Generous Giving
1 My friends, we want you to know that the churches in Macedonia have shown others God's gift of undeserved grace. 2 Although they were going through hard times and were very poor, they were glad to give generously. 3 They gave as much as they could afford and even more, simply because they wanted to. 4 They even asked and begged us to let them have the joy of giving their money for God's people. 5 And they did more than we had hoped. They gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us, just as God wanted them to do.
6 Titus was the one who got you started doing this good thing, so we begged him to help you finish what you had begun. 7 You do everything better than anyone else. You have stronger faith. You speak better and know more. You are eager to give, and you love us better. Now you must give more generously than anyone else.
8 I am not ordering you to do this. I am simply testing how real your love is by comparing it with the concern that others have shown. 9 You know our Lord Jesus Christ treated us with undeserved grace by giving up all his riches, so you could become rich.
10 A year ago you were the first ones to give, and you gave because you wanted to. So listen to my advice. 11 I think you should finish what you started. If you give according to what you have, you will prove you are as eager to give as you were to think about giving. 12 It doesn't matter how much you have. What matters is how much you are willing to give from what you have.
13 I am not trying to make life easier for others by making life harder for you. But it is only fair 14 for you to share with them when you have so much, and they have so little. Later, when they have more than enough, and you are in need, they can share with you. Then everyone will have a fair share, 15 just as the Scriptures say,

“Those who gathered
too much
had nothing left.
Those who gathered
only a little
had all they needed.”
Titus and His Friends
16 I am grateful that God made Titus care as much about you as we do. 17 When we begged Titus to visit you, he said he would. He wanted to because he cared so much for you. 18 With Titus we are also sending one of the Lord's followers who is well known in every church for spreading the good news. 19 The churches chose this follower to travel with us while we carry this gift that will bring praise to the Lord and show how much we hope to help. 20 We don't want anyone to find fault with the way we handle your generous gift. 21 But we want to do what pleases the Lord and what people think is right.
22 We are also sending someone else with Titus and the other follower. We approve of this man. In fact, he has already shown us many times that he wants to help. And now he wants to help even more than ever, because he trusts you so much. 23 Titus is my partner, who works with me to serve you. The other two followers are sent by the churches, and they bring honor to Christ. 24 Treat them in such a way that the churches will see your love and will know why we bragged about you.
Ŋgapäṛi ozo Kristo'bai ro
1 Ädrupii amaro, male ämiri tai'dwero se Lu kozobe Känisa Makedonia ya ya tana unine. 2 Ojo ta ànyaro te koziro rriti se ànya koyibe kigyesi si, oko riyä ànyaro a'dote orivoya ndra ago a'doyite riyä si ndra ugu ŋgapäṛi ozovoya, ànya ka'da gica ati'bai ro pari owo. 3 Mänina ndi taŋgye itine ämiri tana ànya ozoyi ŋga te amba oso ànya kuniyibe ozone ronye, ago kpa ndrani ànya kuniyibe ozone drisi. Ozoyite dritai ro ole modo ànyaro rosi 4 ànya lämiyi drí te ämäri ago lo'bayirute ta kandrakado lidri Lu ro Yuda ya opa ro la'done. 5 Ozoyite ndrani se ma'bamibe tana ro drisi! Käti ono ànya ozoyi andivo ànyaro te Opi ri; ago 'dooko, ole Lu rosi ànya ozoyi andivo ànyaro kpate ämäri. 6 Ago mata Tito se keto losi ono be te, ugu oyene 'duro ago ami opane losi se kado ŋgalu ro ono ondene. 7 Ami orivoya ŋgaamba be ŋgase cini ami sina ya; taoma ya, ata ya, tauni ya, a'do nja amiro ŋgaopa oyene ago ŋgalu amiro ämäri ya. Ago ka'do inye male kpa ämiri a'done dritai ro ruindu ŋgalu ro ono ya.
8 Ma ko ota aza o'ba ämiri. Oko ma ŋgaopa azii ro ya cini si ugu ka'dana, ma ojo ŋgalu endaro modo amiro ro tana unine. 9 Mìni tai'dwero Opi amaro Yesu Kristo ro tana te; nda a'dote ŋgadriamba be, oko 'ba andivo ndaro te lemeri'ba ro ta amiro ta, ami o'baza ŋgadriamba be a'do lemeri ndaro si.
10 Tausu maro anjioko ni kadopara ämiri tase nyètobe ndroazibe ondene yau. Ami ni orivoya käti, ko gialo ta oyene, oko kpa a'done ole be ta oyene. 11 Nyùgu oyena ri ago mìnde losi ri. Nyà'do nja anya ondene oso se nyà'dobe tavona oravoya ronye ago miye anya ŋgase ami be sina yauono si. 12 Ondro ami orivoya nja ŋga ozone, Lu uruna ŋgapäṛi amiro 'da, änjuna tazevona 'da ŋgase ami be sina ozone dri, ko ŋgase ami be akona dri.
13 Ma ko ojo ugu atane azii e'be si orine ŋga ozo ako, ugu ŋgaläŋgyi o'ba si ämidri, 14 oko oso ami be te ŋgaamba be tu ono si ronye, ṛo orivoya kado beṛo ämiri ànya se orivoya lemeri be opane, tana ondro nyà'dote orivoya lemeri be ago ànya ka'doyite ŋgaamba be oko, ànya opanayi ami 'da, liti ono yasi taoye ka'do robe riti ojoojo ro. 15 Oso taegyi kabe ata ronye ekye: “Nda se kabe kotona amba a'do kote sina amba, ago nda se kabe kotona giṛiŋwa a'do kote sina tipari giṛiŋwa.”
Tito ndi Bereazii Ndaro be
16 Màye aro'boya Lu ri tana nda 'ba Tito gwo ole be oso ama ronye ami opane! 17 Ko gialo nda le taeji amaro tadrina te; oko nda orivoya ole be ŋgaopa oyene ole dritai ro modo ndaro rosi nda ratate oyine amire. 18 Ago nda be mà ädrupi se orooro ro ndra känisa cini yasi ta losi ndaro ugu lazokado opero ta ono ozo. 19 Ago aza kpa, anji nda te känisa cini si ugu abane ama yibe mà te ugu ruindu ŋgalu ro ono oyena ta 'desii Opi ro rota ago tana maka'da robe anjioko màle ŋgaopa oyene.
20 Mà'dote orivoya taoti be ko driovi aza ri drieŋgane liti se màbe ŋgapäṛi se ozo be ŋgalu si ono lanjina tana ro. 21 Ta amaro tase orivoya ŋgye oyene, ko toto Lu mile, oko kpa lidri mile.
22 Ago mà ädrupi amaro ozo ànya be, mòjo nda te perena amba ago mùsu nda te orivoya ondoalo nja ŋgaopa oyene. Ago yauono oso nda be te taoma be amba ami ya ono ronye, nda te orivoya nja ŋgaopa oyene ndrani se käti ri. 23 Ago ta Tito rota nda orivoya azi maro ago ka losi oye mabe ami opane; ago ta ädrupii azaka se kayibe ugu oyi nda be rota, ànya orivoya vo känisa roya, ago kayi taoro ozo Kristo ri! 24 Nyàka'da ŋgalu amiro ànyari, tana känisa cini ka'do robe ŋgye tana ro ago kuniyi robe anjioko ta amaro orivoya ŋgye ugu driuŋgyine ta amiro ta.