1 Paul looked straight at the council members and said, “My friends, to this day I have served God with a clear conscience!”
2 Then Ananias the high priest ordered the men standing beside Paul to hit him on the mouth. 3 Paul turned to the high priest and said, “You whitewashed wall! God will hit you. You sit there to judge me by the Law of Moses. But at the same time you order men to break the Law by hitting me.”
4 The men standing beside Paul asked, “Don't you know you are insulting God's high priest?”
5 Paul replied, “Oh! I didn't know he was the high priest. The Scriptures do tell us not to speak evil about a leader of our people.”
6 When Paul saw that some of the council members were Sadducees and others were Pharisees, he shouted, “My friends, I am a Pharisee and the son of a Pharisee. I am on trial simply because I believe that the dead will be raised to life.”
7 As soon as Paul said this, the Pharisees and the Sadducees got into a big argument, and the council members started taking sides. 8 The Sadducees do not believe in angels or spirits or that the dead will rise to life. But the Pharisees believe in all of these, 9 and so there was a lot of shouting. Some of the teachers of the Law of Moses were Pharisees. Finally, they became angry and said, “We don't find anything wrong with this man. Maybe a spirit or an angel really did speak to him.”
10 The argument became fierce, and the commander was afraid that Paul would be pulled apart. So he ordered the soldiers to go in and rescue Paul. Then they took him back into the fortress.
11 That night the Lord stood beside Paul and said, “Don't worry! Just as you have told others about me in Jerusalem, you must also tell about me in Rome.”
A Plot To Kill Paul
12-13 The next morning more than 40 Jewish men got together and vowed that they would not eat or drink anything until they had killed Paul. 14 Then some of them went to the chief priests and the nation's leaders and said, “We have promised God that we would not eat a thing until we have killed Paul. 15 You and everyone in the council must go to the commander and pretend that you want to find out more about the charges against Paul. Ask for him to be brought before your court. Meanwhile, we will be waiting to kill him before he gets there.”
16 When Paul's nephew heard about the plot, he went to the fortress and told Paul about it. 17 So Paul said to one of the army officers, “Take this young man to the commander. He has something to tell him.”
18 The officer took him to the commander and said, “The prisoner named Paul asked me to bring this young man to you, because he has something to tell you.”
19 The commander took the young man aside and asked him in private, “What do you want to tell me?”
20 He answered, “Some men are planning to ask you to bring Paul down to the Jewish council tomorrow. They will claim they want to find out more about him. 21 But please don't do what they say. More than 40 men are going to attack Paul. They have made a vow not to eat or drink anything until they have killed him. Even now they are waiting to hear what you decide.”
22 The commander sent the young man away after saying to him, “Don't let anyone know you told me this.”
Paul Is Sent to Felix the Governor
23 The commander called in two of his officers and told them, “By nine o'clock tonight have 200 soldiers ready to go to Caesarea. Take along 70 men on horseback and 200 foot soldiers with spears. 24 Get a horse ready for Paul and make sure he gets safely through to Felix the governor.”
25 The commander wrote a letter that said:
26 Greetings from Claudius Lysias to the Honorable Governor Felix:
27 Some Jews grabbed this man and were about to kill him. But when I found out that he was a Roman citizen, I took some soldiers and rescued him.
28 I wanted to find out what they had against him. So I brought him before their council 29 and learned that the charges concern only their religious laws. This man isn't guilty of anything for which he should die or even be put in jail.
30 As soon as I learned that there was a plot against him, I sent him to you and told their leaders to bring charges against him in your court.
31 The soldiers obeyed the commander's orders, and that same night they took Paul to the city of Antipatris. 32 The next day the foot soldiers returned to the fortress and let the soldiers on horseback take him the rest of the way. 33 When they came to Caesarea, they gave the letter to the governor and handed Paul over to him.
34 The governor read the letter. Then he asked Paul and found out that he was from Cilicia. 35 The governor said, “I will listen to your case as soon as the people come to bring their charges against you.” After saying this, he gave orders for Paul to be kept as a prisoner in Herod's palace.
1 Paulo ndrevote ŋgye Taäyi'bai dri ago atate ekye: “Yisaraele'bai azi maro! Tavousu maro orivoya kadoro ta liti se maribe Lu kandra le tugi ono si ono rota.” 2 Kohani Fopara Anania ozo tate ànya se kedreyibe Paulo re kai ri nda o'bine kala ya. 3 Paulo atate ndäri ekye: “Endaro Lu o'bina mi 'da mi tiṛi gi a'bibe onjero ono! Miri iga vure maro opene Ota voro, caoko nya ugu Ota pere ta ozo si ànyari ma o'bine!”
4 Lidri se loto Paulo re ana atayite ndäri ekye: “Nya Kohani Fopara Lu ro o'da!”
5 Paulo zatadrite ekye: “Yisaraele'ba azi maro, mäni kote anjioko nda ni Kohani Fopara Lu ro owo! Taegyi kabe ata ekye: ‘Beṛo ko miri takozi miri'ba lidri miro ro tana atane!’ ”
6 Ondro Paulo kondrete rukä gboko ro orivoya Sadukei ago azaka Parusii oko, nda atate ṛeṛe Taäyi'bai ri ekye: “Yisaraele'ba azi! Ma orivoya Parusi yi, ŋgwa Parusii ro. A vure maro ope noŋwa ono tana mio'ba se ma'dobe sina se avo efona 'da ana rota.”
7 Dori nda kata tase ono te oko, Parusii ndi Sadukei be etoyi kalaopete, ago gboko lonyirute. 8 (Tana Sadukei ka ata ekye lidri ri efone ni avo yasi i'do ago malaika kode torii i'do, oko Parusii mayi ndi tase cini nätu ono ya.) 9 Amo a'do gwo ndra, ago rukä miemba'bai Ota ro ro se orivoya gboko Parusii ro ana ŋgayite kurusi edreyite ŋgyiri ekye: “Musu ŋgakozi aza ko mano ono be! Kode azayi tori kode malaika ata ndi ni endaro ndäri!”
10 Kaladiṛi zarute kyilaro ta'doro Otaozo'ba kyila'bai ro te orivoya turiro ukyi otowa Paulo 'da jinyijinyi. Ta'doro nda zo kyila'bai ndaro te oyine gboko lako, Paulo urune ni ànya resi, ago ruyi nda te lociyite tiṛi gawa kyila'bai roya.
11 Ŋgäkyi gi ana si Opi edrete ago atate Paulo ri ekye: “Nya'do ko turiro! Nyedre tazevo maro te Yerusalema ya noŋwa, ago beṛo kpa miri oyene inye Roma ya.”
Taäyi Paulo Ufune.
12 Kyenonosi oko rukä Yudai ro otoyikalate ago rayitate, ànya äṛuyirute ànyari ŋgaonyane kode ŋga aza umvune i'do madale ànya ufunayi Paulo lutu. 13 Ànya orivoya ndrani 'butesu drisi se korayi ta ono be voaloya owo. 14 'Dooko ànya oyiyite kohanii 'desi re ndi 'desii be ago atayite ekye: “Mà'ba tao'ba lämu'duro te voaloya ko ŋgaonyane madale mäfuna Paulo lutu. 15 Ka'do inye, ami ndi Taäyi'bai be mìzo ta Otaozo'ba kyila'bai Roma'ba ro ri Paulo ezine amire, miomba oyesi mìkye ìle taŋgye unine ndra ta ndaro ta. 'Dooko mà'dona ṛo nja nda ufune teinye esaako noŋwa.”
16 Oko ŋgwaagoro endreŋwa Paulo ro ro eri ta taäyiro ana te; ago nda oyite tiṛi gawa kyila'bai ro ya ago iti tana te Paulo ri. 17 'Dooko Paulo zi dri'ba kyila'bai ro alo aza te ago atate ndäri ekye: “Miru agoanji ono nyugu Otaozo'ba re; nda ta aza be itine ndäri.” 18 Dri'ba ru nda te, ugu nda te Otaozo'ba re, ago atate ekye: “Kamba'ba Paulo zi ma te ago eji ma te agoanji ono ezine mire, tana nda ta aza be atane miri.”
19 Otaozo'ba ru drí agoanji ana rote, ago ru nda te pere, ago eji nda te ekye: “Tase mibe sina itine märi e'di ya?”
20 Nda atate ekye: “Drikaca'bai Yudai ro leyitadrite mi ejine ondo Paulo ugune Taäyi'bai re, miomba oyesi ekye vure le taŋgye unine ta ndaro ta. 21 Ka'do inye, nyeri ta ànyaro ko, tana lidri orivoya ndrani 'butesu drisi se ka oye ruda'done ago kayi oye nda kwotene. Ànya äṛuruyite ko ŋgaonyane kode ŋga aza umvune madale ànya ufunayi nda lutu. Yauono ànya teṛo nja ta ono oyene ago kayi ta miresi kwotena.”
22 Otaozo'ba atate ekye: “Nyiti ta ono ko 'diaza ri mikye yiti ta ono te märi.” Ago nda 'ba agoanji ana te oyine.
Azo Paulo te Wari'ba Felikisi re
23 'Dooko Otaozo'ba kyila'bai ro zi dri'bai ritu kyila'bai rote ago atate ekye: “Mìru kyila'bai kama ritu (200) nja oyine Kaisaria ya, ago farasi'bai 'butenjidrieri (70) ndi äzu'bai kama ritu (200) be, ago nyà'do nja oyine saa nina ŋgäkyi rosi. 24 Nyozo rukä farasii ro Paulo ri umuza ago nyugu nda londro ro Wari'ba Felikisi re.”
25 'Dooko Otaozo'ba egyi te oso nonye:
26 “Ni Kelaudia Lusia resi, Felikisi, wari'ba kado para ri mede be. 27 Yudai ruyi mano ono te ago aba kayi oyete nda ufune, merite nda orivoya Roma'bai, ago moyite kyila'bai maro be ago mapa nda te. 28 Malete tase ànya kikicuyi nda be tana ro unine, ago mugu nda te Taäyi'bai ànyaro re. 29 Musu vona te anjioko nda ye ŋgakozi aza ko se nda ufune kode nda o'bane kamba ya tana ro, tase ikicu nda be tana ro anjioko ta Ota modo ànyaro rota. 30 Ondro ititate märi ekye, äyitate nda lomvo oko, maratate dori nda ozone mire. Mititate nda kicu'bai ri ta ànyaro nda lomvo itine mi kandra.”
31 Kyila'bai yeyi tase ozobe ànyari oyene te. Ànya ruyi Paulo te ŋgäkyi ana si ago uguyi nda te le Anetipatrisa ya. 32 Kyenonosi oko kyila'bai se kababe pa si goyite tiṛi ya ago e'beyi farasi'bai te ugu oyine nda be. 33 Ànya uguyi nda te Kaisaria ya, ozoyi waraga te Wari'ba ri ago eziyi Paulo te nda re. 34 Wari'ba zi waraga te ago eji Paulo te nda ni wari eŋwani yasi. Ondro nda kunite nda ni Silisia yasi oko, 35 nda atate ekye: “Merina ta miro 'da ondro mi kicu'bai kesayite owo.” 'Dooko nda ozotate Paulo gagane vo 'desi wari'ba roya.