Everything Has Its Time
1 Everything on earth
has its own time
and its own season.
2 There is a time
for birth and death,
planting and reaping,
3 for killing and healing,
destroying and building,
4 for crying and laughing,
weeping and dancing,
5 for throwing stones
and gathering stones,
embracing and parting.
6 There is a time
for finding and losing,
keeping and giving,
7 for tearing and sewing,
listening and speaking.
8 There is also a time
for love and hate,
for war and peace.
What God Has Given Us To Do
9 What do we gain by all our hard work? 10 I have seen what difficult things God demands of us. 11 God makes everything happen at the right time. Yet none of us can ever fully understand all he has done, and he puts questions in our minds about the past and the future. 12 I know the best thing we can do is to always enjoy life, 13 because God's gift to us is the happiness we get from our food and drink and from the work we do. 14 Everything God has done will last forever; nothing he does can ever be changed. God has done all this, so that we will worship him.

15 Everything that happens
has happened before,
and all that will be
has already been—
God does everything
over and over again.
The Future Is Known Only to God
16 Everywhere on earth I saw violence and injustice instead of fairness and justice. 17 So I told myself that God has set a time and a place for everything. He will judge everyone, both the wicked and the good. 18 I know God is testing us to show us that we are merely animals. 19 Like animals we breathe and die, and we are no better off than they are. It just doesn't make sense. 20 All living creatures go to the same place. We are made from earth, and we return to earth. 21 Who really knows if our spirits go up and the spirits of animals go down into the earth? 22 We were meant to enjoy our work, and that's the best thing we can do. We can never know the future.
Tu Ŋgacini ro
1 Tu orivoya ta ŋga cini rota, ago tu orivoya ta ŋgase cini kabe a'do 'bädri ya rota.
2 Ara tu 'diutiro ndi tu odra robe te;
tu ŋgakyi'di ro ago tu ŋgase ikyi'di be eŋgyero,
3 tu 'diufu ro ago tu 'diede ro,
tu ŋgapere ro ago tu ŋgaobe ro.
4 Tu liyi ro ago tu ugu ro,
tu tusu oye ro ago tu läri oto ro,
5 tu ŋgalu ro ago tu ŋgaluako ro,
tu 'di njunju ro ago tu 'di njunju akoro.
6 Tu ŋga usu ro ago tu ŋgaije ro,
tu omba ro ŋga dri ago tu ŋga ovoro cowa,
7 tu ŋgatowa ro ago tu ŋgalosero,
tu a'do ro titiro ago tu ata ro.
8 Tu ŋgalu ro ago tu yaoso ro,
tu kyila ro ago tu taliatokpe ro.
9 Ŋgase losi'ba kabe usuna ni losi cini ndaro yasi ni e'diya? 10 Mäni ŋgaläŋgyi se diŋgyiṛi Lu kozobe lidri ri ono te. 11 Nda raa ŋga cini te tuna ŋgye na ya. Nda ozo tauni te drî lidri roya tase mileya uniza, caoko nda ozo tauni kote lidri ri tase nda koyebe ni etovona ya le äduna ya 'do uniza. 12 Mäni ndi anjioko ŋga kado aza i'do lidri ri ndrani a'done yai'dwesi ago ori kado parandra orine drisi ori cini ànyaro ya. 13 Caoko kpa orivoya ŋgapäṛi Lu ro yi lidri ri ŋgaonyane ago ŋgaumvune ago riyä oyene ŋgase cini ànya koye losi be tana ro si. 14 Mäni ndi ŋgase Lu kabe oyena ka ori ni äduako; änina ko ŋga aza adrone driigye, kode anane ni kigyesi; Lu 'bate a'done inye, lidri kuturi nda robe. 15 Ŋgase ka'dobe a'do rote kyeno, ago ŋgase ka oyebe a'done a'do rote kyeno, Lu kani ŋga alona 'do o'bana ogo a'done kpe kpe.
Ta'diriako 'Bädri ya
16 Caoko mandrebe 'bädri ya noŋwa vose aba beṛo ta'diri ri ni a'done kigye ono, taŋgyeako go a'do ṛoni kigye ago vose aba beṛo taŋgye ri ni a'done kigye ono, takozi go a'do ṛoni kigye. 17 Matate ya maro ya makye: “Lu opena vure taŋgye'ba ndi takozi'ba be ro 'da ojoojoro, tana nda ra tu te ŋgacini ta ago taoye cini ta.” 18 Musutate makye: Lu ka ta lidri ro ojona ka'daza ànyari anjioko ànya kpa oso koronyai cini ronye. 19 Tana kandrakado kode kandrakozi lidri ro ojo kpa rere koronyai robe; ànya kayi odra cini odra. Ànya cini lawa be ojoojoro, lidri ko takado be ndrani koronyai drisi, tana ŋga cini orivoya taawi yi. 20 Vona cini ka oyi vo alo 'do ya. Vona cini efo ni durufu yasi, ago vona cini ogona 'da durufu ya. 21 A'di ni ni ŋgye ekye adri lidri ro ka oyi kuru 'dooko adri koronyai ro ka oci vuru gyini ya ya? 22 Ta'dota mänite ŋgase kadopara lidri ri oyene anjioko riyä oyene ŋgase ànya koyebe ta, tana 'do ni ŋgase ànyaro oyene owo. 'Diaza i'do nda opane tase ka oyebe a'done odra ndaro vosi unine.