu ro koyi robe ni mire si, dri'bai losi ro miro ndi lidri miro be resi. Oko beṛo ko miri ama odone to'dina, ago lidri lagane ni oyivoya tori olone OPI ri.”
30 Musa oyite ni 'bädri'ba resi ago ye mätu te OPI ri. 31 OPI yete oso Musa keji ta be ta ro ronye. Ago ana lowa kumu rote ni 'bädri'ba resi, ni dri'bai losi ro ndaro ndi lidri ndaro be resi, alodina ta kote. 32 Oko ya 'bädri'ba ro a'do kpate 'du uŋgyiuŋgyi ro tu ono si, ago nda le kote lidri o'bane oyine.