The Lord Gives Water from a Rock
1 The Israelites left the desert and moved from one place to another each time the Lord ordered them to. Once they camped at Rephidim, but there was no water for them to drink.
2 The people started complaining to Moses, “Give us some water!”
Moses replied, “Why are you complaining to me and trying to put the Lord to the test?”
3 But the people were thirsty and kept on complaining, “Moses, did you bring us out of Egypt just to let us and our families and our animals die of thirst?”
4 Then Moses prayed to the Lord, “What am I going to do with these people? They are about to stone me to death!”
5 The Lord answered, “Take some of the leaders with you and go ahead of the rest of the people. Also take along the walking stick with which you struck the Nile River. 6 When you get to the rock at Mount Sinai, I will be there with you. Strike the rock with the stick, and water will pour out for the people to drink.” Moses did this while the leaders watched.
7 The people had complained and tested the Lord by asking, “Is the Lord really with us?” So Moses named that place Massah, which means “testing” and Meribah, which means “complaining.”
Israel Defeats the Amalekites
8 When the Israelites were at Rephidim, they were attacked by the Amalekites. 9 So Moses told Joshua, “Have some men ready to attack the Amalekites tomorrow. I will stand on a hilltop, holding this walking stick that has the power of God.”
10 Joshua led the attack as Moses had commanded, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur stood on the hilltop. 11 The Israelites out-fought the Amalekites as long as Moses held up his arms, but they started losing whenever he lowered them. 12 After a while, his arms were so tired that Aaron and Hur got a rock for him to sit on. Then they stood beside him and supported his arms in the same position until sunset. 13 That's how Joshua defeated the Amalekites.
14 Afterwards, the Lord said to Moses, “Write an account of this victory and read it to Joshua. I want the Amalekites to be forgotten forever.”
15 Moses built an altar and named it “The Lord Gives Me Victory.” 16 Then Moses explained, “This is because I depended on the Lord. But in future generations, the Lord will fight the Amalekites again and again.”
Gyi ni Luutu yasi
(Oti 20:1-13)
1 Lowa cini lidri Yisaraele ro ro e'beyi vocowa Sinai rote ago uguyi oyite ni vo alo yasi le azana ya oso OPI kota anya be ronye. Ago ànya otoyi gawa te Refidima ya; oko gyi i'do lau umvune lidri ri. 2 Tana ta'doro ànya viyidrite Musa be ago atayite ekye: “Nyozo gyi ämäri mä̀mvu robe.”
Musa atate ànyari ekye: “Nyà driovi ndra mabe etaya? Nyà OPI ojo etaya?” 3 Oko gyilu fu lidri te tu ago uguyi driovite 'duro Musa be. Ago atayite ekye: “Tana e'di mi'debe ama lofone tesi ni Ezipeto yasi, ama tufune ŋgwai amaro be ndi koronyai 'ba ro amaro yibe gyilu si ni ya?”
4 Musa mätute ya cini si OPI ri ago atate ekye: “Mayena ta lidri kwoi ro eŋwanyeya? Ànya cini te orivoya nja ma ovone kuni si.”
5 Ago OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Miru rukä dri'bai Yisaraele ro ro tro mibe ago nyoyi lidri mile. Miru dofo se mi'bi Naile be sina 'do. 6 Medrena 'da lau mimile luutu dri 'Bereŋwa Sinai pa. Mi'bi luutu, 'dooko gyi efona 'da ni kigyesi lidri kumvu robe.” Musa yete inye dri'bai Yisaraele ro milesi.
7 Äzi ävuru vo ana rote Masa ago Meriba tana ta driovi lidri Yisaraele ro rota, ago tana ànya ojoyi ta OPI rote ata si ekye: “Inye'do OPI gi orivoya ama lako kode i'do ya?”
Kyila Oye Amaleka'bai be
8 'Dooko Amaleka'bai ikyiyite ago yeyi kyila te Yisaraele'bai be Refidima ya. 9 Musa atate Yosua ri ekye: “Nyotope mànoago azaka ago nyoyi kyila oyene Amaleka'bai be ondo. Medrena 'da lutu dri dofo se Lu kata tana be märi urune 'do be drí maro ya.” 10 Ago Yosua yete oso Musa katabe ndäri ronye, ago oyite kyila oye Amaleka'bai be ago Musa, Arona ndi Uru be tuyite lutu dri. 11 Ago ondro Musa keŋga drí ndaro te kuru oko, Yisaraele peŋgateṛe; Oko ondro nda kologo drí ndaro te vuru. Amaleka'bai peŋgateṛe. 12 Ago ondro drí Musa ro korote oko, Arona ndi Uru be ruyi kuniŋwa te 'bayite ndäri oriza, ago nda rite driigye. Ago Arona ndi Uru be ätiyi drí ndaro te kuru alodi edrete telesi, ago azana edrete telesi, drì ndaro rite 'du kuru madale kitu cigwo andrwi. 13 Liti ono yasi Yosua pe Amaleka'bai te ṛe.
14 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyegyi ŋgaopeṛe ono tana buku ya tana ayi tana robe. Nyiti tana Yosua ri anjioko mutufuna Amaleka'bai 'da kpeye ni 'bädri yasi.” 15 Musa be vo tori oloro te ago zi ävuruna te ekye: “OPI ni Bere maro owo.” 16 Nda atate ekye: “Nyèŋga bere OPI ro kuru! OPI oyena kyila 'da Amaleka'bai be rriro äduako.”