Force the Other Nations Out of the Land
(Exodus 34.11-16)
Moses said:
1 People of Israel, the Lord your God will help you take the land of the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. These seven nations have more people and are stronger than Israel, but when you attack them, 2 the Lord will force them out of the land. Then you must destroy them without mercy. Don't make any peace treaties with them, 3 and don't let your sons and daughters marry any of them. 4 If you do, those people will lead your descendants to worship other gods and to turn their backs on the Lord. That will make him very angry, and he will quickly destroy Israel.
5 So when you conquer these nations, tear down the altars where they worship their gods. Break up their sacred stones, cut down the poles that they use in worshiping the goddess Asherah, and throw their idols in the fire.
The Lord's Chosen People
Moses said:
6 Israel, you are the chosen people of the Lord your God. There are many nations on this earth, but he chose only Israel to be his very own. 7 You were the weakest of all nations, 8 but the Lord chose you because he loves you and because he had made a promise to your ancestors. Then with his mighty arm, he rescued you from the king of Egypt, who had made you his slaves.
9 You know that the Lord your God is the only true God. So love him and obey his commands, and he will faithfully keep his agreement with you and your descendants for a thousand generations. 10 But if you turn against the Lord, he will quickly destroy you. 11 So be sure to obey his laws and teachings I am giving you today.
The Lord Will Bless You if You Obey
(Deuteronomy 28.1-14Leviticus 26.3-13)
Moses said to Israel:
12 If you completely obey these laws, the Lord your God will be loyal and keep the agreement he made with you, just as he promised our ancestors. 13 The Lord will love you and bless you by giving you many children and plenty of food, wine, and olive oil. Your herds of cattle will have many calves, and your flocks of sheep will have many lambs. 14 God will bless you more than any other nation—your families will grow and your livestock increase. 15 You will no longer suffer with the same horrible diseases that you sometimes had in Egypt. You will be healthy, but the Lord will make your enemies suffer from those diseases.
Destroy the Nations and Their Gods
Moses said to Israel:
16 When the Lord helps you defeat your enemies, you must destroy them without pity! And don't get trapped into worshiping their gods.
17 You may be thinking, “How can we destroy these nations? They are more powerful than we are.” 18 But stop worrying! Just remember what the Lord your God did to Egypt and its king. 19 You saw how the Lord used his tremendous power to work great miracles and bring you out of Egypt. And he will again work miracles for you when you face these enemies you fear so much. 20 Some of them may try to survive by hiding from you, but the Lord will make them panic, and soon they will be dead. 21 So don't be frightened when you meet them in battle. The Lord your God is great and fearsome, and he will fight at your side.
22 As you attack these nations, the Lord will force them out little by little. He won't let you get rid of them all at once—if he did, there wouldn't be enough people living in the land to keep down the number of wild animals. 23-24 But when you attack your enemies, the Lord will make them panic, and you will easily destroy them. You will defeat their kings one after another until they are gone, and no one will remember they ever lived.
25 After you conquer a nation, burn their idols. Don't get trapped into wanting the silver or gold on an idol. Even the metal on an idol is disgusting to the Lord, 26 so destroy it. If you bring it home with you, both you and your house will be destroyed. Stay away from those disgusting idols!
Lidri OPI Modo ro
(Ofo 34:11-16)
1 “OPI Lu amiro ezina ami 'da wari se nyà oyebe ukyine ago urune ono ya, ago nda onjana tu'dei amba kwoi 'da: Ete'bai, Girigasa'bai, Amora'bai, Kanana'bai, Pereza'bai, Iva'bai ndi Jebusa'bai be tu'dei njidrieri mbarabe ndra ago oti lidri naro ndrani ämidrisi. 2 Ondro OPI Lu amiro kozo ànya te ämirigye ago mìpe ànya te ṛe oko, beṛo ämiri ànya tufune kpeye. Mì'be bereazi ko ànya yibe ago ya amiro kuni ko ànya lomvo. 3 Mìgyeru ko ànya yibe. Nyòzo ndiriŋwa amiro ko ogyene ŋgwàagoro ànyaro ri, ago ŋgwàagoro amiro kogye ndiriŋwa ànyaro ko, 4 tana 'dooko ànya onanayi ŋgàga amiro ndi ni OPI resi lui azaka mätune. Ondro ka'do ta'do ka'dote inye, 'dooko OPI a'dona ndi kyilaro ami yibe ago tufuna ami ndi dori. 5 Oko ŋgase oyene ämiri anyari ni no: nyùtufu vo tori oloro ànyaro, nyùtufu tiṛi caricari ànyaro riya vuru, nyòtoga beti lu tokoro ànyaro Asera ro riya vuru, ago mìza beti lui awi ànyaro ro asi si. 6 Tana ami orivoya lidri alokado yi OPI Lu amiro ri. Nda nji ami te ni lidri cini 'bädri ya lakosi a'done lidri para modo ndaro ro.
7 “OPI ko'debe ami lune ago ami onjine ko ekye tana oti amiro orivoya para ndrani lidri cini azi drisi, ami orivoya tu'de se tipari giṛiŋwa 'bädri ya owo. 8 Oko tana OPI lu ami tawi ago le tao'ba se nda ko'babe zutui amiro be 'do ätine. 'Do ni tase nda ko'debe ami lofone mbara para ndaro si ago ami o'bane dritairo ni a'do iyeäṛi ro 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ri yasi owo. 9 Ta'dota ämiri unine endaro anjioko OPI Lu amiro toto ni Lu yi, ago nda orivoya Lu 'diri ro yi. Nda ätina tao'baro ndaro ndi ago ka'dana ŋgalu 'duro ndaro ndi kovole'bai kutu du se ànya kuluyi ago koroyi ota ndaro be ono ri, 10 oko nda logona votaro ndi ànya se lu ndako ri ago nda unina ko leyene ni ànya se yana osoro nda lomvo ono ezavoya. 11 Ka'do inye, miro tase cini ago ota se cini mozobe ämiri ondro ono.
Äṛu A'doro Taoro be
(Otadele 28:1-14)
12 “Ondro ka'do nyeri ota se kwoi te, miro ànya te ago miye ànya te, 'dooko OPI Lu amiro ätina tao'baro ndaro ami be ndi ago ka'dana ŋgalu 'duro ndaro ndi ämiri, oso nda ko'ba tana be zutui amiro be ronye. 13 Nda luna ami ndi ago äṛuna ami ndi, 'dooko nyilitina ndi amba ago nyà'dona ndi ŋgàga be amba; nda äṛuna ämvu amiro ndi, ta'doro nyà'dona ndi inya, vino, ndi ido ice ido ro robe amba; ago nda äṛuna ti ndi timele amiro be 'do litine amba ämiri. Wari se nda ko'ba tana be zutui amiro ri ekye yozona 'da ämiri ono ya. 14 Nyàdona äṛu be ndrani lidri cini azi drisi. Alo aza amiro agoro kode 'ditokoro kode ca koronya 'ba ro amiro azana unina ko a'done kondo ro. 15 OPI anana adravo cini 'da ni ami lomvosi, ago nda unina ko adravo se koziro se mindre rueza na be Ezipeto ya ana ezine ämidri, oko nda ezina 'da kyila'baazii amiro dri ayani. 16 Tu'dei cini se OPI Lu amiro ka oyebe ozone ämirigye 'do nyutufu ṛo kpeye, mi'ba ya amiro kuni ko ànya lomvo. Nyämätu lui ànyaro ko, tana 'do a'dona ndi abari ro ämiri.
17 “Ondro ka'do andivo amiro nyàta gwo mìkye: Lidri kwoi otina ndrani ämädrisi, mänina ànya onjane eŋwanye ya? 18 Nyà'do ko turiro ni ànyari; mìyi tase OPI Lu amiro koyebe 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ndi lidri cini ndaro be ri ana tana. 19 Mìyi ta taezaro se rritiro mìndrebe mi andivo amiro rosi ana tana, ta rubä ro ndi talaro robe, ago mbarapara ndi aṛi be se OPI Lu amiro se kolofo tesi ni Ezipeto yasi ana tana. Liti 'do yasi Opi Lu modo 'do yasi Opi Lu amiro tufuna lidri se nyàbe turina yauono kpa ndi. 20 Opi Lu amiro osona turi 'da ànya ya madale tufuna ànya se kopavobe ago kada'do iyi be ana lutu. 21 Ta'dota nyà'do ko turiro ni lidri kwoi ri. Tana OPI Lu amiro orivoya ami yibe; nda ni Lu para yi ago ṛo turine turi. 22 Opi Lu amiro onjana tu'dei se kwoi 'da fere fere ni ami milesi. Minina ko dori ànya tufune kpeye, tana ukyi koronyai vo cowaro litina 'do lowaro amba. 23 OPI Lu amiro ozona tu'dei se kwoi 'da drì amiro ya ago osona turi 'desi 'da ànya ya madale utufuna ànya gwo kpeye. 24 Nda ozona 'bädri'bai ànyaro 'da ämirigye. Nyùtufuna ànya 'da, ago ta ànyaro okyena 'da. 'Diaza unina ko ami lagane; madale nyutufuna anya lutu. 25 Mìza beti lui edeedero ànyaro. Mì'ba ya ko mo'di ndi logo läguläguro se ànya lomvosi iyi ta, ago mìru ko andivo amiro ri. Ukyi mi'dete abari ya, tana ya OPI Lu amiro ro orivoya osoro lu awi lomvo. 26 Nyezi alo aza lui awi kwoi ro ko 'ba amiro yasi, ukyi atri ami 'da oso ànya ronye. Beṛo ya amiro ri osone lui awi kwoi lomvo ago ogane zo, tana ànya orivoya latri OPI ro zele.