The Agreement in Moab
1 So Moses finished telling the Israelites what they had to do in order to keep the agreement the Lord was making with them in Moab, which was in addition to the one the Lord had made with them at Mount Sinai.
The Third Speech: Israel Must Keep Its Agreement with the Lord
The Lord Is Your God
2-3 Moses called the nation of Israel together and told them:
When you were in Egypt, you saw the Lord perform great miracles that caused trouble for the king, his officials, and everyone else in the country. 4-6 He has even told you, “For 40 years I, the Lord, led you through the desert, but your clothes and your sandals didn't wear out, and I gave you special food. I did these things so you would realize that I am your God.”
But the Lord must give you a change of heart before you truly understand what you have seen and heard.
7 When we first camped here, King Sihon of Heshbon and King Og of Bashan attacked, but we defeated them. 8 Then we captured their land and divided it among the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and East Manasseh.
Keep the Agreement
Moses said:
9 Israel, the Lord has made an agreement with you, and if you keep your part, you will be successful in everything you do. 10-12 Today everyone in our nation is standing here in the Lord's presence, including leaders and officials, parents and children, and even those foreigners who cut wood and carry water for us. We are at this place of worship to promise that we will keep our part of the agreement with the Lord our God.
13-15 In this agreement, the Lord promised that you would be his people and that he would be your God. He first made this promise to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and today the Lord is making this same promise to you. But it isn't just for you; it is also for your descendants.
16-17 When we lived in Egypt, you saw the Egyptians worship disgusting idols of wood, stone, silver, and gold. Then as we traveled through other nations, you saw those people worship other disgusting idols. 18 So make sure that everyone in your tribe remains faithful to the Lord and never starts worshiping gods of other nations.
If even one of you worships idols, you will be like the root of a plant that produces bitter, poisonous fruit. 19 You may be an Israelite and know all about the Lord's agreement with us, but he won't bless you if you rebel against him. You may think you can get away with it, but you will cause the rest of Israel to be punished along with you. 20-21 The Lord will be furious, and instead of forgiving you, he will separate you from the other tribes. Then he will destroy you, by piling on you all the curses in The Book of God's Law, and you will be forgotten forever.
22 The Lord will strike your country with diseases and disasters. Your descendants and foreigners from distant countries will see that your land 23 has become a scorching desert of salt and sulfur, where nothing is planted, nothing sprouts, and nothing grows. It will be as lifeless as the land around the cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, after the Lord became angry and destroyed them.
24 People from other nations will ask, “Why did the Lord destroy this country? Why was he so furious?”
25 And they will be given this answer:
Our ancestors worshiped the Lord, but after he brought them out of Egypt and made an agreement with them, they rejected the agreement 26 and decided to worship gods that had never helped them. The Lord had forbidden Israel to worship these gods, 27-28 and so he became furious and punished the land with all the curses in The Book of God's Law. Then he pulled up Israel by the roots and tossed them into a foreign country, where they still are today.
29 The Lord our God hasn't explained the present or the future, but he has commanded us to obey the laws he gave to us and our descendants.
Tao'baro OPI ro Yisaraele be Wari Moaba roya
1 Kwoi ni ata tao'baro se OPI kota Musa be o'bane lidri Yisaraele robe wari Moaba roya owo, ono ni orivoya kinja tao'baro se nda ko'babe ànya be 'Bereŋwa Sinai pa ana ro. 2 Musa zi lidri cini Yisaraele rote ago atate ànyari ekye: “Andivo amiro mìndre tase cini OPI koyebe Ezipeto ya 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ri, dri'bai losi ro ndaro ri, ago 'bädri ndaro ya ana te. 3 Mìndre taezaro se rritiro, ndi rubä se 'desiro OPI koyebe ana be te. 4 Oko le tu gi ondro ono si ono nda 'ba ami kote tase mìndrebe ago nyèribe ana tazevona unine. 5 OPI lepe ami te ndroa na 'butesu vo cowa yasi, ago boŋgo amiro ndi mvoka amiro be lewa kote alona. 6 Nyà'dote teinye ambata ako onyane ago vino ndi wa be ako umvune, tana mìni robe anjioko nda ni Lu amiro owo. 7 Ago ondro mèsate vo ono ya oko, Siona 'bädri'ba Esebona ro ndi Ogo 'bädri'ba Basana robe efote kyila oyene ama yibe. Caoko màpe ànya te ṛe, 8 mä̀ru wari ànyaro te, ago mòlonyite 'bakalai Rubena, Gada, ndi 'bakala telesi Manase robe ri. 9 Ka'do inye mìro ata tao'baro ono ro 'diriro, tana nyà'do robe kandrakado be ŋgase cini nyàbe oyena 'do ya.
10 “Ondro ono ami orivoya edrevoya OPI Lu amiro kandra, vo ami cini ro, dri'bai amiro, ndi dri'bai losi ro amiro yibe, manoàgo, cini Yisaraele ro, 11 'ditoko, ndi ŋgàga amiro yibe, ndi atrai se kayibe ori ami lako, kayibe tiza oga ago kayibe gyi ondi ämiri iyi be. 12 Noŋwa nyàte eci tao'baro se OPI Lu amiro kabe o'bana ami yibe ono ya ago nyàte tadriole ami ebene kigye ondro. 13 Tana nda ko'ba ami robe a'done lidri ndaro ago nda ka'doro Lu amiro ondro, oso nda ko'ba tana be ämiri ago zutui amiro Abarayama, Yisika, ndi Yakoba be ri ronye. 14 OPI ka tao'baro ono o'bana ko toto ami yibe ayani. 15 Oko nda ka o'bana ṛo ama se cini medrebe nda kandra noŋwa ondro ono be ago kpa zelevoi amaro se drigba äti ko iyi be.
16 “Mìni ta ori se màribe Ezipeto ya ago aba se màbabe wari tu'dei azi ro yasi ana tana te. 17 Mìndre lui ànyaro se koziro para se edebe ice ro, kuni ro, mo'di ro, ndi logo läguläguro be ana te. 18 Mìmba ämidri ukyi manoaza, kode toko aza, kode katidri aza, kode 'bakala aza odiru 'da ni OPI Lu amaro resi ukyine lui tu'de azaka ro mätune. 'Do a'dona ndi oso paji se ice na kabe omba osoro ago äṛiro 'do ronye. 19 'Dise ka tao'baro lämu'duro ono erina oko ka tausu ekye yiye ta ca taeriako si liti cini iro yasi oko, ta a'dona ndi kadoro iri 'do mi'ba ka'do i'do ondro noŋwa. 'Do tufuna vo ami cini ro ndi, se kadoro ndi se koziro be. 20 OPI unina ko mano anya inye 'do e'bene ta takozi rota. Oko kyila OPI ro ogo lekona ndi nda be, ago latri se cini egyi tana be buku ono ya ono orina ndi nda dri madale Opi ufuna nda gwo. 21 Ago OPI lofona nda 'da iṛe ni 'bakalai cini Yisaraele ro lakosi ago ufuna nda 'da oso latri se cini tao'baro egyibe buku ŋgaembaro ono ya ono voro.
22 “'Dooko kovole'bai, zelevoi amiro ro ndi atrai se kabe ikyi ni 'bädri lozo yasi be ondrenayi ŋgatufu ndi rueza se OPI kezibe wari amiro ya 'do ndi. 23 Ya wari amiro ro a'dona ndi rii awi, ago koro'be'be ndi täyi be a'dona ndi kpeye kigyesi; ŋga aza kyi'dine kigye i'do, ago ca kaŋwa unina ko ovone kigye. Wari amiro a'dona ndi oso Sodomo ndi Gomora be ka'dobe ronye, ago oso Adema ndi Zeboima be ronye, se OPI ka'dote kyilaro ndra oko keperebe ana. 24 'Dooko tu'dei cini ejinayi ta 'da ekye: ‘Tana e'di OPI ye ta gwo wari ono ri nonye niya? Nda ko'debe a'done kyilaro ndra nonye tana e'diya?’ 25 'Dooko tadriozana a'dona 'da ekye: ‘Tana lidri OPI ro pereyi tao'baro se Lu zutui ànyaro ro, ko'babe ànya yibe tuse nda kolofo ànya be ni Ezipeto yasi ana si 'do te. 26 Ànya oyiyi mätuyi lui se kätina ànya mätuyi ko 'do te, lui se OPI leko ànyari mätune iyi. 27 Tana ta'doro OPI a'dote kyilaro lidri ndaro be ni ezi latri se cini egyibe buku ono ya ono ni wari ànyaro dri wo. 28 OPI eŋgye ànya te ndrwi ni wari ànyaro yasi yaososi ago kyila ndra ndaro si ago vo ànya te le wari atrai roya le ondro ono.’
29 “Ta azaka orivoya se OPI Lu amiro 'bate a'done dämbidämbiro; caoko nda ka'da ota ndaro te, ago ama ndi zelevoi amaro be ri orone rriro.