The Lord Takes Care of You
Moses said:
1 Israel, do you want to go into the land the Lord promised your ancestors? Do you want to capture it, live there, and become a powerful nation? Then be sure to obey every command I am giving you.
2 Don't forget how the Lord your God has led you through the desert for the past 40 years. He wanted to find out if you were truly willing to obey him and depend on him, 3 so he made you go hungry. Then he gave you manna, a kind of food that you and your ancestors had never even heard about. The Lord was teaching you that people need more than food to live—they need every word that the Lord has spoken.
4 Over the past 40 years, your clothing hasn't worn out, and your feet haven't swollen. 5 So keep in mind that the Lord has been correcting you, just as parents correct their children. 6 Obey the commands the Lord your God has given you and worship him with fear and trembling.
7 The Lord your God is bringing you into a good land with streams that flow from springs in the valleys and hills. 8-9 You can dig for copper in those hills, and the stones are made of iron ore. And you won't go hungry. Wheat and barley fields are everywhere, and so are vineyards and orchards full of fig, pomegranate, and olive trees, and there is plenty of honey.
Don't Forget the Lord
Moses said to Israel:
10 After you eat and are full, give praise to the Lord your God for the good land he gave you. 11 Make sure that you never forget the Lord or disobey his laws and teachings that I am giving you today. If you always obey them, 12 you will have plenty to eat, and you will build good houses to live in. 13 You will get more and more cattle, sheep, silver, gold, and other possessions.
14 But when all this happens, don't be proud! Don't forget that you were once slaves in Egypt and that it was the Lord who set you free. 15 Remember how he led you in that huge and frightening desert where poisonous snakes and scorpions live. There was no water, but the Lord split open a rock, and water poured out so you could drink. 16 He also gave you manna, a kind of food your ancestors had never even heard about. The Lord was testing you to make you trust him, so that later on he could be good to you.
17 When you become successful, don't say, “I'm rich, and I've earned it all myself.” 18 Instead, remember that the Lord your God gives you the strength to make a living. That's how he keeps the promise he made to your ancestors.
19-20 But I'm warning you—if you forget the Lord your God and worship other gods, the Lord will destroy you, just as he destroyed the nations you fought.
Wari se Kado Urune ana
1 “Mìro ota se cini mozobe ämiri ondro ono 'diriro, tana mìri robe lidriidriro, nyìliti robe amba, ago nyòyi mìru wari se OPI ko'ba tana be zutui amiro ri ono robe. 2 Miyi ta vose ozwaekye se OPI kelepe ami be kigyesi ndroa na 'butesu vo cowa yasi ana ro, se nda logo ami te vuru mäyuro, anjioko ta amiro ojozana tana nda kuni tase ya amiro ya robe, kode nyätina ota cini ndaro gindi kode ko. 3 Ago nda logo ami te vuru mäyuro ago 'ba ami te a'done täbiri ro, ago ozo mana te ämiri onyane, ŋgaonya se ca ami ca zutui amiro minya kätina kote alona. Nda ye tase ono te ami embaza unine anjioko lidri ri ko toto ŋgaonya si ayani, oko tase cini OPI kabe atana si ayani. 4 Boŋgo amiro lewa kote, ago pa amiro ga kote ndroa se cini 'butesu kai ya. 5 Ämiri tana unine anjioko OPI Lu amiro ka drî amiro lotana oso manoaza se kabe ŋgwa ndaro drina lotona ronye. 6 Ka'do inye, miye ota se OPI Lu amiro kota ami be sina 'do: miri ota ndaro voro ago miro nda. 7 OPI Lu amiro ka ami ugu wari kado ya wari se goloŋwà be, ago koroŋwà be ana ya, ago gyi legwalegwaŋwà be ni gyini zelesi se gyi kabe uti vodeleŋwà ro ndi lutuŋwà be yasi; 8 wari se kyifo ndi kaaza be, doŋgo kono ro, kyi'du ro, gäṛä'bu ro, ice ido ro ro ndi epe be orivoya nyalakpa kigye. 9 Wari ana ya mìnina ko a'done täbiri ro alona kode lemeri ro. Luutuŋwà na orivoya logo be, ago mìnina ndi mo'di u'dine ni luutuŋwà na yasi. 10 Nyà'dona 'da ŋgase cini milebe onyane be, ago nyozona aro'boya 'da OPI Lu amiro ri ta wari se kado nda kozobe ämiri ono rota.
Miomba Ozo ta OPI ro Ijena rota
11 “Mìni kado ko ämiri ta OPI Lu amiro ro ijene; ko ämiri orine ota ndaro se mabe ozona ämiri ondro ono oroakona. 12 Ondro nyà'dote ŋgase cini milebe onyane be ago mibe zoi te liŋgyiekye nyàte ori kigyesi 13 ago ondro ti ndi timele amiro be kilitite ago, mo'di ndi logo läguläguro amiro be, ndi làkaza cini azaka amiro be ilitite amba oko, 14 'dooko ko ämiri a'done driuŋgyi be ago nyìje ta OPI Lu amiro se kolofo ami be ni Ezipeto yasi, ni vose nyà'dobe iyeäṛi ro kigye ana yasi 'do tana ko. 15 Nda lepe ami te vocowa ndräläkäkä turi amba be se ini äṛi be ndi kitoni amba be ana yasi. Ni vose forokotiro gyi ako ana yasi nda lofo gyi te ämiri ni luutu ṛatararo yasi. 16 Nda se ozo mana te ämiri onyane vo cowa ya, ŋgaonya se zutui amiro nya kätina ko ana. Nda ezite driuŋgyi amiro onaza ago ta amiro ojozana, tana äduro oko nda käṛu ami robe ŋga kado amba si. 17 Ka'do inye, beṛo ko ämiri tausune mikye: ‘Mà'ba andivo amaro ni mbara ndi aṛi amaro be si a'done ŋgadriamba ono be.’ 18 Mìyi tana anjioko OPI Lu amiro ni se kozo mbara be ämiri a'doza ŋgaamba be owo. Nda ko'debe oyene inye tana nda ka ta tao'baro se nda ko'babe zutui amiro be ana ätina oso ondro ono ronye. 19 Ondro ka'do njije ta Opi Lu amiro rote ago mìza mi te lui azaka mätune ago ruindune ànyari, ma miomba ozo ämiri ṛo ondro anjioko endaro utufuna ami ndi. 20 Ondro ka'do miro OPI kote, 'dooko utufuna ami ndi oso tu'dei se nda ka oyebe tufune ta oci amiro rota 'do ronye.