1 “My friends and leaders of our nation, listen as I explain what happened!” 2 When the crowd heard Paul speak to them in Aramaic, they became even quieter. Then Paul said:
3 I am a Jew, born in the city of Tarsus in Cilicia. But I grew up here in Jerusalem where I was a student of Gamaliel and was taught to follow every single law of our ancestors. In fact, I was just as eager to obey God as any of you are today.
4 I made trouble for everyone who followed the Lord's Way, and I even had some of them killed. I had others arrested and put in jail. I didn't care if they were men or women. 5 The high priest and all the council members can tell you this is true. They even gave me letters to the Jewish leaders in Damascus, so that I could arrest people there and bring them to Jerusalem to be punished.
6 One day about noon I was getting close to Damascus, when a bright light from heaven suddenly flashed around me. 7 I fell to the ground and heard a voice asking, “Saul, Saul, why are you so cruel to me?”
8 “Who are you?” I answered.
The Lord replied, “I am Jesus from Nazareth! I am the one you are so cruel to.” 9 Those who were traveling with me saw the light, but did not hear the voice.
10 I asked, “Lord, what do you want me to do?”
Then he told me, “Get up and go to Damascus. When you get there, you will be told what to do.” 11 The light had been so bright that I couldn't see. And the others had to lead me by the hand to Damascus.
12 In that city there was a man named Ananias, who faithfully obeyed the Law of Moses and was well liked by all the Jewish people living there. 13 He came to me and said, “Saul, my friend, you can now see again!”
At once I could see. 14 Then Ananias told me, “The God that our ancestors worshiped has chosen you to know what he wants done. He has chosen you to see the One Who Obeys God and to hear his voice. 15 You must tell everyone what you have seen and heard. 16 What are you waiting for? Get up! Be baptized, and wash away your sins by praying to the Lord.”
17 After this I returned to Jerusalem and went to the temple to pray. There I had a vision 18 of the Lord who said to me, “Hurry and leave Jerusalem! The people won't listen to what you say about me.”
19 I replied, “Lord, they know that in many of our synagogues I arrested and beat people who had faith in you. 20 Stephen was killed because he spoke for you, and I stood there and cheered them on. I even guarded the clothes of the men who murdered him.”
21 But the Lord told me to go, and he promised to send me far away to the Gentiles.
22 The crowd listened until Paul said this. Then they started shouting, “Get rid of this man! He doesn't deserve to live.” 23 They kept shouting. They waved their clothes around and threw dust into the air.
Paul and the Roman Army Commander
24 The Roman commander ordered Paul to be taken into the fortress and beaten with a whip. He did this to find out why the people were screaming at Paul.
25 While the soldiers were tying Paul up to be beaten, he asked the officer standing there, “Is it legal to beat a Roman citizen before he has been tried in court?”
26 When the officer heard this, he went to the commander and said, “What are you doing? This man is a Roman citizen!”
27 The commander went to Paul and asked, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?”
“Yes,” Paul answered.
28 The commander then said, “I paid a lot of money to become a Roman citizen.”
But Paul replied, “I was born a Roman citizen.”
29 The men who were about to beat and question Paul quickly backed off. And the commander himself was frightened when he realized that he had put a Roman citizen in chains.
Paul Is Tried by the Council
30 The next day the commander wanted to know the real reason why the Jewish leaders had brought charges against Paul. So he had Paul's chains removed, and he ordered the chief priests and the whole council to meet. Then he had Paul led in and made him stand in front of them.
1 “Ädrupii ndi täpii be, nyeri ta ma gagaro ma itina ami kandra ono!” 2 Ondro ànya keriyite nda ka ugu ata ànyari kala Ebere rosi oko, ànya a'doyite titiro, ago Paulo ugu atate ekye: 3 “Ma orivoya Yuda yi, ätite Taresusi Silisia roya oko ma mbate Yerusalema ya noŋwa ago Gamaliele emba mani. Emba ma te ŋgye Ota zutui amaro rosi ago mozo ma te Lu ri kpa oso ami cini se noŋwa tu ono si ono ronye. 4 Meza lidri se kosobe Liti Opi ro ono vo te, märu mànoago ndi 'ditoko be te ago mavo ànya te kamba ya. 5 Kohani Fopara ndi Taäyi'bai cini be uninayi ndi tadriolene anjioko ma taŋgye iti. Märu waraga teni ànya rigyesi Yudai azi se Damaseka ya ri, ago moyite lau lidri kwoi urune ago ànya embene nyori si ago ezine Yerusalema ya eza robe.
Paulo ka Drieta Ndaro Tana Iti
(Losi Lazo'bai ro 9:1-19Losi 26:12-18)
6 “Ondro mugu aba oko mesate loto Damaseka lomvo, aba te oso kitudiri ronye oko ŋgaeyi eyivote ni vokuru yasi ndriŋwa malomvosi gbikyi. 7 Ma'dete gyinidri ago meri atate ugu atate märi ekye: ‘Saulo, Saulo! Nya ma eza etaya?’ Mejitate makye: 8 ‘Mi a'di owo ya Opi?’ Nda atate märi ekye: ‘Ma orivoya Yesu Nazareta ro, se nyabe ezana owo.’ 9 Lidri se mabe kai ndreyi ŋgaeyi ndi, oko eriyi ata nda se kabe ata märi ana ro kote. 10 Mejitate makye: ‘Mayena e'di ya, Opi?’ Ago Opi atate märi ekye: ‘Miŋga kuru ago nyoyi Damaseka ya, ago itina tase cini Lu kolebe miri oyena tana 'da lau.’ 11 Ma'dote orivoya miako ni ŋgaeyi läguläguro ana ri, ago azii maro ruyi ma te drí si ago uguyi ma te Damaseka ya.
12 “'Bakici se ana ya mano aza äzite Anania, mano mätu ro se ro Ota amaro te ago Yudai cini se kabe ugu ori lau ana royi nda te ndra. 13 Nda ikyite mare, edrete ma lomvo, ago atate ekye: ‘Ädrupi Saulo, migo mindrevo!’ Ndriŋwa oko mago mandre ŋga te ago mandrevote nda dri. 14 Nda atate ekye: ‘Lu zutui amaro ro nji mi te ole ndaro unine, Ruindu'ba Taŋgye'baro ndaro ondrene, ago ta ndaro se kabe ugu atana mibe ata modo ndaro rosi ana erine. 15 Tana nya'dona 'da tazevoedre'ba ro ndäri tase cini mindrebe ago nyeribe ono tana itine 'dicini ri. 16 Ago yauono, nya ori madaro etaya? Miŋga kuru ago nya'do bapatisi be ago takozii miro aja robe ugu mätu oyesi ndäri.’
Lu Zi Paulo te Taopene Atrai ri
17 “Magote Yerusalema ya ago ma ugu mätu oye Yekalu ya oko, rulofo a'dote märi, 18 se kigye mandre Opi te, nda ka ata märi ekye: ‘Nyoyi foroforo ndriro ni Yerusalema yasi, tana lidri noŋwa ono olenayi tazevoedre miro ta maro ta zo.’ 19 Mazatadrite makye: ‘Opi, ànya niyi ṛote kado anjioko moyite zoitaeriro cini ya märu ago ma'bi ànya se kabe taoma miya kai te. 20 Ago ondro tazevoedre'ba miro Setepano abe ufuna, ma andivo orivoya lau, ufu ndaro male tadrina ni ago boŋgo nda ufu'bai ro mandrevona ni.’ 21 Opi atate märi ekye: ‘Nyoyi, mazona mi'da lozo di Atrai re.’ ”
22 Lidri gabite ta Paulo ro erine madale nda ata ta ono te; 'dooko ànya etoyi ugu totrete le otre ànyaro äduna ya ekye: “Ana nda zwi, äfu nda! Ojo ko ndäri orine!” 23 Ànya uguyi totre te, ugu boŋgo ànyaro lovona be, ndi durufu utube kuru oli ya kyila si. 24 Otaozo'ba kyila'bai Roma'ba ro ro ta lidri ndaro te Paulo urune tiṛi gawa kyila'bai ro ya, ago nda atate ànyari nda o'bine tase Yudai kayi ugu totre ago ka'doyibe kyilaro nda be ono tana eṛoza. 25 Oko ondro ànya kembeyi nda te o'bine oko Paulo atate dri'ba kyila'bai ro se kedrebe lau ana ri ekye: “Inye'do ota ata gindi ämiri mano se te Roma ro se ca usu kote taenji be ono o'bine ya?”
26 Ondro dri'ba kyila'bai ro keri ta ono te oko, nda oyite otaozo'ba re ago eji nda te ekye: “Nya e'di oyeya? Mano ana te orivoya Roma'ba yi!”
27 Ago otaozo'ba oyite Paulo re ago eji nda te ekye: “Nyiti ta märi, inye'do mi te orivoya Roma'ba yi ya?” Paulo zatadrite ekye: “Owo.”
28 Otaozo'ba atate ekye: “Ma'debe a'done Roma'ba ro lagyena ru parata amba.” Oko Paulo atate ekye: “Oko maro orivoya uti yasi.”
29 Dori lidri se koyebe Paulo ejine go eŋgyerute kovole ni nda resi ago otaozo'ba te turituriro ondro nda kunite Paulo te orivoya Roma'ba yi owo, tana tase nda kembe nda be nyori si 'do ro.
Paulo Taäyi'bai Kandra
30 Otaozo'ba lete tase Yudai kicu Paulo be tana ro unine; ago kyenonosi oko nda atate nyori Paulo ro se embe nda be sina ana onjine ago atate kohanii 'desi ndi Taäyi'bai cini be ri kalakotone. Ago nda ru Paulo te ago 'ba nda te edrene ànya kandra.