The Lord Gives Great Power to Moses
1 Moses asked the Lord, “Suppose everyone refuses to listen to my message, and no one believes that you really appeared to me?”
2 The Lord answered, “What's that in your hand?”
“A walking stick,” Moses replied.
3 “Throw it down!” the Lord commanded. So Moses threw the stick on the ground. It immediately turned into a snake, and Moses jumped back.
4 “Pick it up by the tail!” the Lord told him. And when Moses did this, the snake turned back into a walking stick.
5 “Do this,” the Lord said, “and the Israelites will believe that you have seen me, the God who was worshiped by their ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”
6 Next, the Lord commanded Moses, “Put your hand inside your shirt.” Moses obeyed, and when he took it out, his hand had turned white as snow—like someone with leprosy.
7 “Put your hand back inside your shirt,” the Lord told him. Moses did so, and when he took it out again, it was as healthy as the rest of his body.
8-9 Then the Lord said, “If no one believes either of these miracles, take some water from the Nile River and pour it on the ground. The water will immediately turn into blood.”
10 Moses replied, “I have never been a good speaker. I wasn't one before you spoke to me, and I'm not one now. I am slow at speaking, and I can never think of what to say.”
11 But the Lord answered, “Who makes people able to speak or makes them deaf or unable to speak? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Don't you know that I am the one who does these things? 12 Now go! When you speak, I will be with you and give you the words to say.”
13 Moses begged, “Lord, please send someone else to do it.”
14 The Lord became angry with Moses and said:
What about your brother Aaron, the Levite? I know he is a good speaker. He is already on his way here to visit you, and he will be happy to see you again. 15-16 Aaron will speak to the people for you, and you will be like me, telling Aaron what to say. I will be with both of you as you speak, and I will tell each of you what to do. 17 Now take this walking stick and use it to perform miracles.
Moses Returns to Egypt
18 Moses went to his father-in-law Jethro and asked, “Please let me return to Egypt to see if any of my people are still alive.”
“All right,” Jethro replied. “I hope all goes well.”
19 But even before this, the Lord had told Moses, “Leave the land of Midian and return to Egypt. Everyone who wanted to kill you is now dead.” 20 So Moses put his wife and sons on donkeys and headed for Egypt, holding the walking stick that had the power of God.
21 On the way the Lord said to Moses:
When you get to Egypt, go to the king and work the miracles I have shown you. But I will make him so stubborn that he will refuse to let my people go. 22 Then tell him that I have said, “Israel is my first-born son, 23 and I commanded you to release him, so he could worship me. But you refused, and now I will kill your first-born son.”
Zipporah's Son Is Circumcised
24 One night while Moses was in camp, the Lord was about to kill him. 25 But Zipporah circumcised her son with a flint knife. She touched his legs with the skin she had cut off and said, “My dear son, this blood will protect you.” 26 So the Lord did not harm Moses. Then Zipporah said, “Yes, my dear, you are safe because of this circumcision.”
Aaron Is Sent To Meet Moses
27 The Lord sent Aaron to meet Moses in the desert. So Aaron met Moses at Mount Sinai and greeted him with a kiss. 28 Moses told Aaron what God had sent him to say; he also told him about the miracles God had given him the power to perform.
29 Later they brought together the leaders of Israel, 30 and Aaron told them what the Lord had sent Moses to say. Then Moses worked the miracles for the people, 31 and everyone believed. They bowed down and worshiped the Lord because they knew that he had seen their suffering and was going to help them.
Lu ozo Mbara Talaro ro Oyero te Musa ri
1 'Dooko Musa zatadri OPI rote ekye: “Oko mindre Yisaraele'bai omanayi ta maro ko, ca erinayi ta maro kpa ko, tana ànya atanayi ṛo ekye nyoloforu ko'de märi.” 2 Oko OPI atate ndäri ekye: “Ŋga drí miro ya 'do e'diyi ya?” Musa atate ekye: “Dofo yi.” 3 Ago OPI atate ekye: “Mivo anya gyinidri.” Ondro Musa kovote gyini dri oko, tozarute ini ro, ago Musa mute ni rigyesi. 4 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyozo drí miro, ago miru anya tavi yasi.” Ndi Musa ozo drí ndaro te ago rute, ago go a'dote dofo ro drí ndaro ya. 5 OPI atate ekye: “Miye inye Yisaraele'bai ri, tana kaka'da robe anjioko Ma OPI Lu zutui ànyaro ro, Lu Abarayama, Yisika ndi Yakoba be ro loforute miri.”
6 OPI ata kpate Musa ri to'dina ekye: “Mi'ba drí miro gbo miro ya.” Ago Musa 'ba drí ndaro te gbo ndaro ya, ago ondro nda kona drí ndaro te oko, drí ndaro a'dote adravo koziro kyini robe, onjero oso siya ronye. 7 OPI atate ekye: “Mi'ba drí miro kpa to'dina gbo miro ya.” Ndi nda go 'ba drí ndaro te kovole gbo ndaro ya, ago ondro nda kona te oko, go ederute oso lomvo azi ndaro ronye. 8 Ago OPI atate ekye: “Ondro ka'do ànya koma kote ta miro ya, kode rubä se käti 'do ya, 'dooko ànya omanayi 'da ta se kovolesi ono ya. 9 Ondro ka'do ànya komayi kote rubä se ritu kwoi ya, ago keriyi ta miro kpa kote oko, mindi gyi ni Naile yasi ago mida gyini dri. Ago gyi tozaruna 'da kari ro.”
10 Oko Musa atate ekye: “Hwa OPI, mizo ma ko. Mäni ta ata ro ko kadoro ṛo kyeno, ago nyata gica ma ruindu'ba miro ri yauono owo. Ma maro ata liyaro ago mäni ta ata ko kadoro.”
11 'Dooko OPI atate ndäri ekye: “A'di 'ba kala lidri ro niya? A'di kani 'di o'ba tuṛu ro kode ataako, voondrene kode miako ya? Inye'do ṛo ko ma OPI owo ya? 12 Ka'do inye nyoyi, mapana mi 'da ta ata ya ago tase atane miri mitina 'da.” 13 Oko Musa zatadrite ekye: “Hwa OPI, molo'baru miri mizo 'diaza tona ayani.”
14 'Dooko OPI a'dote kyilaro Musa be ago atate ekye: “Ädrupi miro Arona, Lewe'ba ro orivoya. Mänite anjioko nda unina ndi ta atane kadoro. Mindre, nda kate ezi ikyi drî miro utune, ago nda a'dona 'da yai'dwesi mi ondrevoya. 15 Nyata ndäri ago nyiti tase ndäri atane 'do. Mapana ami riti 'da ta ata ya, ago mitina tase oyene ami riti ri 'da. 16 Nda a'dona ata'ba miro, ago atana 'da lidri ri vo miro ya, ago nya'dona 'da oso Lu ronye, ta itine ndäri ugu atane. 17 Miru dofo ono mibe; miye ta rubä ro robe sina.”
Ego Musa ro Ezipeto ya
18 'Dooko Musa gote kovole Yitero ambago ndaro re ago atate ndäri ekye: “Molo'baru miri, mi'ba ma ogone lidri maro re Ezipeto ya ànya ondrene kode ànya dri gindi 'du lidriidriro.” Ago Yitero letadrite ago atate ndäri oyine liyaro ya. 19 Ago ondro Musa drigba dri Midiana ya oko, OPI atate ndäri ekye: “Migo kovole Ezipeto ya, tana lidri se cini kayibe mi uṛi ufune kai todrayite.” 20 Ndi Musa ru toko ndaro te ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be, 'ba ànya te doŋgyi dri, ndi etoyi ogote kovole Ezipeto ya, ago ru dofo se Lu kata tana be urune ana te.
21 OPI atate kpa to'di Musa ri ekye: “Ondro migote kovole Ezipeto ya oko, anjioko miri talaroro se cini mozo mbarana be miri 'do oyene 'bädri'ba kandra, oko ma'bana ya ndaro 'da uŋgyine, tana nda kalaga lidri robe zo oyivoya. 22 Beṛo miri atane 'bädri'ba ri mikye OPI ekye: ‘Yisaraele ni ŋgwaagoro kayoro maro owo. 23 Matate miri makye, mi'ba ŋgwa maro koyi, tana kämätu ma robe, oko migatezo nda o'bane oyine. Yauono ma oye ŋgwaagoro kayoro miro ufune.’ ”
24 Vo loli roya liti ya, oyivoya Ezipeto ya OPI 'bedrite Musa be ago ojote nda ufune. 25 'Dooko Zipora ru kuni kyaka'daro te ago lo ŋgwàagoro anyaro te sina ŋbiṛiro ago do pa Musa rote kyini na si, ago atate ekye: “Endaro mi orivoya ago kari ro yi märi.” 26 Tana ta la'bi 'diolo ro ŋbiṛiro rota 'ba ni Zipora atate ekye: “Mi orivoya ago kari ro.” Ndi OPI e'be Musa te ufuako.
27 Ago OPI atate Arona ri ekye: “Nyoyi vocowa ya drî Musa ro utune.” Ndi Arona oyite ago 'bedrite Musa be 'bereŋwa alokado pa, ago nda njunju anya te. 28 Ago Musa iti ata cini OPI rote Arona ri, se nda kozo nda be sina ana ndi ta rubä ro se cini nda kota nda be oyene ana be. 29 'Dooko Musa ndi Arona be oyiyite Ezipeto ya ago otoyikala dri'bai cini lidri Yisaraele ro rote voaloya. 30 Ago Arona iti ata OPI ro se cini nda katabe Musa ri ana te, ago Musa ye rubä cini te mile lidri ro yasi. 31 Ago lidri ma te, ago ondro ànya keriyi tate ekye OPI ikyite ànyare ago nda ndre rueza ànyaro te oko, ànya ändiyite vuru ago mätuyite.